2026 May Predictions

2026 May

2026 May Predictions


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The interpretation is analyzed very much ahead of time. If there is additional information, they might be added later on without notification.

This is the predictions for May 16 onwards. This is actually more for June predictions which is pushed forward to May due to the late new moon date. For predictions before May 16, please refer to last month’s predictions.

The tension that was blown up in Pisces last month is ceasing its tension from May 10 onwards when Mars and Saturn conjunction completely stopped. Anything that you might have tensions and stress over will cease in May from the previous 2 months and life will be a lot easier. This is a test of your endurance. There will be something that you have to leave behind so that a new beginning can blossom ahead. Resulting issues will be subdued with Jupiter’s aspect from June 2 onwards.

Meanwhile from there, all benefics Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are all throwing its gentle light to Scorpio sign even though Mars is conjunct Mercury at a wide degree. Life is generally a lot sweeter from May onwards especially at the late degrees of Aries, Taurus, Gemini as well as Scorpio as they are all blessed by the benefic energy. May 10 to 13 are especially beneficial for the last 5 degrees of these signs. If you have any happy events to begin, planning it around these days are generally quite smooth for the entire process. The exchange of signs between Venus and Mercury in Gemini and Taurus also strengthen the 2 beneficial planets.

Even from May 14 onwards to about June 7, there are extremely gentle blessings to the Gemini sign where all the benefics will be holding hands in the same place. May 14 is where Venus enters Gemini and it will be joined by Mercury on May 29. Jupiter is finally exiting Gemini from June 2 onwards. So, May 29 to June 1 will be the joyous peak where all the benefics are together in Gemini. If you happened to miss the boat in May, even after June 1, Venus and Mercury continue to work its merry in Gemini until June 7. You can still catch the last boat. Savour the last of the twinning power of the Gemini.

From June 8 onwards, the sweet conjunction of Jupiter and Venus continues but in Jupiter’s exalted sign of Cancer, without the aspect of Rahu(North node of the Moon). Cancer sign will also be temporary ignited by strong Mars aspect. Any planet around Cancer 1 degree is greatly blessed by Jupiter and Venus surrounding June 9 where they exactly conjunct together. General emotions of people are pleasant and joyous and there will be great upliftment of the society welfare. Domestic governing of many countries are going to flourish and there will be a growth in Gross National Happiness Index of many countries in this June.

All is not completely sweet as Pisces is where the troubles continue to linger a little bit at a much smaller intensity where Saturn is and Mars and Rahu are hemming in Pisces as well.

Remembering that the mutual aspect of Jupiter and Rahu in Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius continues its mundane blessing to the finish line as the aspect is gone by June 2. Make full use of your time to plan your events in May as it is the finale of the joyous period.

The new moon in Taurus in Krittika nakshatra (lunar mansion) provides the tools and intelligence for you to cut to the core and deal with any existing circumstances in life. It doesn’t matter whether it is to begin a project or solving a problem, there is the passion and sharpness provided for you to keep things moving in progress.

Below are the predictions from May 16 onwards. For predictions before May 16, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



The troubles beset upon you will finally be over soon in May. You shall be healthy again and you will fully regain all your strength from May 10 onwards to pursue anything that you have it coming. What can be better than your own ruler being in the Ascendant again? Relationship with your siblings has never been better so savour these blood-related strings. Make intelligent financial acclimatization to new family situation.



Misunderstanding with your friends and your elder siblings are coming to an end. It’s better to prevent friction with them last 2 months. If you want to reconnect with them, after May 10 would provide a more cordial atmosphere between you and them. Your mind is clear and you are able to make better decisions for yourself. The end period of May promises sweet family memories to be made. As your financials improve, don’t make big purchases just yet. Spend on the necessaries. You may have a sweet tooth near the end of May. Don’t overeat.



You shall have the sweetest month of all the signs. You have the utmost grace near the end of May so making sweet plans in May promises results without much hindrances. Everything becomes easier and easier with everything that you touch. Obstacles at work will lessen after May 10. Make sure that you get enough rest as it helps to improve your already potent good luck.



Taking a long journey abroad serves as a refreshing brand-new page waiting to unfold for you soon. May is where you will get much needed relaxation to unwind yourself before a brand new chapter begins. If you feel like you have run out of luck, tides are turning and you have endured the worst period. Gather your supporters this month to accumulate your resources. Make clear goals and resolutions ahead because you will be able to close in to some of them soon.



The crisis that you have had to handle will officially lessen its burden on you from May 10 onwards. If you have suffered a slowdown in your career, do a makeover in your professional image moving forward. Gather your supporters and resources as they will help a bunch in your career endeavours. Enjoy any accomplishments that you have made. You can have great satisfaction in life especially in May growing towards the end of May.



What you do for a living is reaching its height this month as this is almost the last blast before you move on. If you have anything up your sleeves, this is show hand time and give it everything that you have got. What you have built up for your reputation in the past is reaping its rewards all in this month especially towards the end of May. You will also have plenty of luck in this final deck of cards. Relationship issues are resolving bit by bit and it’s easy to connect with your partner now.



Your health issues are resolving and you are getting better and stronger. You can safely rely on your partner to provide you the support that you need while you are undergoing health issues. There can be lots of traveling that have caused your lower immune system. Some of you ladies may have become pregnant that have caused all the troubles that you never normally face. If you need to travel, this month is perfect especially towards end of May. Your journey will be most pleasant.



Issues with your children are subsiding and you can heave a sigh of relief. Patch up with your spouse this month to run the family together. There are some very enjoyable moments that you can have with your spouse and there can be intensely sweet pleasures. If you are married, beware of the girl next door or the flower boy syndrome. You do not want to destroy your love with temporary lust.



Savour your relationship or even your new marriage as the honeymoon period is about to come and end at the same time. Just married syndrome will drift along in the whole month with the sweetest moments in May and heightened towards the end of May. If you are going for a honeymoon vacation, prepare to delegate and rearrange some of your work in the office. Troubles at home are less serious now and you feel a sense of great relief.



First of all, life is too sweet in terms of your diet. You might have too much of a sweet tooth by now especially this month. There might be plenty of opportunity for you to indulge in delicacies and foods that you truly crave. Be careful of overeating and being too hyper in your sugar. Work relationships with your fellow colleagues and employees are great and you can get a lot of things done with no resistance. Put any good ideas that you may have to use at work.



Romance is in the air for the Aquarians and the sweetest love moments may just be near the end of May. If you are still in your fertile stage, beware of getting a new child when you are not expecting it. Babies are a joy when you are ready for it. For the new incoming, you have to make space at home for the new family member. Financial resources are less strained this month.



You will recover some of your strength this month after May 10 and obstructions that you may have previously will be lessened in their intensity. Rework on some of your physical activities after mid-May will improve your overall physique and well-being. Whether you have acquired a new home or not, beautify and redecorate your home settings. You will have the coziest home to return to this month.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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