09 Oct 2026 August Predictions
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This is the predictions for August 12 onwards. This is actually more for September predictions which is pushed forward to August due to the late new moon date. For predictions before August 12, please refer to last month’s predictions.
This is a Solar Eclipse month that will impact world leadership. The Solar Eclipse will be in Cancer but Ketu (South node of the Moon) will be stationing exactly at fixed star Regulus. The Solar Eclipse will be hemmed in by malefics Mars and Ketu while the moon node Ketu in Leo will be hemmed in by benefics Jupiter, Mercury and Venus.
Jupiter remains exalted in Cancer while Venus is actually weak, debilitated and opposed by Saturn. Venusian activities are weaker and limited in August. But Venus will enter Libra strongly from September 2 onwards. Venus will improve tremendously. Venus will then be aspected by Rahu.
There will be a step down of some leaders in the world and in some organizations so that a new system of operation can be put into place for a revolution for the better. Some leaders will be pushed up to take over the new position as it is their past karma for them to take up such heavy responsibilities. Some charming leaders will be sought after. The change of these positions may take place from September onwards. Some stars in some fields might be called up to the altar too.
A new way of working but one that is more nourishing and nurturing for the organization or for the local government domestic affairs. What is logical and most favourable for the people will benefit for everyone. Intelligent decisions must be made and some intellectual strategies are required rather than executing things without any exact plans at all. Street-smart and caring people are well sought after.
Days around Solar Eclipse are not great for making big moves. If you have to make big decisions, September onwards will be much smoother when the dust settles and the situation is clearer. Some of the planets will regain some strength and changes will be better executed much more harmoniously.
From August 3, Mars goes into Gemini. Saturn, Ketu, and Mars all aspect Sagittarius sign now which can bring difficulties to Sagittarius sign.
On August 31, Jupiter aspect Saturn in Pisces exactly at Pisces 19:27. Meanwhile, Venus has just opposed Pisces on August 20. Some event may be triggered at Pisces 19:27 or Virgo 19:27 with an orb of 5 degrees especially the later degrees.
Uranus goes retrograde at Taurus 11:27 on September 10. Taurus is also aspected by Saturn.
Faith is harder to achieve some objectives and freedom can be hard to seek in some places in the world as well as in some areas of life. It will take time for the changes to take into effect and some sacrifices first have to be made. Old ways of working that aren’t efficient will be thrown away after some scrutinization and some resources will be freed up. There will be some trigger of events in Virgo and Pisces at 15-25 degrees, especially in Pisces.
Below are the predictions from August 12 onwards. For predictions before August 12, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.
If you are smelling a meltdown of your career and you are not feeling the same passion that you used to be, it is perfectly normal. While it may not be an immediate change, shift your focus to more immediate matters at hand. Your attention should be turn to your domestic environment and it may be so for the rest of the year ahead. There maybe some stuffs, people or matter that you have to let go while you fix up your home. Look up the index for home sales and fixers if these are on your plate.
You are up for a total change of your workplace, your residence and/or your profession. If you are being taken out of your company, it is for the better as there is something else that is waiting for you to fill up. Your new career time might not be here yet but you need to find out what your real passion in life is. Focus on what you like and you may gain an advantage in your profession doing well on what you like. There could be a lot of traveling that you need to do this month. You will be the best teacher in your field and your advice is invaluable.
A restructure might be going on in your company, all for the better. If not, there might be new windows that people see through you in your workplace. If you can work through plans, rip off unrealistic and wasteful activities, your work will improve. There can be a huge improvement in your finances. You can refinance certain areas of your life with more cash at hand now. A family outing is extremely delightful this month.
What you have been feeling in the previous months is not a coincidence. All the things that have happened to you since June does not come without a reason. If you have been feeling lucky and there are certain things that you want to pursue in life, this is the right month to start or at least initiate a plan for it. You will find the intellect and the space to execute these plans and there are plenty of resources for you to tap into.
There might be a fall of grace this month onwards. If you are a great leader in charge of a certain industry, take note that your reputation is at stake. You might not be well-liked by some people and there might be some hidden enemies that want to take you down. It is not advisable to take any action just yet until you see the impact. You can get a feel for the situation first this month. You are not going to win on a head-on fight for now. Don’t worry as you are not the only one.
There are plenty of inspiration for you ever since June and you have been getting resources to wherever you need them to be. There could also have been financial gains and a pack of you maybe financially free for a while. If you have listed some endeavors that you would like to achieve earlier in the year, you can start to execute them this month. The success rate is very high for the short-term goals. If you don’t have any direction, start to think what you want to achieve.
Your chance is finally here though you may not be feeling all that strong yet to take up the heavy task. The heavy tasks mainly come from your work and you are made to shine in your workplace this month. You will be seen and you will be very appreciated by your boss, your customers, and reputation spreads. Give it all that you have got at work this month. There might be some influential people that you can tap on for further expansion.
Leaving a profession that you were in for a long time gives an excuse for a really long vacation before the next job if you have found it. The in between jobs vacation could be this month as there is a very strong tendency to travel. You may also travel far for your job whether it is a new one or not. Free up yourself to receive great blessings. Work on your higher mind to take on bigger challenges ahead.
Anything goes this month as it will be a heavy eclipse in unforeseeable circumstances. Watch out for the months ahead as you might not expected certain occurrences in your life. All the resources and all your support pillars might be pulled out to support you in any difficult circumstances or crises that you may be facing. Be careful of indulgences as they can lead you to addictions.
Relationship and marriage can be a delicate issue for the Capricorn. However, there is an unexpected fortuitous period for you ahead. If you haven’t found a partner in the past few months, there are plenty of chances for you in the year ahead. Your work or health has buried you deep in the past year. Leave some time for your spouse. Marriage anniversaries are very blissful but beware of letting third parties come in between.
Any social or service-oriented businesses or jobs that require you to satisfy your customer specifications are going to do generally well. You will be very sought after for your excellent satisfaction of the work or service that you provide. Make yourself known in the industry. Watch your diet and don’t load your system with excess sugar that it needs.
You are the most ingenious one among many. No idea is completely self-made. Gather knowledge in the subject that you are interested in. Combine your knowledge with innovative twists that are available in the ether and you will have something that is copyright to you. The door of innovation is now opened to you for any usage that you may have in your life. Some of you may have children in the coming months.
Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
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