10 Oct 2026 September Predictions
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The interpretation is analyzed very much ahead of time. If there is additional information, they might be added later on without notification.
This is the predictions for September 10 onwards. This is actually more for October predictions which is pushed forward to September due to the late new moon date. For predictions before September 10, please refer to last month’s predictions.
The month right after a solar eclipse is normally full of influx in the air slowly settling down. The new moon this month sets off in the same sign as Ketu (South node of the Moon) now. The theme will be somewhat linked as an extension of last month.
The new moon is conjunct a powerful Ketu that is still hovering around the fixed star Regulus while supported by an extremely strong Venus. Even Mercury is exalted in Virgo except for the last week in September. On October 3. Venus will go retrograde at Libra 14:15 with Mercury. Even though Venus is strong in Libra, whenever Venus retrogrades, Venusian activities might not go as well as one would expect. Not only that, the new moon is also supported by exalted Jupiter and Mercury on both sides, making it a potently forceful and yet smooth. It is rare to have all Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury all strong at the same time and we have it this month.
Can you relax and move along things at your targeted own pace without rushing and yet prosper and flourish at the same time? It is possible in this coming September stretching into October. Whatever Leo sign represents in your chart gets charged up without much obstruction.
Leaders that have stepped up to their positions will flaunt their authority and have it their glamourous entrance while undergoing the honeymoon period of a new status. Express what you really feel and what is natural within. There is no need to make a pretence of your ability unless you don’t really have what it takes. Those holding on to the old traditional ways with no improvement will be pulled down. Reduce the tension in the atmosphere and show consideration. Attitude combined with altitude will arrange everything to fall in place by itself.
Below are the predictions from September 10 onwards. For predictions before September 10, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.
Draw upon your intellect to resolve any difficulties ahead. Sometimes your intuition works much better than pure knowledge and this is one of those times. You have to be flexible when it comes to the creation of something new. It comes natural for you to express your thoughts and ideas without much effort. Your home and relationship are your pillars of support that you can depend on this month. There may be some relationship issues that you have rework with your spouse.
Waiting to move into your new residence? Your new place should be ready now. If not, the trigger for you to shift house might follow in the next few months. Keep a watch out for your new place. Alternatively, you might need to revamp or refurnish some parts of your house. Take care not to make subtle changes without affecting your quality of life. Both your lower and higher minds are in its peak this September.
Fueling your passion with activities that you love or you once loved is very nourishing to you. You can ever do it so leisurely and ever so subtlety that you keep working on it without much effort. If you haven’t found something that you like doing, spend some effort and try something out that you think you might like. Give it a go.
Finances are quite uncertain for the previous year and you might be able to find out the causes of any possible financial worries. If you are worried about your finances, do some adjustments to your spendings if you cannot yet control to have a stable income. Always spend less than you earn and you will be fine and still be able to enjoy life.
What you have experienced in the past month may continue its trend this month. This is just the month for you to actually execute anything that has been initiated last month. You may be able to have some prophetic dreams and you can draw your inspiration from your dreams. At least you should be able to sleep well. Let loose yourself and shine your traits to the world. If you have fallen from your old position, revamp yourself for some personal development.
Quiet times are here for you take a step back. You are healthy, your finances are looking great and you are able to achieve many of your life goals. Everything is going great for you. It just isn’t the month for you to do anything too serious. Instead, there might be some expenses that you have to make for pleasure. It is nothing that you can’t afford.
Is there an old friend that may be coming back into your life? This friend may come back into your life in the next few months. It may even be an influential friend that you share some old experience with. Your career is going great and you are feeling healthy. Rework on your overall life in October. It will help you to reach your aspiration indirectly.
A new job or a new career may appear sometime later. It maybe something that you feel like doing or it could be something that is very unusual from the normal line of work. If you are not changing your job, you may be taken out of your job forcibly in the coming months depending on your working conditions. That is a trigger for you to move towards a new career goal.
The worst could be over or it may just be waiting for you in the months ahead. The issue is that it was a solar eclipse last month and the effects of an eclipse lasts for quite some time. Nevertheless, this month is a lot lighter and you will feel a breath of fresh air. Liberation of old and negative thoughts have to go and you need to build on your faith now. You will need it for the rest of the year.
An uncertain month lies ahead as uncertain events may appear in your life. Whether the events are pleasant or unpleasant depends on each individual but it will feel a little rocky. Be careful of overindulgence as it may lead to life obstruction in the future. Career may need some slight alterations to facilitate further growth. This is one of your luckiest months where you are very supported by many areas of life.
A past partner that you were in a relationship with may come back into your life. You may enjoy the new touch upon the old association. A return visit rekindles fantastic memories. However, if you are married or attached, avoid getting entangled into triangular relationship. You may stand to risk losing everything that you love. If you are feeling neglected in your relationship, try to strike up something new with your partner. It will be an enjoyable experience.
Health is the main issue that you may face this month. If you notice something wrong with your body last month and it still remain unresolved till now, it’s time to get serious on getting it treated in some ways. If a normal doctor cannot help, try some holistic approach. It will help to alleviate the condition in some way. Over-gratifying something might be the cause of your issue especially this month. Carry out activities in moderation and it will help greatly.
Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
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