01 Apr 2019 April Predictions
This April new moon falls on April 5 in the sign of Pisces, in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Revati at Pisces 21:09. This new moon is isolated from aspects but its dispositor Jupiter is providing a lot of events waiting to unfold. Venus, Mercury, Neptune in Aquarius are aspected by Saturn in Sagittarius. Beautiful dreams and events are being created with a touch of reality. Things are getting manifested but with a lot of difficulty.
The real issue all starts in the sign of Sagittarius this month. Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu (South Node of the Moon), Pluto are all in the sign of Sagittarius being aspected by Mars in Taurus with its 8th aspect. On April 10, Jupiter is retrograding in Mula nakshatra at Sagittarius 0 degree. This is a harsh nakshatra and Jupiter is retrograding in its own sign makes the impact even greater. On April 29, Saturn is retrograding at Sagittarius 26 degrees which makes Sagittarius themes even more explosive, even though Jupiter has retracted back into Scorpio sign. With Ketu, and Pluto joining in the explosion and aspected by Mars, some violence and death is on the toll. Sagittarius Ascendant countries like United States have to be aware of terrorism and explosion. Sudden calamities are going to befall globally. All countries should stay alert and linked up against violence.
As Jupiter retracts into Scorpio as the transformative sign, it acts as the dispositor of everything happening in Sagittarius. Revati nakshatra symbolizes a smooth ending and completion of certain journeys. The deity Pushan protects the end of one’s journey and escorts the native to the next destination safely. Endings and beginnings are the flavored themes here. As terrorism takes the toll globally, more nations are getting even more united against such destruction instead of destroying each other nation.
Rahu (North Node of the Moon) and Saturn are aspecting Venus, Mercury and Neptune. There are some joyous events due for some individuals in the midst of all the depressing events and confusion. It is not a fun month but look for the silver lining in between.
Below are the predictions from April 5 onwards. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.
New Moon is occurring in the 12th house of isolation where all the disruptions happen in the 9th house of travel. Know that this month is not safe for traveling, staying at home is much safer. Better be safe than sorry. Cancel all your flights and switch off the news. Do not contribute to the global fear.
There are a lot of fluctuations in your life that comes so unexpected and you cannot control. You simply have to surrender to life and deal with the events as they come. Career is at ease but undergoing some changes due to the unexpected events. You are trying to build a family and money will come in slowly. You comfort yourself of the disruptions in the companionship with your spouse and friends. They will support you this month. Traveling is not advised but just watch where you are going.
You are trying hard to take the next step in your career but you have some problems and obstructions with your spouse. They do not agree with your choice. They have their own difficulties to adjust to their life and trying to complement your life. This is a difficult month when your business partners are showing disagreements when you are working hard on the business without much support.
Obstacles are a plenty this month and you area simply caught off guard. Your health is going to face more issues and you are trying to deal with it as more hindrances in your life shows up. You need to control your mind and self-control yourself this month. You need to build on your muscles to keep yourself fit. You need to step backwards and rethink what the possible solutions are. Most importantly, keep calm the whole month. Your emotions have a direct impact to everything.
There is some disruptions to your life due to the problems with your kids. If you find any slight problem with them these few months, try to rectify the best that you can. The earlier that you find out what the problem is, the better it is. This also puts a strain on your spouse but he/she will help out. Any creative ventures with your spouse might not help as there are unknown obstacles.
You are starting on a new path in your career but the starting point is always difficult. Your businesses and opportunities are plentiful and your business partners are totally supportive but there will be resources and limitation issues. You need to overcome them. As you concentrate on your career, actually the main problem starts at home which is making you very unhappy that you cannot concentrate at work.
You are having some slight obstacles this month and your health deteriorates. But you know that you are on the better half than the rest of the people on the same globe. Be happy and stay close to your family. Money and fortune comes with some blockages. You need to communicate clearly as you are unable to do so
This is quite a disruptive year and you know it. You have been trying so hard to get an income for the family but it doesn’t work too well. Your spouse doesn’t really understand or are too concerned with the family income rather than providing realistic supportive actions. You need to think out of the box to solve the problem on hand. If not for the family issues, you will remain relatively quite happy this month.
Your overall physical ability is suddenly getting a boost but this is only temporary and it will get worse before it gets better. After the boost, you continue to go back into relaxation and forget all your troubles. That will make you think clearer and remain more contented with the new problems that you start to encounter.
Just when you think you have achieved enough and you begin to exclude yourself out of the limelight, you are being called out to come back into the main stage to get connected again. Get back into the picture and greet everyone to see how they are doing. Relook into your life inspirations to see how much you have accomplished. Your solitary existence will come later.
As you are having to deal with all the friends that are taking away all your attention, your career calls you back to refocus on it. You readjust yourself and relook where you are in the company even though the income is still stable and incoming. Friends are sucking away all your energy and try to avoid too much socializing.
Career remains as the issue that is bothering you but as you relook into the matter, you do not have a solution yet. Take a long trip to forget all the work in the office as they can never be finished. If you have just quit, take a long vacation break as well. Realigning your life with your soul is your main focus now.
Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
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