Lionel Messi: FIFA World Cup, Russia 2018

Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi: FIFA World Cup, Russia 2018

Lionel Andrés “Leo” Messi is an Argentine footballer who plays as a forward for FC Barcelona and Argentina National Team. He is often considered as one of the best players in the world by many and is the only player in history to win 6 FIFA Ballon d’Or awards with 4 first places and 2 second places. He has won 29 trophies with Barcelona and has scored over 500 senior career goals for club and country.


Messi has both the benefics Moon and Venus in the Ascendant very strongly placed. Moon is exalted and Venus is strong in it’s own sign of Taurus. Since the Moon is located in the Ascendant and exalted, all transits for him will also apply to his moon chart and it is doubly powerful. Moon rules the 3rd house of sports and competition and Venus his 1st house of self and 6th house of competition. He is a strong contender in competition. He is very athletic but in a beautiful way like a gentle bull.

Jupiter ruling the 8th house of sudden occurrence and 11th house of achievements and it resides in the 12th house of foreign lands. He can achieve sudden fame in foreign lands. Jupiter is vargottama in Aries in both destiny chart and career chart (Navamsha and Dashamsha), and thus his Jupiter is extremely strong giving him great achievements.

Saturn as the yogakaraka planet (planet of power and luck) being the most powerful planet ruling the 9th house of fortune and 10th house of career is strongly placed in a kendra house in the career house of 7th house being 10 houses from the 10th house of career. It is also empowered by an aspect from Rahu in the 11th house of achievements. Saturn is located powerfully in it’s own sign in the 11th house of hopes and dreams in both destiny chart and career chart. His Saturn is extraordinarily powerful. Messi has a very powerful career destiny.

His Mars, Sun, and Mercury is located strongly in Mercury’s sign of Gemini in the 2nd house of earnings. Mercury also rules the 5th house of entertainment sports. He has great prowess and confidence in earning his wealth.

Growth Hormone Deficiency

Venus rules the 6th house of competition as well as 1st house of body sits in the 1st house strongly as well. However Venus also rules the 6th ruler of disease strong in the 1st house of body and it is boosted further by an exalted Moon which is not a functional benefic here for him. The 1st house is also opposed by Saturn. He was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency at the age of 10. The youth coach of Newell’s Old Boys Adrián Coria stated that Messi looked like a dwarf and too fragile but at the same time he was a phenomenon and that he was going to be something impressive.

Soccer Career

In 2003 Rahu/Saturn period where Rahu is in the 11th house of achievements and Saturn being aspected by Rahu, is the yogakaraka planet for Messi sitting strongly in the 7th house where the 7th house is 10 houses away from the 10th house of career. Messi rapidly progressed through the Barcelona club’s ranks debuting for a record five teams in a single campaign. He scored his first senior goal in 2005 and became the youngest ever scorer for the club.

In 2006-2007 Rahu/Mercury period where Mercury sits strongly in its own 2nd house of earnings. While Barcelona began a gradual decline, the 19 years old Messi back then established himself as one of the best players in the world. He scored 17 goals in 36 games across all competitions. He signed a new contract in 2008 on an annual salary of €7.8 million, becoming the club’s highest-paid player.

In 2012 Rahu/Venus period where Venus sits strongly in it’s own 1st house. Transiting Jupiter was in the 1st house conjunct his powerful Venus and Transiting Rahu was conjunct his powerful career planet in the 7th house. This is the record-breaking year for Messi where he broke several longstanding records. Messi became the top goalscorer in Barcelona’s history at 24 years old. He received the Guinness World Records title for most goals scored in a calendar year. Messi also won the FIFA Ballon d’Or again that year.

In 2013 Rahu/Sun period, Transiting Saturn and Rahu were together in the 6th house of injuries with Saturn exalted. Transiting Rahu in the 6th house was also aspecting the Sun as the physical body as well as malefic Mars in the 2nd house. The muscular injuries that had previously plagued Messi reoccurred and he struggled with injury throughout 2013.

In 2014 Rahu/Moon period, Moon is exalted strongly in the 1st house. Transiting Jupiter went into the 2nd house of earnings mutual aspecting Transiting Rahu in the 6th house with powerful Saturn. Messi signed a new contract in 2014 May and his salary increased to €20 million.

In the rest of Rahu period, he achieved domestic success and scored on his 500th appearance for Barcelona.

Marriage and Children

In 2017 June in Jupiter/Jupiter period, Transiting Jupiter was in the 5th house of love aspecting Natal Venus and Transiting Venus in the 1st house which is the significator of a wife. 1st house is 7 houses away from the 7th house of marriage. Transiting Rahu in the 4th house is also aspecting Natal Jupiter in the 12th house exactly whereby it is in Jupiter period and Jupiter is the darakaraka planet (planet with the lowest degree that represents the spouse). Sun, Mercury, and Mars all transited to their Natal positions in the 2nd house. Messi married Antonella Roccuzzo on June 30, 2017. Mars ruling 7th house of spouse sits in the 2nd house of closed family members and friends. Messi has known Roccuzzo since he was 5 years old and she is the cousin of his best friend since childhood.

Messi has 2 sons. Thiago Messi was born in 2012 in Rahu/Venus period where Venus rules the 5th house of children conjunct Jupiter as significator of children in the children chart (Saptamsha). Subsequently he had another son Mateo Messi in 2015 in either Rahu/Moon or Rahu/Mars period.

Messi has his Mercury ruling 5th house of children being hemmed in by malefics Sun and Mars. Ketu as significator of losses sits in his 5th house and Jupiter as significator of children sits in the 12th house of losses. Mercury is also in the Punarvasu nakshatra ruled by Jupiter which sits in the 12th house. In his children chart, Venus rules his 5th house of children is conjunct Jupiter ruling the 12th house of losses, and both Venus and Jupiter are opposed by malefic Saturn. Jupiter as significator of children together with Venus are being disposited to Mars in the 12th house of losses. Both planets are also aspected by Rahu in the 12th house.

Both 5th ruler and Jupiter are strong and Messi has his own children, but he will have great challenges regarding his children.

FIFA World Cup, Russia 2018

FIFA World Cup is scheduled to be held in Moscow, Russia from June 14 to July 15 2018. Messi will be near the end of his Jupiter/Jupiter period. During this time, Transiting Jupiter will be in Messi’s 6th house of competition. Transiting Jupiter is opposing his Natal Jupiter in the 12th house of foreign lands which is the dispositor of his Natal Rahu in 11th house of achievements. Natal Uranus is also in the 12th house. Transiting Saturn will be in his 8th house of unexpected occurrence and Saturn is his best planet being a yogakaraka planet (planet of power and luck) ruling 9th house of fortune and 10th house of career. Transiting Mars will be exalted in the 9th house of fortune aspecting it’s own 12th house of foreign lands, giving him luck while traveling to foreign lands.

Both Transiting Jupiter and Saturn will be aspecting his 10th house of career and fame. Both transiting planets will also aspecting his Natal Sun in the 2nd house of earnings, manifesting his career, fame and ego. Transiting Rahu will be in the 3rd house of competition aspecting Natal Rahu in the 11th house of achievements. Transiting Venus and Mercury will also conjunct Transiting Rahu in the 3rd house, of which both are his friendly planets. Both Transiting Rahu and Natal Rahu are aspecting his Natal Saturn, his career planet in the 7th house, 10 houses from the 10th house of career.

To top it up for the beginning of a new Jupiter period for Messi, Jupiter rules the 9th house of fortune sitting strongly in the 1st house in the career chart.

However with both Transiting Jupiter and Saturn in difficult 6th and 8th houses, the final triumph to victory will also be filled with obstacles at the same time. This is especially true when Saturn rules the 10th house of career transiting in the 8th house. There could also be struggles just to qualify for the World Cup even before the actual game starts. It will be a hard fought battle for Messi no matter how far Argentina team proceeds into the game.

Messi looks all set for World Cup 2018, for heaven’s luck is complementing his skills. Provided Messi is not seated on his bench this time, this could be his time for another shot at the World Cup Title! This is the year that he can achieve sudden fame.

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Lionel Messi Birth Chart 1

Lionel Messi Birth Chart 1

Lionel Messi Birth Chart 2

Lionel Messi Birth Chart 2

  • Nil Hasan
    Posted at 15:54h, 27 February

    Can you please tell me …..can messi win the world cup this time ??? is there any possibility….if yes then please let me know…i love him so much…all i want is that at least 1 world cup to his name

    • Finale Future
      Posted at 19:44h, 27 February

      Hi Nil, Messi’s career luck is just starting to change. It will take time for his good luck to run in. It is possible but there will be quite some hurdles for him this time. It also depends heavily on his opponent’s team. However if he’s participating in next few world cups, he will do very well in the next 2 world cups. He will be excellent in the next world cup! I relooked into his chart and i think that he still stands a good chance in winning the world cup despite the obstacles.

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