2022 February Predictions

2022 February

2022 February Predictions

Wherever you are, whatever you do, tune in to the local room frequency. Hear what people are saying and see for yourself what the real situation is before you leap forward. The new moon in Shravana is closely coupled with Saturn. Being attentive is a gift and results will show with the efforts you put in. First you must get the details correct and in full. Once you understand the situation, efforts will not go wasted. Awareness, concentration, patience and effort give success this month.

Mars and Venus are exactly conjunct on February 14. How well-timed that both Saturn and Jupiter are also aspecting the relationship sign of Libra at the same time. This is a fizzy hot Valentine’s day for some. Some signs may have better romance luck than others especially Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. For those not in a romantic setting, success in certain areas is possible in a graceful way.

The way that corporations and businesses are conducted is ever-changing. Bunches of people will be crossing over industries. People cannot find the job that they want and corporations cannot hire the talents that they need. The working sphere has shifted astonishingly. Be flexible! Change or be changed.

Below are the predictions from 2022 January 31 onwards. For predictions before 2022 January 31, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



There is great pressure at work and great responsibility rests on your shoulders. Before you begin on your work, make sure that you get your customer requirements and boss expectations right. After that, it all lies in your focus and effort.



Some of you may have worn down knees and joints, and digestion may not be operating at its full capacity. Try not to get into strenuous and excessive exercises and watch what you eat. Be conventional and stick to your principles.



Troubles beset you so you have to brace through any possible storm in February. If you haven’t met any obstacles yet, it is coming. Relationship is the silver lining this month. Share your burdens with your partner. Despite the bumps, you are the luckiest in relationship area. Valentine’s day is an excellent day for you!



There is something about your partner that you haven’t yet discover. Observe and watch what happens. If there wasn’t any luck in your relationship development previously, knock down the wall and there will be progress. You can be depressed if things don’t go your way.



You were previously warned about your health waves. Listen to your body. Your body talks to you. If you weren’t paying attention before, the warnings stage may be over. Chronic symptoms can hamper your daily needs.



For those who have just given birth, it will be a tough time to raise your baby. It is even more so when you have to rise a fragile life in time of pandemic. If your partner is struggling in life, remember to lend a hand.



The housing boom is climbing in spite of the covid pandemic. If you have just gotten a new house, it is a great time to review your available options. Be careful of biting more than you can chew. Beware of the rising federal rates. Control your emotions.



Tiffs with your siblings can often be avoided if you watch your own speech and actions. Don’t do or speak what you will regret. Pull your focus into something meaningful as you have the power of concentration now.



You have an immense passion to pursue what you desire. Relationship is just one area that may be growing. What you need to focus on is to maintain your financial status quo. Maintain a stable financial development concerning your career. Make small intermittent changes.



All focus are upon you as you emerge as the eventual winner. It didn’t all come easy. Your previous available resources have reached their expiration and you have to do more with less now. You have to learn to cope with whatever comes your way. Experience have taught you well.



Life is starting to feel less taxing. You were tied down to the nitty-gritty details and hardships of life. While it is yet all over, some areas are starting to get a little rosy. There is one last fair bit that you have to tend to.



You are starting to wind down and you tend to get tired easily. Make this the last month where you can splurge on entertainment and gatherings. Don’t overextend yourself. If you are losing your job, reach out to people that you know. Something else might come up.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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