07 Oct 2026 June Predictions
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The interpretation is analyzed very much ahead of time. If there is additional information, they might be added later on without notification.
This is the predictions for June 14 onwards. This is actually more for July predictions which is pushed forward to June due to the late new moon date. For predictions before June 14, please refer to last month’s predictions.
The month starts in Mrigashira nakshatra (lunar mansion) with searching for stability in both material and emotional means. Jupiter has entered into its most powerful sign Cancer while being most powerful around June 26 on its full exaltation strength.
In the coming month of July, Neptune is going to retrograde on July 6 while Saturn goes retrograde on July 26. Very exalted Jupiter conjoins Venus in Cancer while aspecting its own Pisces sign where Saturn and Neptune are slowly going retrograde and gaining in strength.
There is a growing care and nurturing in the world where compassionate feelings are much more heightened than normal. There will be a great release of negative emotions and there is a tricky strive to balance between stability and idealism. Fear and uncertainties are arising from karmic experiences of laziness and nightmares. Rigidity and flexibility have to be balanced out with wisdom, care, and faith.
When Venus joins Jupiter in Cancer from June 8, there is a stronger loving connections to the people and atmosphere around you. This is the growing of an empathetic heart, a heart that cares for others. As if this is not enough, the situation is further amplified from June 22 when Mercury joins Jupiter and Venus in Cancer too. Mercury will go retrograde on June 29 at Cancer 2 degrees. From June 8 to July 3, people are generally more emotionally savvy. Days around June 26 to 30 will be the most gracious days when Jupiter is at its peak intensity. Emotional support and advice are abundant in the world. The strength of the water signs give power to the emotional awareness and sensitivity of many.
On July 3, Mars conjuncts Uranus in Taurus 9:38 but it is also aspected by a strong Saturn. There is an urging growing concern to push for stability in life but careful considerations must be taken into account before making big moves.
Below are the predictions from June 14 onwards. For predictions before June 14, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.
Your career might not be in the best shape these days and it is shaping your values of life. There is an urge to strive for financial stability but it might not be the best time to act on impulse. You have to let go of your past credits for your career and stop idealizing what could have been. There is a new start somewhere. Your real sweet deal comes from your home especially in the last few days of June. You will feel emotionally supported and comforted no matter what your circumstances are.
There is a new idealism that you are engaging to fulfill in your life. A drive within you is pulling you towards certain goals and gains of life but you need structure and hard work to achieve that. A change of your career or residence requires a new direction in life that you need to adjust to. You are highly motivated to express your emotions and ideals to the world. You will have the ability to analyze information and pass information to the right audience near the end of June. There may be some sweet road-trips too.
You are generally in good health in June even though you were much more exuberant last month. This month you will continue to enjoy the physical vigour as well as the logic brilliance to apply onto all areas of your life. You might looking for an outlet to release your tension that you have been having in your career. Finances are looking great at the end of June. Sit tight around June 3 where you might catch a cold or something. You can have the sweetest tooth for delicacies this end-June but that might just be the reason that you may fall sick later.
Your time has come where you will feel more talented, creative and supported in many areas of life. In this June, the emotional Cancerians are the most blessed of all signs and you can safely leave all your mishaps in the past. The tide has shifted tremendously. There are resolutions now for the past tumultuous issues that you were having. There will be resources available if you tap into it.
You may have to find a new direction for your career. This is the direction seeking month in terms of your profession. Stay behind and plan your activities but do not make any major moves yet. Mid-July would be better to make any career change that you like. In the coming year ahead, you are moving towards a hiatus period where you prefer to stay in the back scene or away from your local area. You can have delightful dreams near the end of June.
Beware of overindulgence or overwhelming passion over something in life. Do everything in moderation and do what contributes to your overall wellbeing. Anything in excess is promoting imbalance. Give a meaning to your life by attaching the right purpose to your motives. The end of June promotes joyous moments that can give you great gratification in life as some of your desires are satiated.
Your health issues may return for a second beating as May crawls into Taurus from June 21. Be careful of your health and don’t do anything extremes from then onwards. No strenuous activities or overindulgence of any kind. Use the time to search deep within yourself while you are physically weaker. All those work in the office has paid over and there may be a promotion of some sort at the end of June. If you are not making any progress at work, make your move this June-end. There will be helpers around to support you.
You are feeling more energetic in June and you have the strength to overcome difficulties and obstacles placed before you. Find a new connection with your partner in some ways to strength your relationship. A little care helps a long way. Near the end of June is your luckiest period of the entire year. If you need to plan any joyous celebration, that would be one of the best periods of the year. You have the luck to take down any hard knocks of life.
Sagittarius are going through a nondeterministic period as life turns in a rather different direction. Think back 12 years ago what happened in your life and see if anything resonates similarly in the coming days. You might be having a déjà vu moment. Take care of your health from June 21 onwards where some health issues may come up. This may be due to an overindulgence of something. There may be an urge of sensual pleasure near the end of June. Take note that excess pleasures have thorns.
If you have been searching for the right partner, craving for the heat of romance, it might just come anytime now. There is a whirlpool of love waiting for you to tap into near the end of June. Relationship with your partner is excellent this June and this is just the beginning. For the married couples, cherish this year ahead and carry out some of the best anniversary plans that you have in years of remembrance. A struck of intelligence rings in your mind waiting to flourish.
While your health is generally looking great at the moment, be careful of what you are ingesting this end-June. There is a tendency of having too much sugar in your digestion. All those excess carbohydrates and glucose may turn to be a health issue later. You have the entire year ahead to satiate your taste buds, why the rush? Plan for a change of home environment. Even a cleaning of your space at home works wonders in your most important resting place.
Your curiosity is met with passion and courage this coming June. You have the most inquisitive mind for chasing after your interests and you have a talent for writing and some form of arts. Fully express what you enjoy most near the end of June and you will feel very positive and uplifted by the experience. There is an air of fascination around you that attracts you a lot of attention.
Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
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