2023 May Predictions

2023 May

2023 May Predictions

This is the early release of predictions for each individual horoscope sign. 2023 is going to be a great year of manifestation. It will not happen again soon. To find out why, go to below link.

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Don’t miss the great phenomenon of 2023 that is coming into your life soon!

This is the predictions for 2023 May 19 onwards. For predictions before 2023 May 19, please refer to last month’s predictions.

Last month solar eclipse will last for many months to come and be sure that you apply what you have learnt from last month’s predictions. This will be a second new moon just after the eclipse and things will progress gradually throughout the entire year. This new moon is a critical razor-sharp one but it doesn’t do much harm as it is again flank in by multiple benefics. It has Venus on a side, and Jupiter and Mercury on the other side. This new moon has both the Sun and Moon energy at a pretty strong level. As the luminaries are strengthened, so are your dealings with the world. Jupiter will join Rahu from April 22 onwards, and it is also aspected by Saturn. Expect a big expansion in the Aries sector for the entire year.

Pay attention to June 1 as Jupiter and Rahu conjunct exactly in Aries 9:26 degrees. It is also blessed by Saturn close aspect to manifest something very strongly.  What is going on around those days may be very important to some of you. This is a major expansion in a certain area of your life before Rahu finishes its job and before Jupiter stationing in a few months’ time. They were conjunct from end of April and this is possibly one of the climaxes. If you have your wealth planet near this degree, it’s jackpot time.

Saturn is getting slightly irritated by being aspected by Ketu and Mars now. You may want to take it slow in certain areas but circumstances do not agree with you. It is pushing you forward and forward so that you can reach your goals early. It may not be comfortable but it does ensure progress. Mars doesn’t agree to wait forever. Be patient but don’t let a grand opportunity slip away.

You will have a higher intellect and are more alert than normal. You have a stronger sense of discernment to execute things that you want to carry out. Where there are issues, it will be clear to you where the root cause lies. You are more energetic and wants to keep yourself occupied constantly. There is a certain level of passion pushing you towards your goals.

Below are the predictions from 2023 May 19 onwards. For predictions before 2023 May 19, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



You actually don’t have much challenge right now. Even if you have, you have the ability to tackle any challenge that comes your way. There is so much confidence in you and you have tons of resources under your belt. In terms of finances, there can be an improvement this month. Do what you do best and shine.



You have present yourself well now because people do notice you. First impression counts. You have the confidence and the intelligence to accomplish any tasks. Moreover, you are much more emotional and sensitive and you understand where people are coming from. A long journey abroad is waiting for you. Be prepared to travel far.



You are getting even more attention now that you may even spread your reputation abroad. It might not be the best month to take massive actions as you need time to do some planning ahead. Even though you are getting famous now, creating a great impression is more important than concerning with what everyone thinks about you.



Your career continues to expand and there are plenty of resources that you can tap into. Your company and your boss think highly of you and there are many opportunities for you to exhibit your showmanship. Make sure that you connect yourself to more networks as well as you are being rewarded in the public now.



You are one of the luckiest fellow right now and use your luck well. There will be many trips waiting for you depending on your schedule. Meanwhile, there are some opportunities opening up for you in your career now. Keep a lookout and perform well.



Beware of mysterious events occurring in your relationship now. Take care not to destroy your marriage due to misunderstanding. Some of you may be fantasizing on your relationship. This is not a good year for relationship though so it’s better to put your attention else well. Starting a spiritual journey is very enlightening. Generally, this is an unexpected crisis year.



Are you aware of someone that is a potential partner for you? Your relationship is now on full blast now. Singles, please be sure to keep a lookout as this year will be a relationship or marriage year at its potent strength and will have a huge impact for a long time to come. There will be excitement and this will be an infatuation month. The married ones are advised to keep your hands to yourself.



Life is not that stable this month. There are many things happening all the while and there is no time to concentrate on yourself. There might be something happening to your relationship now. Tend to it carefully. There might be someone that needs your help out there. Be sure to lend a hand. Placing your service out there produces future fruits of good karma. There can be an increase in your income.



New creative ideas keep coming to you. Put them to good use. There might be a new romance target for the singles. It will be a lot of excitement for you. Life is never boring for you this year except for this month. Some slight obstacles might hinder your progress and you may fall sick for a short while.



The same theme applies now but it’s becoming even stronger in strength now. It will remain like this for the rest of the year. You can have a massive change in 2 important pillars of your life. Your residence and your career. In case you get ousted out of the company, you have to think out of the box. Be flexible and open-minded, and more doors will open up themselves to you.



Like a dog unleashed from its collar, you feel so much more freedom now and you are greatly empowered by your ruler Saturn now. Now, you can dictate your own terms and live as you like. The restrictions on life are partially removed. You might want to start learning or teaching something new. This month, spend more time in the house to reorganize your home environment.



There can be a massive payout from somewhere. There can be a wealth increase from your career for all your efforts and hard work. It’s time to upgrade your skills and put it on to the next level by learning something new or take on a different set of soft skills. It can also keep you employable in the long run.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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