2018 December Predictions

2018 December Horoscope Predictions

2018 December Predictions

2018 December Predictions

This December new moon falls on December 7 in the sign of Scorpio, in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Jyestha at Scorpio 21:00. This new moon is conjunct the joyous Jupiter and Mercury and aspected by Rahu (North Node of the Moon). During this new moon, Rahu is exactly aspecting Mercury in the sign of Scorpio where it’s dispositor Mars is in Aquarius exactly conjunct Neptune. Mars and Neptune are also aspected by Saturn. Being in the sign of Scorpio, there is deep probing and revealing of some truth into the secrets of the world. The deep uncovering of the truth and new discovering is for the better of humanity.

Jyestha nakshatra signifies the eldest as the chief star. It indicates the eldest in leadership and the most powerful. The ruling deity is Indra, King of the Gods who is the divine warrior and gives the power to control, lead, and rise in life. With Mercury as the ruling planet, great mental intelligence and clarity is expected in this nakshatra but at the last degrees of the nakshatra especially at Scorpio 29 degree being in gandanta, it is at the poisonous tail of the scorpion and the native intelligence can be self-defeating and detrimental in nature. There is a desire of control, and manipulation and abuse of power leads to a fall in grace.

There is great progress and passion in bringing out the controls of the world wide open to the public. There is also great ease in sensual pleasures and breakthrough in the research world with the increased funding.

Please refer to last month predictions for early December. Below are the predictions from December 7 onwards. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.


There is great affinity with your love companion and you are immersing yourself into deep pleasures. Through your deep relationship, you are relating well to your friends and rises your affluence in the world. As you are able to discover more about yourself, you appear more charismatic to other people and appear irresistible to whoever notices you.


Your relationship is blossoming and you are not surprised. It is going exactly the way that you want it. This new moon is concretizing whatever that you have done for him/her and this sets the foundation for a solid relationship into the future. Business ideas that have previously conceived only in the mind begins to flourish into real establishment with your business partners. It is no longer just a dream.


It’s work, work, and more work and it’s not stopping. It just keeps coming and this is just the beginning. Get regular exercises to make sure that your health can still keep in balance with the amount of work that you are going to handle in the coming months. Money will keep rolling in but keep your body and digestion in check at times.


You are starting to enjoy the comforts of your new home. Any new decorations at home livens up the house and you are able to rejuvenate yourself very well. As you start to become more cheerful, innovative ideas come into your mind and you begin expressing yourself deeply to whoever you are relating to.


Home theme is non-stopping and the more so this month. How your home turns out to be these few months is how you are going to behave emotionally. You are finally feeling a sense of security and you are able to relate to yourself at great ease. Relationship is confusing so get the talking and sharing ongoing. It is all about sharing and communications.


You have been given great inspirations to work on your dreams for the past year. Your willpower will determine whether those dreams will remain as clouds in the sky or manifested on your hands. Time to put your courage and willpower into real use.


As you become famous in front of your associates, you starts to earn more and more due to your fame. You are feeling so great about yourself that the whole world looks rosy to you. Get your muscles pumped and your face treatment done. Radiance follows you everywhere you go.


You can come out of the shade now. The world looks sunny and you are blending well into the nature. Life is sweet and everyone can’t stop to take a look at you. You are starting to forget the unfairness that the world was treating you the past few years. Family and home don’t look great now but somehow you are whole again!


You are stepping into retirement slowly and getting out of all the excitement. This is the last month of enjoyment as you wave goodbye to your friends. You are not going to see them for a while. It is a time to contemplate and reflect on your life now. You need to find yourself from within before you can move on again.


The fame that you had in the previous year carry over to this year and you can’t avoid all those social engagements. You have built up your influence in the area that you are specializing in. Many people just want to get to know you. Career may be looking good but relationship is even better.


After all the business travels that you made, you have built up all the links with the contacts that you have made. You are getting rewarded in your work and you are finally getting noticed. Your career is here to stay and this is just the beginning. You are exactly at where you are celebrated.


Yes! The fortune is still smiling on you and you know it. If you have been writing for the past year, this is where you have luck to find a publisher. Your books and articles will get published and you have to start looking for one this month. Don’t quit till you find one. Learning and teaching comes at ease and you are able to absorb any subjects that interests you.

Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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