2020 December Predictions

2020 December Horoscope Predictions

2020 December Predictions

The last month of the year ends up big as a Solar Eclipse falls on December 14 in the sign of Scorpio, in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Jyestha at Scorpio 28:59. The solar eclipse is conjunct Mercury, Ketu (South Node of the Moon) tightly and Venus at a distance. This is a Total Solar Eclipse and encompasses great energy and all the planets are disposited to one single long-lasting planet Saturn in Capricorn. Whatever that is going to happen is going to stay for a very long time after the eclipse.

Jyestha nakshatra is simply the eldest one. Being the first and foremost, power is granted to rise and conquer in different situations. It symbolizes an earring or umbrella given the power to protect what is necessary. The ruling deity is Indra, the king of the gods. The same mental brilliance and power to protect others can lead one to a fall of grace if one is intoxicated with the power that he/she possess and self-control is not exerted.

There are many major transformations all over the world by those withholding authority. The transformations will take place in secret behind the scene where the initial efforts are not known at all. The growth that have a ripple effect will slowly show up all over the world in a such a slow and steady pace that significant changes are hard to notice. Obstacles are unforeseen and will reveal themselves from time to time.

Below are the predictions from December 14 onwards. For predictions before December 14, please refer to last month predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.


There are many fluctuations in your life right after the solar eclipse. Be mentally prepared to leave yourself some space and time to deal with these unforeseen circumstances because they will be unexpected. You have the strength to deal with these issues and you will prevail in the longer run. Just make sure to pick yourself up after every obstacles that hit you. You career has started the climb to the top.


There are so many things going on with your relationship right now you don’t know where to begin with. You can meet up someone from the past and form a relationship. You will be extraordinary attractive to most people as they concentrate their attention on you. You have the luck of fortune with you that you didn’t know it’s coming. You are slowly climbing up and down but overall the climb is only upwards.


It is generally a hard year ahead. Things will go up and down like hawaiian waves. Luckily it is not always going to stay that way for there are wave breakers that will break down the high waves. But overall, do expect the unexpected. If you have always wanted to get deep into a particular subject in great details, there is no better time to do it. Put on the Einstein hat and start cracking the mysteries of the world.


It is a good going 6 months ahead for you. It is a time of friends, gains and aspirations. It is a time of romantic connections with the past. Most importantly, this is a year of marriage for you. If you have been planning to tie the marital knot, this is the year to do it for the wedding bells are ringing before you know it. Any business partnerships will be materialized.


You have been ignoring your home due to the heavy work in the office. Your hardworking attitude will not stop for there are far too much work waiting to be done. But you have to spend some time at home for the family for it is calling you to compartmentalized your time slot and leave out some for home. Also leave some time for yourself and for some unexpected situations otherwise you will burn out.


Communicate your creative ideas to the public for you will be well-liked and well-received. Every thoughts and ideas that you have are going to produce considerable results. If you are expecting a child, this coming year will be the birth year. Get those milk bottles and diapers ready for you will need it. It is coming, anytime from now.


You can have financial difficulties going through some litigations or debt repayment. If you have to liquidate some extra cash to feed your mortgage, calculate and plan your moves carefully. You have great luck in real estate matters but you just have to get through this phase of low financial security period.


The focus is on you now and you call the shots. In the journey of relating better with your spouse, you have to spend time shedding your old skin for a new and better you. Whatever change that you make for the better will be appreciated. If you have a long term relationship, it will slowly stabilize and can materialize into a marriage. Ask the question and the answer is most likely a yes.


You have to lose something in order to gain something else. If you have just been granted a promotion or a pay increase, you can afford a great trip to somewhere far for a vacation. It will do you very well because you have no idea yet what that increase of power or money comes with. It means you have to work extra hard with more responsibilities moving forward.


This can be a time for having another child. It sure beats to have a more structure life to be a parent. Having a child is a whole new project initiative and you better be prepared for it. There are many old friends and acquaintances waiting for you to connect up so get connected! Being a parent or not, your life is going to change in tremendous ways.


You might not be enjoying your career and this month calls for you to relook into your career options. Is it a choice or is it a limitation to stay in your current job? If an expatriate package doesn’t sound too bad, take it! Be prepared to move because your current workplace no longer has anything that can improve you in your profession.


You are starting off a new journey to better connect to yourself. It can be a new learning process, getting enrolled in new courses, or flying off for new experiences. Anything that you do constructively will empower you for the better in the long term towards your life goals. You can start to set your new year resolutions because they can come true in the year ahead.

Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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