2023 March Predictions

2023 March

2023 March Predictions

This is the early release of predictions for each individual horoscope sign. 2023 is going to be a great year of manifestation. It will not happen again soon. To find out why, go to below link.

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Don’t miss the great phenomenon of 2023 that is coming into your life soon!

This is the predictions for 2023 March 21 onwards. For predictions before 2023 March 21, please refer to last month’s predictions.

The new moon in Uttara Bhadrapada allows you to reap some rewards that you have sown in the past. This is the benevolent sea dragon of the depth. For some, it is also about letting go of the old burden in a gentler way. This new moon is gently nourished by Jupiter, Mercury, and Neptune so there is not much stress to go through it. There will be plenty of help coming your way. Find out what is not working anymore and replace it with new steps and procedures. Reinvent yourself with any new resources that you may have. Evaluate your life to find out if it is where you want to go.

Jupiter the great benefactor is strong now and it is uplifting its student Mercury. There may be something that you want to try learning or starting. Find out where and who you may get help from and your benefactor shall arrive. Any resources that you need, just ask for it and you shall find it being given to you. There is something that you want to find out and you want to dig deep into it.

Below are the predictions from 2023 March 21 onwards. For predictions before 2023 March 21, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



It may seem like an odd time to travel but you are long due for a journey. There is somewhere you have to be and you may have to either make some short trips or a really long journey. Seclusion to rest, recuperate, or to learn something is a very exciting experience. Spiritual studies are particularly nourishing. Relationship is looking good.



You are getting into a party mood now. Maybe you can get to make a new friend among any social events or occasions. You like to remain behind the scene for some reason despite enjoying any social events. You will thrive better when you are pulled over to a corner. You may be able to manifest something now if you have put in the effort previously. Something that you desire is coming through.



You are having a blast in your career right now and it is this month that you experience ever further boost to your career. If you want to market something new, push it out now quickly as it will get noticed very fast! Boss and employee relationship are very cordial and on very good terms now. This works well for any business. Your boss will also treat you real nice for being a stellar performer.



You are one of the luckiest in the pack and most areas of your life will be pretty smooth. There might be some traveling and this month is a good time for any kind of traveling, whether it be business travel or personal travel. Getting some sort of a higher education is highly beneficial in the long run.



You are heading for some troubles this month. If you have been sick, you have to pay attention to your health and try to figure out the root cause of your illness. There can be sudden changes in your life that you are not ready for it. A sudden inheritance is also one of the possibilities. Make your schedule light for at least this month.



Relationship is your cup of tea right now and this month is going extremely smooth for you. It just might be a good start for you especially this month. If you have been seeing someone, there is an advancement in this area this month. If there is a new business, product, or service that you want to launch, now is the time.



You have to watch out for your health. Be careful with your diet and don’t overeat. Illnesses may not be able to be diagnosed right away. There can be some changes in your work or in your work place. You may have to start on a new project or you may have to work doubly hard on an existing one.



The sudden change of your residence or the phase of having to buy or sell house is making your life very hectic. You will feel a little overwhelmed so don’t overpack your schedule. You have the magic power of creating something out of nothing now. Don’t miss the chance and dump all your ideas. You have the ability to manifest something of substantial value.



Are you all hype up to shift to a new place to live? It sure looks like it for some of you. If you have been keeping a lookout for a new place, open your eyes this month. Your future residence is up for sale somewhere. Don’t miss the chance. Home sweet home is the theme now.



There are some trips that you have to take so be prepared for a journey. You are incredibly good in literary works so put it to good use now. If you exhibit your marketing skills, you are sure to attract a lot of attention for your advertisement.



The pay rise is coming in. There can be a promotion that comes with it too. This month is all about money, and it’s about an increase in your income. Be careful with your diet. You have food cravings that will make you put on some weight.



If last month isn’t good enough for you, this month will be. A great bunch of many fabulous deals in life are waiting for you. You have the great blessing with many things that you touch. You have to decide what it is that you really want. This month, you make the call as you are in full control of your life.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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