2023 April Predictions

2023 April

2023 April Predictions

This is the early release of predictions for each individual horoscope sign. 2023 is going to be a great year of manifestation. It will not happen again soon. To find out why, go to below link.

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Don’t miss the great phenomenon of 2023 that is coming into your life soon!

This is the predictions for 2023 April 19 onwards. For predictions before 2023 April 19, please refer to last month’s predictions.

This is a bold and forceful month with a solar eclipse in the forerunner Ashwini lunar mansion (nakshatra). Despite being confident in your undertakings, there is a gentle push and pull effects that is pulling you towards your goal. With Saturn aspecting it, it is delaying it to let you make the real efforts yourself in whatever it is you are pursuing. All the benefics are flanking left, right, and center to provide you with any assistance that you may need. This is especially true with both Venus and Jupiter in extraordinary strengths flanking the solar eclipse. Once the goal is clear, all the benefics will bring forth to you the resources and benefactors towards your goal. The eclipse is also charged up with an exchange of signs between Mars and Mercury to make sure that you feel this eclipse coming in very strongly.

3 days later on April 22, Jupiter would join Rahu in Aries which basically expand Aries activities tremendously for the entire year. This is a turning point for many whereby there are multiple manifestations of all kinds in Aries, Leo, and Libra. There will be some form of a rise in leaders that will be prominent globally as well as locally in the year of 2023 as well as for the first half of 2024.

The push and pull effects come from the moon nodes whereby Rahu (North node of the Moon) in Ashwini nakshatra is intertwined with Ketu (South node of the Moon) in Swati nakshatra being in each other’s position. There is a clear 7/7 position with the opposite house of Aries and Libra. It is coming in circles whereby the opposite house has something to complete the goal for many people. The goal is entangled with the opposite house.

Here’s one of my favourite animals, the royal stallion which happens to be portrayed by the Ashwini Kumaras who are in charge of the very first nakshatra. The proactive Ashwini nakshatra charges forward with the solar eclipse that also involves Uranus. If you know what it is that you want and what you need to do, once the goal is clear, everything can happen very fast and swift and you can see the results very fast.

There is also a healing effects by the Ashwini because they are the forever young horsemen who are the physicians of the gods. Seek help for your health issues if anything comes up and the right doctor and medicine will come along.

Below are the predictions from 2023 April 19 onwards. For predictions before 2023 April 19, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



How do you feel like having an eclipse over your own Ascendant? If others can’t feel it, you can definitely feel this strong energy coming your way. There is a massive expansion in your overall life and outlook. Something or everything about you is going to change in a considerable way. Is there someone unusual or someone from the past coming into your life? A relationship whirlwind may be starting soon. But you need to take action to make it happen.



You seem to feel well in solitude right now or you may well travel to foreign land within this year or the next. You will have a safe and pleasant voyage but the trip may come as a surprise or as a business trip. If you can’t find the right doctor for your illness, try finding some foreign medical assistance. You can be earning an income from foreign land. This month is particularly good for your relationship.



There are many events that are trying to pull you out into the world so that you can shine. Your social circles are expanding and demanding your attention now. If there is something that you want to achieve, you might want to set the goals right now. This shall be your new year resolutions, and they shall manifest over the year.



This is one of the periods where you can consider expanding your businesses aboard. You may also opt to carry foreign goods or service back to your line of business. Your reputation is growing rapidly over the year but there may also be sudden changes in your company. If you are looking for a career change, there will be opportunities coming up in the latter half of the year.



Tough times is over in a few days’ time and you will feel a strong surge of fortune coming your way. You will have the Midas touch for almost the entire year so make it worthwhile. There may be sudden trips that you may have to make but they will be very enjoyable. You may have the opportunity to learn something of substantial value. Your career is fabulous in April. You may be in touch with a very spiritual community that sparks your interest in new outlets of faith.



The good times of your relationship is ending soon now. Retain the rosy memories and propel them to push forward your future. This coming year is not as great a year as before. You may suffer some sort of setbacks in your career now but it is probably due to something unplanned for popping up in your life. You may have some crisis coming your way that you never expect it to happen.



Relationship runs like a circuit board from your partner to you now. Is there a potential someone coming into your life now? Strike while the iron is hot because the spark will be flying faster than you expect. This will last the entire year. If you are having some relationship troubles, communicate! Mercury is here to assist the rekindlement. How you see your partner right now reflects a part of you that you haven’t yet discover. There might be a new business that you want to start this year.



Life is going to be even more hectic now and you will become more stressful than before. Bite the bullet and keep it going. You have the endurance to persevere through the hardship. Health issues may start to bother you for the year, particularly this month. Luckily your relationship is going well and your partner may be able to support you in some areas of life.



There is something very sparkling and refreshing about you. There are innovative new ideas that keep coming out of you. You are able to think out of the box and solve problems in the most sophisticated way. There may be a short fling this month that may spark your interest. Good for the singles and bad for the attached.



A change of residence is coming your way. It may or may not have to do with your work. If you are going to change job soon, the mortgage is going to be an issue. Make sure you have spares to maintain the house. Keep a lookout for the new dream home that is able to appear before your eyes.



You have a clearer perception of how the world works in the vast ocean of information. Sniff that information and make it your own knowledge. You will be able to decipher deep messages and transform those messages to information that others may benefit from it. Spread your messages and express yourself. There are people waiting to gain from your knowledge.



You have the gift of the gab now. Whether you are good in striking a good conversation or not, you will certainly find that words come out of your mouth ever so smoothly and pleasing. Enchant your audience and listeners with what you have to say. There can be a pay increment coming your way.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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