2020 September Predictions

2020 September Horoscope Predictions

2020 September Predictions

The new moon occurs on September 17 in the sign of Virgo, in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Uttara Phalguni at Virgo 0:52. The new moon is conjunct Mercury. This is a game changer month with Mars going retrograde in Aries on September 4, Jupiter going direct in Sagittarius on September 13, and Rahu and Ketu (North and South Nodes of the Moon) entering the axis of Taurus/Scorpio respectively on September 20. Even Saturn is going direct in Capricorn on September 29.

Uttara Phalguni nakshatra is known as the star of patronage for it’s ruling deity is Aryaman, governs friendship and marriage contracts and acts as a matchmaker. It symbolizes the 2 hind legs of a bed and calls for marriage enjoyments even in the midst of life difficulties. This is a relationship nakshatra that gives smooth friendship and marriage.

Many things that have been put on hold will be able to move forward again. Time was spent in correcting things that was left out unknowingly or undetected. But the plans have changed now by changing the beliefs of the people in a very intuitive way that things will change for the better. This is a healthy growth of awareness but it is not quite yet to make any big changes. Finalizing the plan with determination and faith is the key.

Below are the predictions from September 17 onwards. For predictions before September 17, please refer to last month predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.


You get a temporary taste of superior healing powers in this month to bring out any illness within the body and mind. Anything that has been bothering you will surface for you so that you can inject an impact to it to eliminate the disease at its core. It will take awareness and effort to eradicate the main cause. Any health improvement will bear fruits. Any issues at home will come up but the worst is over. You are starting to plan your travels for the next coming year and you will make some travels for sure.


A friend may introduce you to a potential partner this month. Any social event will benefit you for friendships can be forged. If you meet someone that catches the slightest of your attention, don’t put it off. If you are still single, give it a serious thought for romance can sparkle off with blessings. This new friend can become more than a friend, but this is just the beginning. Give your spouse a sudden surprise, he/she will love it. You are being shown a new path of financial approach that will make you more money.


You are very much into building a structure at home. To call for a home sweet home, you learn to live, love, laugh and you bring your joy to all the family members at home. Indulge in the comforts of the home for they are always your greatest assets after a day’s of hard work. There are some stresses for some members so stretch your laughter out. You might not have too much time for your spouse for the next year so do some make up first in advance now.


You might be aware that you will be spending more time for yourself in contemplation for thenext year. You do not have to be alone all the time and this month is the time for a connection to your siblings and basically to anyone available over the internet. This is a last boost for your career before it will become stagnant for some time.


You have come out from self-absorption and begin to experience life again with in social circle with friends. This is a new journey where you will also experience more income coming to you. Even family members will support you over whatever endeavours that you have. Traveling might be dangerous so delay it for 2 months if it is a leisure trip.


There is a new breathe of career in front of you and you are becoming optimistic about it. Celebrate it for the new beginning is going to thrill you but no indulgence. Any indulgence of problem related issues physically and mentally is going to bring out the disease in the body and mind these 2 months. Any creative projects are ready to make progress again.


Your career expansion has reached its peak and it is slowly down now before it gets over expanded. After all the concentration at work, treat yourself to an escape for a dinner and movie with your lover or spouse. It is great to escape from the limelight to the back scene for you deserve all the credits.


Traveling is not advisable but it is only temporarily. Try not to make any long distance travel for you can catch an influenza that will foil your plan. You are beginning to make money out of your efforts for other people but beware that things are not going to be smooth for the next incoming year. That will be ups and downs that you have to deal with. It is a very good time to catch up with your friends for something good is coming up.


You have come up on the gloomy phase and it is time to turn your focus on your relationship. How is your relationship with your spouse over your difficult times? Place your focus back on them for they will catch your focus for the next year. You also have to make new directions in your career and this is the month to start setting career goals for the future.


Take a workshop or 2 to improve any areas that you wish to know more about for it will come in handy for your personal development for the coming years. You are doing a complete makeover for your entire life but the changes will be gradual. This is a month of luck for you so make full use of it. Do take note of your health, work, and spouse for these are the problematic areas for a while.


Great creative pursuits are satisfying and this is your main area of focus for next year. You can start to probe deeper into what it is that interests you on a deeper level. Get some research done because this is applicable for more than a year to come. You are to enjoy exploiting your intelligent expressions behind the scene.


A new relationship is blooming and you are blessed in the area of relationship. A friend that you know will turn out to be a lover after all. While you are ready to be in love, you are ready to step down a little in the career sector. You have the last shot in career before you have to pay more attention back home.

Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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