2023 January Predictions

2023 January

2023 January Predictions

This is the early release of predictions for each individual horoscope sign. 2023 is going to be a great year of manifestation. It will not happen again soon. To find out why, go to below link.

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Don’t miss the great phenomenon of 2023 that is coming into your life soon!

This is the predictions for 2023 January 21 onwards. For predictions before 2023 January 21, please refer to last month’s predictions.

This is the first new moon in Capricorn without Saturn in it as Saturn has moved on to Aquarius for good. However, we still do not lack of excitement here with the new moon moving really close to Pluto at the same time in Uttara Ashadha, but it is happening also with Venus’s grace.

There is some form of achievement to be attained in certain areas of your life and it didn’t come easy. You waited a long time for this and it is finally happening now. The opportunity is opened up now and you have to grab the chance when you see it. Your long-term efforts will be paid off and you will be harvesting the results of your fruits later. But first, you have kick off the trend. Anything that you start now is tending towards the goal of success. When obstacles come your way, you will be assisted to overcome it. This is just the start of the year. You will feel secure and empowered being in control.

Below are the predictions from 2023 January 21 onwards. For predictions before 2023 January 21, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



The efforts that you have placed in the previous years in your career have been paid off and you are enjoying the fruits of success now. The relentless efforts to climb to the top have been paid off. If not, it will be after this month. Any long-time obstacles were there to taunt you. Your endurance was what make it to this point. Start something on a higher level now. There will be something you will be extremely passionate about.



With Mars stationing in the middle of your Ascendant, there are sure to have big changes in your life, for the better or worse. What can be more zestful than the lively Mars? Be careful of your health as Ketu has been in your 6th house for a long time. At the same time, pay specific attention to your relationship. It’s going to get very dynamic with Saturn, Jupiter, Mars all touching it now. And it’ just the beginning.



This will be your last test of the long haul of trials being thrown at you. Saturn has already left your tough 8th house. This is the closing chapter for you to finalize any details that is being left over. Look back on the past 3 years and remember what has happened to you and how you have endured until now. Learn the lessons and move on wiser up a notch. Your health will improve over the next few months.



You have endured tough situations in your business. There have been rapid changes constantly and there are going to be more changes in the years ahead. Be prepared to rock the boat or be rocked! Relationship matters are going through a transformative period and you will need your previous years of experience to deal with it. However, you shall have an unusual level of creativity to assist you in solving your issues.



The curtain of struggles is closing on you. The struggles over your life are generally maturing you to a better version of you now. You bring that set of experience with you and apply to your relationship now. There can be some troubles at home that always pull your attention to deal with it. It’s a little bit hectic at home so be mentally prepared. Don’t let your schedule be tightly packed to allow some room for adjustment.



You have been granted the great resilience of mental power throughout the years. Make your final move and finish up your last tender, your last project. There can be some intense obsession that you have with a crush. It is leaning more towards success now. Meanwhile, you can be doing a lot of traveling.



A great burden has been lifted off your home or your mother. If you are looking to clear up clutters at home, this month is great to beautify it. Any emotional stress is getting relief. You can be getting a fatter paycheck this year but don’t overwork yourself. Watch out for you diet and try not to over-indulge.



If you feel that there is no freedom of speech previously or that you couldn’t really express yourself well, the door is opened now. This is your chance to broadcast on whatever messages that you want to rely to the world. There can be a massive expansion to your overall life this year.



There can be an increase in your finances so keep a lookout. Take care of your siblings this month. You might not be able to sleep well at night. Your sleeping routine will be quite disturbed by your overthinking of the daily activities. You need to relax more and take things one at a time.



You are having a much easier time now with the great Saturn leaving your Ascendant for good. Hopefully you have adapted well to the discipline and perseverance experiences that you have for the past few years. They are very hard to come by and they can be harsh but they built in resilience in you that you cannot learn somewhere else. Finances can be an issue for you so watch your budget. Networking is a good way to start the year.



Finally, you are out of the rut and anything that hinders your personal progress is being uplifted now. That wasn’t so bad, was it? Now, you have a new set of challenges but you have gone through the rough patch, this is nothing for you. You are going to take what you have learnt and apply now to discipline, authority, and control over your life. When all is done, there will be a great career boost. This month is a slow start which is what you need.



Lady luck has been with you for quite some time now. Take a last celebratory gathering with your friends before you slowly back away into your own world. You will need plenty of time to rest and replenish yourself. Do not over exhaust yourself after this month. You will need the energy for other purposes. Some of you will have to do a lot of traveling.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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