2021 September Predictions

2021 September

2021 September Predictions

A rather peaceful ambiance ensues from a new moon in Purva Phalguni nakshatra (lunar mansion) opposed by Jupiter. However, the blessing from Jupiter is rather short-lived and lasts until September 13. Soon on September 14, Jupiter retracts its steps back into Capricorn again to rejoin Saturn in the house. Sun and Venus hold the donjon of the sweet pleasure energy. Any harsh energy in Capricorn is relaxed by Jupiter’s guidance again. Sun and Venus grant the amorous assertion of some lovers. Soothe yourself in the solace of materiality.

Below are the predictions from 2021 September 6 onwards. For predictions before 2021 September 6, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



Meeting someone new is an option for some. Something that triggers your heart is something that you look forward to. Is there an addition of a new family member? Any tense relationship welcomes some loving vigor from your partner. As they say, follow your heart.



Your professional front was shone its light for a while. Grab any new work opportunities that go your way the previous months. They may pave a way for you near the end of the year. Meanwhile, enjoy your home comforts.



Get in touch with your own hobbies. In the midst of all the confusing events, getting back into your favourite pastime activities help to relieve some stress. Getting messages out to people who need it is your purpose.



Rearrange your Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables. Make a healthy balance sheet for your business. Your relationship is put together again with a more jovial approach from September 14 onwards.



People are watching you whether you know it or not. You can’t help it. You inspire those who come across your path. Your words are golden and ringing pleasantly on others’ ears. Through your words, your influence grows even more.



When you are lost, step back and think about how you would want your everyday pace of life to be different. Be creative about it and enjoy the whole process. Some newly married couples can expect a tot in their family.



Your physical strength returns and you feel more alive now. Your life is manifesting in the way that you like it. If it doesn’t, your friends will support you. Realign to your life goals again.



A new business or a new career is still on the cards. If you come across good opportunities previously, this might be the time to switch. Marriage is also probable for the matured relationships, especially after September 14.



Faith comes easy though you may be manifesting more material matters and desires. Loans are easier to be approved now. You are the lucky one. Everything becomes easier when your belief system is now stronger. Money and career are both great.



Explore better ways to improve yourself and your career. Curate your work and keep one step ahead of the game. You are creative and inquisitive. People love you for what you do.



Material comforts are placed onto your hands. Romance and relationship may be part of the deal and go pretty well. Enjoyments of some sort can come from your spouse. However, some hardships are difficult to bear. Your children might be having some issues.



Your social circles are pulling you back. You are needed in some areas and your workload increases but you welcome them. One issue that you might have is obsession and indulgence. Bad habits lead to bad health.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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