01 Nov 2021 November Predictions
Starting from Nov 1, Mars will be in Swati nakshatra (lunar mansion) aspecting its ruler Rahu (North node of the moon) in Taurus exactly. This will happen few days before the actual new moon on Nov 4 takes place with Mars entangled in as well. Mars will also aspect Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto trio in Capricorn while opposing Uranus. Mars is also mutual aspecting a strong Saturn which is exact on Nov 10. By the day of Nov 20, Jupiter crosses over to Aquarius and leaves Capricorn for good. The guiding force of Jupiter leaves Saturn to deal with Mars alone but went on to soften Mars aggressiveness.
A small raging fire might be spreading in the hearts of some people yearning for freedom. There will be yearnings and passion that fuel the actions of a movement of independence. The motives behind the passion vary for each individual but the burning passion within can make one very restless. Some procrastination exists as you do not want to rock the boat where there is stability established. A balance within you is important so that you do not overplay things. This indecisiveness and agitation decrease as you proceed through November.
Below are the predictions from 2021 November 4 onwards. For predictions before 2021 November 4, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.
You have worked hard enough to stay competitive and it’s now a better time for business. Businesses bring in good revenue. You are capable of leading your company or team to better profits. Relationship is cool as long as you two come into agreement. Some people are trying to start a new family.
Some acute health issues may come up. Some of you may be more susceptible to diseases and that also includes the Covid-19 virus. It’s not a good period to mingle with big crowds when your immune system is lower. Your father’s health may have some issues.
For businesses that have taken a hit, new innovative ideas may be able to ride through some tough tides and bring in new revenue. There are unexpected hurdles that disrupt your life and your children.
There are some disarrays at home that can affect your relationship. For new couples, you have to settle in for a completely new home environment and you will need some time and endurance to get adjusted to it.
Aggressive advertising for your products and services can pull in a new pool of customers. Putting effort and displaying your worth at your workplace improves your reputation. Competitors and enemies will be crushed.
For a rise in fortune especially in terms of wealth and material gains, you have the power to explore a more proactive and transformational approach. It needs your willingness and effort to input and through transmute innovative approaches into money.
Wiggle out of your way out of your shadows into a brand new life. With your home as your security base, feel free to explore life in experimental ways. When it feels off-track, steer your way back on lane again. Bad habits can be quite hard to kick out.
Staying out of sight can steer you out of harm’s way as much as possible. Traveling to a faraway land is not assured safety. In fact, traveling can be a little dangerous. You can have some restless nights so keeping yourself composed and balanced is very important.
Financial gains are coming your way and there can be more to offer to you than you can resist. However, the manner that it is obtained can be less scrupulous than normal. Be careful of making enemies out of your friends.
Further establishing your roots in your career can give you mental stress. You are not one to heed advice easily and you may offend your boss. You may cross the line if you are given the authority now.
Your father isn’t doing so well. Have him stay home more or closer to home would be a safer option so that you can take care of him. Disruptions continue to arise at home that requires your attention.
Don’t let your passion and obsession take you away from the peace that you need. This is not a comfortable month. Compulsions and desires can lead you astray and do things that are not quite moral. It sucks you out of your life and energy.
Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
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