2023 November Predictions

2023 November

2023 November Predictions

This is the early release of predictions for each individual horoscope sign. 2023 is going to be a great year of manifestation. It will not happen again soon. To find out why, go to below link.

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This is the predictions for 2023 November 13 onwards. For predictions before 2023 November 13, please refer to last month’s predictions.

Rahu and Ketu (North and South nodes of moon) are making their last passes in the Aries and Libra sectors. Rahu is moving to Pisces and Ketu into Virgo from November 28 onwards. Here is the last chance for you to manifest any last stand in these areas for you. This new moon in Libra has Mars very tight by its side, and Uranus opposing it exactly with Jupiter blessing it. Venus will join in Libra from November 29 onwards while Mars would have long gone into Scorpio strongly from November 16 onwards. December would present a Jupiter and Venus opposition. November and December will be pretty sweet with the benefics constantly hemming in the new moon.

This is the finale choke of anything that you still haven’t accomplish in this region. The new moon in Vishaka fills you with the courage, faith, and the tenacity to follow through your path to the very end at all costs. It has only 1 goal, to reach the triumph of victory. Only you can do it.

By the time December comes, the job will be handed over to Jupiter to maintain what has been started off, and partially supported by Saturn to provide the endurance as well. Do not despair if you haven’t achieved the goal yet as Vishaka gives success. Usually, success is attained at a slower pace with consistency, patience, and determination. However, with the affirming strength of Mars and the jolting of Uranus pushing you behind, it quickens the path to success rather quickly.

There is a strong pull towards peace and harmony and there will be great desire to achieve something. This passion is extremely strong in December and yet there is this gentle cooperation of peace diffusing rapidly in the environment, promoting a very smooth path for you to accomplish your goal.

Below are the predictions from 2023 November 13 onwards. For predictions before 2023 November 13, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



You have been transformed in an immeasurable way over the past year since 2022 March. What have you experienced? That was one of the strongest pulls towards to a massive expansion of your life, a fated experience that you will not have it again for a long time. Now you have to continue on this new path and maintain your speed and effort. You are very much looking forward with a better relationship with your partner this month and December will be very pleasant to you. Focusing on your relationship is also inherently focusing on yourself.



There are a new set of work and routine that you have to adjust yourself to. You have enjoyed the hibernation for a rather long time now. You have rest well for a brand-new start. You have to set discipline to your new life style to improve your overall work life balance. You have a lot of dealings in foreign land. You may have to travel far for these deals or you have to work with foreigners to get the work done.



You have a pretty sharp perception for the entire November. Did you manage to make use of that? Ideas that you have gotten in the previous month may be pretty useful in any projects that you have. Deploy them now once you are ready, and put them to good use. Ideas and actions together give success.



The whole year gives you ample chances to rise in your career or to jump ship to a better position somewhere else. Should you change residence because of your new work, you might want to tidy up some details of your new residence. Did you hire property management for any vacant house?



Any spiritual journey that you have started off last year is going to continue and benefit you in the long run. Don’t wane on that because it’s benefits to your life is going to be prominent in the future. You can put into practice anything that you have learnt. Put those lessons and experience that you have gained into actions to be taken in your life.



The crisis that you are facing is real and it may be heavily triggered by Mars this month. Thank God Mars is going to pass it soon by November 16. Things should calm down by the time December comes. This crisis might be tough for your siblings. You might come into a sum of money that is unexpected.



A better relationship is forming up and existing relationship is being strengthened now. November and December are very good relationship months. If you haven’t found someone, this is one of your last shots before Rahu, Ketu, and Mars leave the house. Jupiter is staying to maintain any existing relationship that has been formed up. Focusing on yourself is also inherently focusing on your relationship.



You are enjoying your own seclusion now and you are deep in your fantasy and dreams. You may also be putting a lot of effort into your work which requires a lot of time behind the scene. Be prepared to travel far or to make your schedule light because you need a lot of time for yourself.



Display the innovative side of you and let the ideas flow to those who appreciate it. Those who appreciate your work are going to reward you or link you up with someone who may benefit you in the future. Any previous family planning may be realized now and you may be expecting a new member to join your family.



You are balancing between your home and work life consecutively. This month is a trigger back to your work life. If you haven’t been able to find a job that is suitable for you, try this month onwards. More people tend to tender their resignation after their year-end bonus. Your new job might be around the corner.



Travelling is definitely on your plan and you have possibly plan for a big trip at the end of the year. Or possibly even this month since traveling in November can be cheaper than over the Christmas season. You have a rather good relationship with your siblings and father right now. Work will be more tiring this month.



A sudden unexpected year-end bonus may be coming bigger than you thought. The first half of November may be more fluctuating in terms of finances but the latter part of November is much smoother and luckier. Be careful of squandering on worthless items. Relationship in November is much better than the coming December.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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