2019 August Predictions

2019 August Horoscope Predictions

2019 August Predictions

The new moon occurred on July 31 in the sign of Cancer, in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) Pushya at Cancer 14:29. This new moon is conjunct Venus and Mars, where Jupiter is aspecting it from Scorpio. Retrograding Mercury is conjunct Rahu (North Node of the Moon) quite closely in Punarvasu but Mercury is starting to turn direct on August 1. Mercury is turning to be very strong in Gemini anytime now and it is joining the group of planets in Cancer sign. Communications are slowly being cleared up and you are starting to see the light.

Jupiter is starting to turn direct on August 11, and its aspect to Venus, Mars, Mercury in Cancer is going to improve the overall situations of things. Things are slowly improving gradually and policies are placed in order to improve and sustain the situation that occurred from last month. With the concentrated energies coming into Cancer sign, this is an emotional period for all and you need to feel whatever is happening before you can move on.

The nakshatra Pushya is linked to a lotus flower where one can persevere and bloom beautifully even going through the harshest environment. It is a very auspicious nakshatra for developing spiritual endearvours. After going through tribulations, one begins to blossom and gets nourished by positive efforts. Pushya has the power to relieve pessimism no matter what happens. Passion will be used to fuel any action that will support your growth moving forward.

Below are the predictions from July 31 onwards. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.


You snuggled up with your spouse at home to invest some time on each other, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn and trimming the garden bushes. Peaceful moments at home reversed back any negative energies that was accumulated and nourishes each other’s souls. Comforts can be found at home.


Troubles in the family are finally stopping as you being to open your communications with your loved ones. Having a picnic in the park is going to lift everyone’s spirit at home extensively. There are some confusion in your career but everything else is looking great now. Sales and communications are perfect and you will profit greatly from such intents or industries. Get your business up and going again!


Doing something together with family members is going to ease off some tensions at home. You are back into the work mode and your efforts are paying off. If people are leaving the company, you might get a payment increment for taking over an empty position, thus more money is coming to you.


You are getting out of the rut that you have been last month. Whatever is on your mind this month, go ahead and execute it. You have the protection of multiple celestial planets on your side. No matter what has happened, this is the time to believe in yourself once again. Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury are all in your Ascendant, blessed by Jupiter. How much more can you get?


You are going to confine and isolate yourself from all the responsibilities in the world. It is not wrong to do that, in fact it is a great opportunity for you to get away for a dive in Maldives island or a wine-tasting trip to the exclusive wine brewery. You will benefit greatly from the trip.


Your career is great and nobody is going to take that job away from you. Connecting to higher management members in the company promotes your visibility. Getting into social events and the media will put yourself out in the open where people can see you. You will be surprised what you are going to get.


Your reputation soars high this month and everyone holds you in respect at work. Because of your accomplishments for the company, your reputation precedes you and you deserve a higher post and pay now. No harm asking for it. You might just get it.


You are invincible this month. Jupiter is turning direct again in your Ascendant, trining the stellium of planets in the 9th house of fortune. There is no better time to do anything that you please. Financial and family issues might persist for a while but godsend fortune is being sent to you in all areas of life.


Sagittarians are not doing so well overall and a lot of issues are bothering you that you do not know which one to deal with first. Take it one at a time and it will all be sorted out. If you can’t handle it, ask for external support or foreign help. Staying in the backline and priorities things first instead of talking in the frontline gives you more time to settle more urgent things first and buys your time.


A lot of things are going on with your spouse. He/She is getting all hippy. Find out what is going on and perhaps celebrate the event with her. For the singles, meeting someone is highly possible this month. In fact, you have a wide choice opened up. You are meeting many people. Take your time to pick. This is a highly sociable period for you.


You have too much work laying around this month. List out what the most important work are first and finish them off. The rest can wait. Delegate those tasks that you don’t think need your attention to follow up later on. As you build up your management skills, you will be on the list of recommendation for promotion. For the self-employed, your services are being recognized and too many clients are lining up for your services and products now.


If you are looking for work, raise up your ingenious perception and make so much noise around that no employees can shut your mouth down. Make your experience and talents known to all possibilities. Your chance is here. Speculations of all sorts have a high chance of huge returns now.

Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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