09 Sep 2025 August Predictions
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This is the predictions for 2025 August 23 onwards. This is actually more for September predictions which is pushed forward to August due to the late new moon date. For predictions before 2025 August 23, please refer to last month’s predictions.
The new moon being set off near to fixed star Regulus will signify the rise and fall of leaders. Regulus represents the king, the royalty family and nobleman. With the new moon together with Ketu (South node of the moon) at a distance, there will be a change of leaders in the world. Existing leaders who have served their purposes and terms will step down so that new leaders will take over the new role. New leaders will step up to take over the throne and serve the country, the organization, or society. Leaders who take up the role may have a place in this new role as they have the leadership from a past experience from this life or previous lives. They were meant to take up the position now.
On September 3, Jupiter at Gemini 24:08 will trine Rahu at Aquarius 24:08 exactly. This is a grand trine involving the great benefic Jupiter and the expansive Rahu. Together they expand the horizons of Gemini 24, Libra 24, and Aquarius 24 degrees with an orb of about 7 degrees. Any natal planets located in these signs near these degrees will be massively activated for some events in your life. If you have a wealth planet located near these degrees, you are in for a treat! This continues to facilitate different kind of desires and relationships to be fulfilled in the world as these are the kama signs of desires. Things will be very airy and fluttering in the sky and there will be playful joy in certain areas of life. The intellectually curious passion will be greatly emphasized and will climax around September 3.
On September 4, Mars at Virgo 24:22 and Jupiter at Gemini 24:22 will both aspect Sagittarius 24:22 whereby Saturn also aspects Sagittarius at a wider degree. This will trigger events in Sagittarius again especially at 24 degrees mark. Combined with last month’s combination, there is some sort of triggering and manifesting in Sagittarius between 20-25 degrees, given an orb of at least 5 degrees would mean Sagittarius 15-30 would be heavily aspected by multiple planets, with Saturn touching it at a wider degree. Watch out for Sagittarius if you have any planets at this degree range within these 2 months.
On September 6, Uranus turn retrograde at Taurus 7:14. Any natal planets here are triggering sudden events that may not present its warnings beforehand. The bizarre movements of the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are creating a once in a human lifetime formation. Uranus in Taurus, Neptune strong in Pisces, and Pluto strong in Capricorn gives off a strange vibe by being all at 7 degrees. The mass unconscious minds are in sync in consonance as all the outer planets are sextiling each other while Uranus and Pluto are in a trine. The rise and fall of leaders and many other world affairs are generally in agreement with the mass views and opinions, but changes can be sudden, abrupt, and seem chaotic.
There is the tension played out by the opposition of Mars in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces but the exact opposition is over on August 9 so the tension is separating and it is not as difficult as early August. The tension is still there but slowly waning off its push and pull effects. Obstacles faced in Virgo and Pisces are easing off. People playing out roles of victim and offender are not gaining popularity. There can be some new health issues plaguing the world. The tension is very much eased off by September 14 when Mars enters Libra.
Below are the predictions from 2025 August 23 onwards. For predictions before 2025 August 23, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.
You are feeling very intuitive and any suggestions that come out of you seem to be coming out of nowhere. You may rise to be a leader in your expertise because your advice is brilliant. You are able to convey your advice to the right audience and it will be very well-received. If you have a good sales pitch, try delivering your message near September 3. However, you may not be able to sleep well for a while because of your work and restless mind. You might be expected to travel.
There are quite some changes at home. If you are not preparing to change your home just yet, you may have thoughts of that happening in the next 2 years or so. If you have a dominant mother, she is going to be even more prominent this month. There may be a great rise in your career and thereby raise your wealth on a proportionate level near September 3. Even though you have home matters to settle, you cannot avoid the rise of your public image. You may have unexpected situations to deal with. Your children might be having some issues this month.
You are conveying deep messages to the world and people recognize who you are and they listen to you. What you are telling the world is very important and very well-received. You are shining brightly in the world and you have the absolute Midas touch especially near September 3. Plan well what you want to do around that date because the success rate is extremely high. You might need to balance your home and work load and make some sacrifices. Relationship is forming and some of you may get married.
You can make very powerful speeches that influences the great masses so become careful of what you speak. Your speech makes a big difference in the world. You have the grace of beneficial energy to carry you over many areas of life. There is something coming to you from foreign land. There are multiple chances to fly you over to foreign land. You may also hit some unanticipated sudden fortune. Your siblings and father may not be in good relationship with each other. Your health may be on the lower end of the stick.
You are a great leader waiting to be recognized. You will be recognized by the world or in your industry for what you are good in. This is the month to shine but don’t take it overboard. You may be blatant on your words. Some of you may rise but some of you may fall at the same time. If you are not in a position of power, then you got nothing to lose anyway. You can also be rewarded with a wish fulfilled near September 3. This wish can be a position of power or it can something else that you want very much. You may enjoy your relationship this month.
Being overly confrontational can suffer some setbacks in your life especially regarding your relationship. This is a controversial month where you have to be more flexible and go with the flow. While you are meant to take a step back for retrospection, you may also be very famous with your public image. If you work in an MNC or an industry that is global, you can be very well-received. Take advantage of your influence near September 3.
A great wish of yours that has been on your mind for years might get fulfilled. You may get to meet an old friend from the past who is very influential. There may be great chances to develop romantic encounters near September 3. You may get pregnant sometime within this year or the next. You can start to take a look at where you want to land your vacation this year because it will be very fulfilling. Any difficulties with your relationship will ease off by September 14.
The passionate Scorpions may rule the world now. You are the most sought-after person in the world or in your industry. However, this may go either way. There is a rise and fall for everyone. Some of you may rise but some of you may fall back, depending on your situation. If you do rise to the occasion to a position of great power, do not waste the opportunity away. You can be extremely influential. Your financial status may go through unstable conditions and it may have something to do with your home situations especially near September 3.
You have some luck with teachers and fatherly figures. You may get to meet a very influential figure who is able to guide you in your journey, depending on what you seek in life. There are opportunities to seek a higher education of some sort. Partially due to the greater adventure that you are able to go through, you are able to manifest many things in life. This is especially so regarding your relationship near September 3. Some of you may also get married.
You are not quite having such a good time this month. There may be unexpected surprises for the better or worse and it’s not so predictable. For the workaholics, your attention turns to your career and you may burrow your head deep down into your work, but at the same time there may be an increase of wealth due to your effort near September. Your father and siblings may not be in good relationship this month. Things will better after September 14.
You may get to know an influential figure that may be some sort of a leader. If you are in a relationship mode, you may also meet a potential someone who is a leader or your spouse may rise to a position of great leadership. You are being thrown into the world leading you to your destiny in the smoothest way especially near September 3. Your children are also enjoying your fortune. There are great gains to satisfy your appetite so hopefully you made good wholesome wishes in the past.
The Pisceans may not have the best of health within this year but this is worsening this month. You may visit a well-known doctor to resolve your health issues. If you are not feeling well, it’s best to stay home and recover before the condition worsens. The symptoms will ease off next month. Home is where your heart is even though your career is demanding your attention. There may be changes in your home environment or you may stay home more around September 3.
Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
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