2025 February Predictions

2025 February

2025 February Predictions


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The interpretation is analyzed very much ahead of time. If there is additional information, they might be added later on without notification.

This is the predictions for 2025 February 27 onwards. This is actually more for March predictions which is pushed forward to February due to the late new moon date. For predictions before 2025 February 27, please refer to last month’s predictions.

The new moon in Aquarius together with Saturn is probably the last new moon together with Saturn in Aquarius since Saturn is moving on to Pisces permanently in a few months’ time. Saturn will not return to Aquarius until about 30 years later. This new moon is a little dignified together with a very strong Saturn without any other planets’ direct influence. The unique traits of being free-spirited, eccentric, futuristic, and humanitarian are all experienced in a stronger way

On the new moon day, Mercury would have moved over to Pisces to join Venus and Rahu which increases the benefic effects in Pisces exchanged with Jupiter in Taurus. Just when you think life cannot be sweeter, it is actually getting sweeter in Taurus and Pisces signs.

On March 1, Venus goes retrograde at Pisces 16:37. Venus will conjunct Mercury exactly at Pisces 14:34 on March 11. On the very same day of March 11, Sun is exactly conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. This is one sweet day where kindness overrules ego if you let it. You have to push your ego aside to experience a little kindness and sweetness of life.

On March 14, Mercury also goes retrograde at Pisces 15:22. Something rather important is being trigger at the point around Pisces 15-17 degrees as well as Virgo 15-17 degrees. It is being highly triggered by the benefics especially for the Virgo sign.

On March 19, Uranus leave Aries and moves on to Taurus permanently. If you haven’t experienced the excitement created by Uranus in Aries in the past 7 years, you would have missed out a lot.

Below are the predictions from 2025 February 27 onwards. For predictions before 2025 February 27, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



You have made your mark in the professional world. Now extend your reputation to your circle of friends and acquaintances because they are very helpful to you right now. If you have helped them before, they will be there to help you whenever you need help. Your health is improving and you are enjoying the strength to proceed with what you want with life. People with foreign business may reap profits from foreign land or trading near mid-March.



Your professional responsibilities are recognized this month and the right job title will go to you. You should have a long-term goal regarding your career now if you haven’t got a clue yet. There are many friendly and supportive circle of people that are always ready to help you if you ask for help especially this month. You may acquire some rewards or fulfil some life aspirations near mid-March.



There is a high chance of traveling within this month most probably for your work or business. You are very assertive and you are able to push your way through certain goals if you are disciplined enough to follow it through. Your boss is truly awesome to you and he/she appreciate your work thoroughly. You know how to work your way in your profession to get things done especially near mid-march.



This month might pinch a little bit. This month triggered off a crisis that has been long-standing. Think of what happened around 12 months ago. This could be a continuation of what happened a year ago. This is a crisis month where the seriousness depends on what you have experienced before. If it was a full-blown event a year ago, this is a wrap-up period for you to have some form of closure. There are many friends that you are truly lucky to have because they are ready to support you in any ways. You may come into some financial gains too.



This is a continuation of last month’s activities. You are even more magnetic than ever especially near mid-March. You may be able to get your way around in the office and you may get favours done to your advantage. Your relationship gets to the next level this month and you are enjoying it. For the married ones, no affairs in the office because you will destroy yourself marriage in a few years’ time.



If health is not one of your favourite subjects, you can start this month because you will need the advice for yourself. If you have experienced health issues 12 months ago, this may be a continuation of what you have had a year ago. This may just be a relapse. Health is your priority issues. Besides that, your marriage or relationship is your luckiest area especially near mid-march.



You yearned to be loved and admired and you will get it not in the most fascinating way that you like, but in a dutiful way that goes for the long-term. You have the responsibility to care for your children and it can be a challenging task. Also, off sugar this month if your health is taking a toll. Changing your diet reverses your health issues. You may have an urge to change your daily routines to a healthier one by mid-March.



There is something going on at home and you have to settle it for the last time before you move on to other matters. If there are renovations to be done at home, this might be the last month for you to do a proper job. This month continues to be a lovely month for you because you are so much in love especially near mid-March. Some of you may have a love marriage.



If you are going to start a new business, this could be the finalizing month for you to decide what you want to do eventually. You have the willpower to keep it going. Are you a business-owner or are you going to work for someone? You may enjoy working from home this month because your home is extremely cozy.



You are continuing to make the effort to convey what you want to the world and it will be very well-received. You can make your last negotiation for that pay rise because this is one of the best chances that you may get it from your previous years of hard work. After this month, the chance is waning away.



You were getting a slow start of the year last month and this month you are all ready to push forward in your life in full force. Your life has been very structured according to your plan in the previous 2 years. This is your last touch and you will reap the rewards many years ahead. Continue to beautify your house where it matters most and you may spend quite a sum of money on your house by mid-March.



This is the last month that you remain behind the scene. After this month, you don’t have much of a chance to be an introvert anymore because the world is ready for your emergence from your den. You are very courageous and you spread information with such knowledge that you are like a teacher to all. Everyone looks up to you and are able to make changes in your life with ease near mid-March.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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