2023 June Predictions

2023 June

2023 June Predictions

This is the early release of predictions for each individual horoscope sign. 2023 is going to be a great year of manifestation. It will not happen again soon. To find out why, go to below link.

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This is the predictions for 2023 June 17 onwards. For predictions before 2023 June 17, please refer to last month’s predictions.

The benefics have left the explosion in Aries, leaving Jupiter and Rahu to continue the job while Saturn aspects it to manifest something more concrete and long-lasting. The new moon set in Mrigashira nakshatra (lunar mansion) is looking for something, constantly searching for something until it is satisfied. It is an innocent wandering deer looking for something ideal. However, it is difficult to be satisfied with the eternal search of something perfect as we live in an ever-changing imperfect world. Things being perfect today will not be tomorrow. Once you have locked in your target, you want to hit the bull’s eyes. You want to catch something that is within your grasp, instead of chasing after the escaped opportunities.

With the new moon set in Gemini, there is the chase after juicy information for your knowledge. There is a chase after messages to squeeze golden information out of the messengers’ mouth. There is an interest in learning or teaching something new. Hobbies and things that are intriguing to you have strike your attention.

Below are the predictions from 2023 June 17 onwards. For predictions before 2023 June 17, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



The planets have left your Ascendant leaving you with Rahu and Jupiter working your life to the max. What you are looking for have to be communicated or perhaps you have to do some traveling. If there is something that you are interested in learning, here’s the opportunity to start it finally. Find out who or where is closest to this interest or hobby that you have. You are particularly good in marketing this month. Some of you might be expecting a new-born.



Is there a new way for you to earn your income? Or perhaps there is a sideline waiting for you to explore on. More financial opportunities are opening up to you, but you have to search for it and initiate yourself. You are good in giving speeches this month as you will draw in the right audience to listen to what you have to say. You might be changing residence within the year.



You are captivating and you draw in what you attract, especially with regards to financial matters. Finances are especially good this month and it is just the start. You might have to take a step back to find out what you are looking for in your life, before you launch a big move. Foreign market looks good. There are many learning or marketing opportunities this year.



What you are looking for cannot be attained from something that you can grasp easily. You will find more meaning when you leave out some time for yourself to discover. It’s better not to initiate big projects this month unless you are sure of the risks. Your task is to delay and contemplate on major decisions. There are many chances to increase your wealth this year.



There is something that you are looking for, or at least for this month. Is there something that you always wanted to do but didn’t get the chance to? Is there a collector item missing under your belt? You might be able to find the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle now. You just have to make the effort. You will be recognized by the world sometime this year.



Due to the hectic changes in your life, there are going to be some movements in your office this month. If you really need time off your work, make the arrangements so that someone can take over your share temporarily. If not, just hang in there and try to make it this month. This is one of the better months out of the cloudy ones. There might be some losses this year.



The search is on and you have the luck to find what you really want. You have to think deep what it is that you want and you have the luck to manifest it this month. It might be a good time to book flight and hotel now if you are planning on a long trip. In fact, you might even be traveling now. Traveling seems to be on the cards for June, September or end of the year. There are opportunities to learn something deep, spiritual or of your interest. Something that you yearn for a long time can be manifested this year.



You have the passion to pursue something like an obsession spell put on you. It may have to do with your relationship or your business. Think deep and plan well before you execute any actions. You can be very well-received by the public and your career is on the path to success this year.



While you may turn a romance into a new relationship, this month might take a little bit more effort to proceed with your plan. This is just the start and there is no hurry. There are chances for you undertake a laborious creative task like writing a book. Work out a proposal for that so that you can achieve your goal. You will be able to publish that book or set that proposal into action.



If your career is not working out right now, it might be signaling to you that a major change in that is coming. Maybe you can even start out on your own and there are sparkling ideas for that enables you to strike out on your own. There might be a lot of fear brewing within you with so many changes coming your way. You have to learn new techniques on how to deal with crises in life. Define the problem and wait for the chance for new doors to open up.



You have a chance to jump on a candlelight dinner if that is romantic enough for you. The point is, there are chances for your relationship to go to a deeper level. If there is no one currently, notice any potential signals this month. Some of you will be getting married within this year.



You have to deal constantly with gains and losses. As your income is greatly increasing this year, there might be an expensive asset that you might be pricing out your wealth. Spend wisely and it will be a good investment for the future. Don’t overwork yourself this month as you can get burnt out.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


For a consultation with us, please check out our Astrology Services below.



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