03 May Bad Boys 4 – Armageddon
Nuclear Astrology The planetary combination in the sky can only be so finite. This makes a nuclear fallout real. So when is the real nuclear fallout? This is for future generations to find out. Here is the finale for Bad Boys series. U is Uganda, R is Rwanda, C is Congo, and J is Jordan. The destiny chart is also the marriage chart of a person. The same applies to a nation. A nation can marry another nation to carry out matrimonial duties and business partnerships. A nation can marry as many nations as it wants in the world. All the nations are interconnected together. What is the most important planet in the destiny chart especially for marriage? Venus! Venus is paramount for maintaining a marital relationship. Where is U Natal Venus in the destiny chart? Natal Venus is in the 8th house with Natal Neptune, afflicted by 6th ruler Natal Mars and Natal Ketu from the 12th house. U Natal Venus is also the Mk (Matri Karaka) which means that its land may run into some trouble at some point in time. In U destiny chart, 6th ruler Natal Mars is in Libra in the 5th house. 8th ruler Natal Saturn, Natal Sun, and Natal Jupiter all aspects the 5th house of politics in Libra. Only 1 saving grace of Jupiter aspects the 5th house, but multiple malefics including 6th and 8th rulers affect Libra sign. The 5th ruler Natal Venus is in the 8th house with Natal Neptune hemmed in by benefics Natal Jupiter and Moon. It is pretty adept in dark politics. In addition to the malefic aspects to Libra in the destiny chart, 6th ruler Natal Mars, 8th ruler Natal Saturn also aspects Natal Ketu in the 12th house in Taurus. It’s foreign affairs is also afflicted. In U destiny chart, Natal Venus is in the 8th house aspected by Natal Mars and Ketu. Natal Ketu exact aspect to Natal Venus drain away the Venusian energy. Venusian sign of Libra is heavily afflicted by 3 malefics Natal Mars, Saturn, Sun with a single aspect of Natal Jupiter. Natal Saturn exact aspect to Natal Mars creates tension. Venusian sign of Taurus is also heavily afflicted by 3 malefics Natal Ketu, Saturn, Mars. Natal Venus is in the 8th house afflicted by Natal Mars and Ketu. With Natal Venus, Venusian signs of Taurus and Libra all being heavily afflicted, peaceful energy is depleted. The citizens of U have no role at all in foreign policy. There are no debates, no discussions, no deliberations, no voting in wars and how huge resources are being used. Nation U may have some of the loveliest citizens in the world, but when it comes to politics and foreign affairs, it is not like it’s citizens. U destiny chart gives a rather unVenusian behaviour. R has 4th ruler Venus in Libra in its birth chart. C has 10th ruler Venus in Libra in its birth chart. U has malefic effects all over Libra sign in its destiny chart. U poses constant threats to the homeland of R and the world development of C. U Natal Pluto at Capricorn 6:49 opposing C Natal Pluto at Cancer 24:29, as well as C 4th ruler Natal Mars is not a good sign. The point that it lands up on C Ascendant and Natal Moon tightly means that nuclear options are not closed. U Natal Ketu in the 12th house in the destiny chart at Taurus 22:46 lands on C 2nd ruler Natal Venus in the destiny chart at Taurus 26:38. U can cause a great loss of revenue for C. U Natal Pluto in the destiny chart at Pisces 1:21 opposes R Ascendant degree Gemini 6:01 in the destiny chart. Nuclear options are opened on R. There is very strong retaliation from C too. C Natal Ketu in the destiny chart at Leo 2:02 lands on U 1st ruler and 4th ruler Natal Mercury at Leo 0:56 of the destiny chart. C Natal Pluto in the destiny chart at Aquarius 10:24 also opposes U Natal Mercury in the destiny chart. C exalted Natal Mars at Capricorn 15:36 in the 10th house in the destiny chart lands exactly on U Natal Ketu at Capricorn 15:51 in the 2nd house in the birth chart. In the same charts, C Natal Uranus in Capricorn is also in contact with U Natal Pluto in Capricorn. This is more of an economic clash. This means that Capricorn and Cancer axis is a strong line of clash between U and C. Transit Pluto is now in Capricorn. A strong potential clash is in the making now. U birth chart Natal Pluto is at Capricorn 6:49. U birth chart Ascendant degrees is at Sagittarius 8:59. U birth chart 1st and 4th ruler Natal Jupiter is at Gemini 15:12. U destiny chart Natal Pluto is at Pisces 1:21. U destiny chart Ascendant degrees is at Gemini 20:53. U destiny chart 1st ruler and 4th ruler Natal Mercury is at Leo 0:56. U destiny chart Natal Uranus is in the Ascendant at Gemini 13:43. C birth chart Natal Pluto is at Cancer 24:29. C birth chart Ascendant degrees is at Capricorn 10:01. C birth chart 1st ruler Natal Saturn is at Leo 19:59. C birth chart 4th ruler Natal Mars is at Cancer 21:44. C destiny chart Natal Pluto is at Aquarius 10:24. C destiny chart Ascendant degrees is at Aries 0:14. C destiny chart 1st ruler Natal Mars is at Capricorn 15:36. C destiny chart 4th ruler Natal Moon is at Aries 0:14 U destiny chart Natal Pluto at Pisces 1:21 does not impact C destiny chart Natal Pluto or 1st or 4th ruler or Ascendant degrees directly. U destiny chart Natal Pluto at Pisces 1:21 does not impact C birth chart Natal Pluto or 1st or 4th ruler or Ascendant degrees directly. C destiny chart Natal Pluto at Aquarius 10:24 opposes U destiny chart 1st ruler and 4th ruler Natal Mercury at Leo 0:56. The range is wide. C destiny chart Natal Pluto at Aquarius 10:24 does not impact U birth chart Natal Pluto or 1st or 4th ruler or Ascendant degrees directly. U birth chart 10th ruler Natal Mercury at Cancer 3:26 and U birth chart Natal Pluto at Capricorn 6:49 is in connection with C birth chart Natal Pluto at Cancer 24:29 and 4th ruler Natal Mars at Cancer 21:44. The points of contact are all very wide. U birth chart Natal Pluto at Capricorn 6:49 is right on C birth chart Ascendant degrees at Capricorn 10:01. This is the only point of contact that is very close. U is opened to the idea of nuking C. Here is the good news. As long as the birth charts remain the same, the possibility of a nuclear war between U and C is extremely low. The probability of it happening is extremely slim. The Great War in 2032 will be mainly a sea-based war. In R destiny chart, R has 9th ruler Natal Venus, Natal Pluto, Natal Sun, Natal Moon in the 10th house opposed by 10th ruler Natal Mercury. Natal Pluto is at Gemini 13:17. Natal Jupiter also aspects the 10th house, even though Natal Saturn and Ketu also aspects the 10th house. There are multiple planets’ effects on the 10th house. Despite 2 malefic planets aspecting it, all the natural benefics also aspect the 10th house. It’s nuclear arsenal Natal Pluto is connected to Natal Venus, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu. Natal Pluto is in the 10th house holding the energies of whopping 8 planets. It is not stained by the most malefic planet 3rd and 8th ruler Natal Mars. This is a nuclear force to be reckoned with. R is world famous for its humongous nuclear arsenal. If R is being invaded and faces an existential threat from U, its nuclear arsenal might be forced to be placed on the frontline. It’s Natal Pluto might be activated in response to threats. U birth chart Natal Pluto is at Capricorn 6:49. U birth chart Ascendant degrees is at Sagittarius 8:59. U birth chart 1st and 4th ruler Natal Jupiter is at Gemini 15:12. U destiny chart Natal Pluto is at Pisces 1:21. U destiny chart Ascendant degrees is at Gemini 20:53. U destiny chart 1st ruler and 4th ruler Natal Mercury is at Leo 0:56. U destiny chart Natal Uranus is in the Ascendant at Gemini 13:43. R birth chart Natal Pluto is at Libra 28:08. R birth chart Ascendant degrees is at Taurus 13:21. R birth chart 1st ruler Natal Moon is at Leo 8:00. R birth chart 4th ruler Natal Venus is at Libra 29:02. R destiny chart Natal Pluto is at Gemini 13:17. R destiny chart Ascendant degrees is at Virgo 6:01. R destiny chart 1st ruler Natal Mercury is at Sagittarius 8:33. R destiny chart 4th ruler Natal Jupiter is at Libra 7:30. R destiny chart Natal Uranus is in the Ascendant at Virgo 25:58. R Natal Pluto in the 10th house at Gemini 13:17 in the destiny chart lands on U 1st and 4th ruler Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12 in the birth chart. In U birth chart, U Natal Jupiter is the eagle’s head and also rules its homeland. R Natal Pluto in the destiny chart also lands on U Natal Uranus at Gemini 13:43 in the Ascendant in the destiny chart EXACTLY. In U destiny chart, the Ascendant is the eagle’s body. All of these planets are in cruel Ardra nakshatra. In R career chart, Natal Uranus at Gemini 15:31 is again conjunct the U eagle’s head Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12 in the birth chart EXACTLY. Natal Pluto in R career chart at Cancer 11:25 goes to U 8th house close to U Natal Rahu. The final showdown is much more likely between R and U. For survival, the unthinkable might be done. For R to retaliate against an existential threat, some nukes might suddenly land up on U lands. With Natal Sun, Moon, Venus, Pluto in the 10th house in R destiny chart, it can become world famous for nuking X? This is a release of pressure being built up for decades and centuries. The conflicts and resentments are cumulative but the attacks are sudden. Generations of resentments can vent up just in a few minutes time. This is Armageddon. Here is the bad news. As long as the birth charts remain the same, the possibility of a nuclear war between U and R is extremely high. This is a possible biblical end of the world war where only 1/3 of world civilization remain. This war didn’t suddenly begin. Constant conflicts built up in the ether will eventually erupt one day. This is serious. Even though there is only 1 precedent in history of a nuke has been detonated on the planet, it is the only information that we have. We are going to use J country of being nuked by U using the old J chart before World War 2 without a verified timing. U Natal Pluto (nuclear arsenal) in the destiny chart is at Pisces 1:21. It is tight on J Natal Mars at Pisces 2:55. On J old destiny chart, U Natal Pluto is on J Natal Neptune at Pisces 4:52 and squaring Natal Venus at Sagittarius 0:42 exactly. J is very connected to U nuclear arsenal in U destiny chart. J was nuked by U in 1945. In U destiny chart, its nuclear arsenal at Pisces 1:21 in the 10th house can mean it is world famous for nuking J. After J new constitution, its 1st, 4th, 10th rulers are still connected U Natal Pluto, being controlled by U. R Natal Pluto (nuclear arsenal) in the destiny chart is at Gemini 13:17. It is right on U Natal Venus at Gemini 12:26 and U 1st ruler Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12 in the birth chart. U Natal Jupiter is also its 4th ruler of homeland. From the Moon, U Natal Venus is also its 4th ruler again. R Natal Pluto is also exactly on U Natal Uranus at Gemini 13:43 in the Ascendant in the destiny chart. U Natal Uranus in the destiny chart is right on its own Natal Jupiter and Venus in its birth chart. U Natal Uranus here refers to uranium and it is being activated on its homeland by R Natal Pluto. U nuke precedent with old J chart is the nuke formula of the possibility of suffering a nuclear strike. U nuke precedent to new J chart shows the nuclear footprint. Now apply the same formula from R nuclear arsenal to U chart, what do you have? In R destiny chart, its Natal Moon is at Gemini 12:08, Natal Venus at Gemini 21:23, Natal Sun at 26:12 and especially Natal Pluto is at Gemini 13:17 are all in the 10th house. Would it be world famous for nuking X? The same applies to U destiny chart. It’s Natal Pluto at Pisces 1:21 opposes R Ascendant Virgo 6:01 in the destiny chart. R Natal Uranus is also in the Ascendant. The nuclear exchange between U and R is sudden and paves the path for mutual annihilation. Whichever natal planet is closer to the other Natal Pluto stands to hold the shorter end of the stick of the nuclear exchange. R Natal Pluto in the destiny chart is right on U Natal Uranus in the Ascendant in the destiny chart exactly. R Natal Pluto in the destiny chart is also just 2 degrees away from U birth chart 1st and 4th ruler Natal Jupiter. U has a lot more to lose in a nuclear exchange. U destiny chart Natal Pluto at Pisces 1:21 is aspected by its Natal Rahu. R destiny chart Natal Pluto at Gemini 13:17 is aspected by its Natal Venus, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu. Who do you think has a stronger nuclear arsenal? This is a discovery that the threat is real. A lot of people are going to die if this conflicting trajectory continues. Fatal Last Stand When you shake a champagne bottle, pressure builds up in the bottle ready for a pop of bursting bubbles. Before a volcano erupts, there are precursors of an increase in the frequency and intensity of earthquakes. Nothing happens in a vacuum and actions have consequences. Similarly, a D-Day to Armageddon doesn’t happen all in a day’s work. Constant building up of conflicts eventually ends up in a catastrophe because the cumulative friction has nowhere to defuse. We are having a good jolt of unceasing “Poignetage” before it all burst. Before you find out the nuclear ending, please remember 2 points. Always remember that you are the soul. When Truman 2 finally shows up, the first strike will be from U. The nuclear doctrines and charts are in sync. The first attack from U to R is highlighted as blue. Natal Pluto is nuclear power. Natal Uranus is Uranium. Ascendant degree is the nation itself. When U nuclear arsenal is opposing the R Ascendant ever so tightly and throughout from the birth chart to the destiny chart, it looks at R as an arch rival. 7th house is also the house of competition, that is why it is opposing it throughout the entire lifespan of both nations. U nuclear arsenal in the birth chart is opposing R birth chart Ascendant almost exactly. It sees R as a threat right from the very beginning. R will be devastated from the first strike. Ruman will also appear to perform the act of retaliation. The retaliation from R to U is highlighted as yellow. 1st ruler is the nation itself and 4th ruler is its homeland. When R Birth Chart Natal Pluto doesn’t interact much with U Birth Chart, it has no intention to use its nuclear arsenal on U. R Birth Chart Natal Pluto being guarded by a strong Natal Venus that rules the homeland in the house of its homeland means its nuclear arsenal is only used for the protection of its beautiful homeland. Natal Venus in Libra in the 4th house means a beautiful homeland with vast amounts of natural resources. R Venus main purpose is to protect R homeland. It has no interest in putting its homeland at risk in all circumstances. In R Destiny Chart, its 1st and 10th ruler benefic Natal Mercury is in the 4th house of homeland opposed by benefic 9th ruler Natal Venus in the 10th house. The same story continues that R main goal in life is to protect and benefit its homeland. Constant provocation and targeting by U, it will eventually be struck by U when Truman 2 appears. There will be a strong retaliation. When R Destiny Chart Natal Pluto lands right on U Destiny Chart Natal Uranus in the Ascendant exactly, the retaliation is not only sudden but unimaginably powerful. R Destiny Chart Natal Pluto is armed by 9th ruler Natal Venus, Sun and Moon in the 10th house opposed by 10th ruler Mercury. It is also aspected by 4th ruler Natal Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu. It is empowered by whooping 7 planets. It is near impossible to defeat R in a nuclear exchange. Only Natal Mars doesn’t touch it but Mars is the most malefic planet here. This means its nuclear arsenal is not really tainted at all. All 3 benefics are guarding Natal Pluto means it doesn’t use its nuclear arsenal lightly. It is only used for protection and retaliation, but its retaliation will be extremely overwhelming. R Destiny Chart Natal Uranus in the Ascendant at Virgo 25:58 landing on U Birth Chart 1st ruler Natal Saturn from the Moon at Virgo 24:04 causes a massive change to U future. R holds a certain future for U. When R Destiny Chart Natal Pluto at Gemini 13:17 lands tightly on U Birth Chart 1st and 4th ruler Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12 and opposes closely on U Birth Chart Ascendant degree, the retaliation will affect U nation and its homeland terribly. Looking at the overall number of impacts, degrees of impacts and the impacts strength, U stands to lose much more in a nuclear standoff. This is why U Natal Jupiter is in the cruel Ardra nakshatra. This is Armageddon. U Natal Jupiter in Ardra nakshatra is ruled by Natal Rahu. Natal Rahu and its 7th and 10th ruler Natal Mercury are in the 8th house. There is a cause for everything. The cause for an Armageddon lies in Natal Rahu and Natal Mercury in the 8th house. Everything has a cause and effect. Armageddon on Natal Jupiter is the effect. The cause is Natal Rahu and Mercury in the 8th house. U cruelty to its allies and competitors. U government. U intelligence. The 3 letters agency. A new constitution may be formed with a new U birth chart. You can’t expect a government that has destroyed the country to continue to rule the country. This new birth chart will bear a karmic footprint of a nuke nation. U new birth chart shall have some planets marked by R Destiny Chart Natal Pluto at Gemini 13:17. In R Destiny Chart, it has Natal Sun, Moon, Venus, Pluto in the 10th house. It will become world famous for retaliating and nuking against X. If R birth chart changes as well, it will also have some planets marked by U Destiny Chart Natal Pluto at Pisces 1:21. The nuclear doctrines will change accordingly to the new birth charts. Natal Pluto represents power. When new weapons have evolved beyond nuclear power, the Armageddon will also be aggravated by the evolution of weapons. If you are still following, here is the nuclear fallout design. It is currently a 5-point method to identify a nuclear fallout. It can be further refined later. But if all these 5 conditions are fulfilled, a nuclear fallout is near inevitable. Truman 2 and Ruman must first be identified. A nuclear fallout requires human intervention. Without human intervention, there is no nuclear war. The design requires taking in the assumption that the countries birth charts remain the same, otherwise the design will alter. Every single thought and action of every single man is recorded in the ether. Such is the same for the countries. The mass consciousness of a country has its own karma to reap, both the good and the bad. All karma must be expended until it reaches zero-sum. The assumption of the countries birth charts involved must remain the same. If the countries birth charts are changed, the karma to be expended out may change in form. After that, the countries involved must enter into warring periods and in conflicts. Only then, the planetary transits will activate the nuclear fallout. The transit of Pluto is paramount to a nuclear fallout as it represents nuclear power and weapons of mass destruction. Transit Pluto must be in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn in order to square off the countries each other Natal Pluto to activate a nuclear fallout. Nature repeats itself in a grand scheme with different scenarios in multiples of 180 years. The last and only nuclear attack happened in 1945. Therefore, the years in multiple 180 years after 1945 is very susceptible to another nuclear attack. And who knows if it will be the last attack on the planet if life can withstand such a nuclear fallout. When all 5 points are fulfilled, point 6 is highly likely to come. The chickens have come home to roost. Men dark thoughts and actions have ripened to fruition. When Transit Saturn is exalted in Libra, R 8th ruler is exalted in the 4th house. There is great destruction to the homeland of R. When 6th and 9th ruler Transit Jupiter is also exalted in Cancer, it will be in the Ascendant aspected by 8th ruler Transit Saturn. There are destruction and obstacles to R but it will also be protected by the great benefic 9th ruler Jupiter. When Transit Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, U 1st and 4th ruler is in the 8th house aspecting the 4th house. When Transit Saturn is also exalted in Libra, it will aspect U 8th house. Transit Saturn will also be in the 8th house from the 4th house. There is great destruction to U and its homeland. There is an unstoppable impulse to U Natal Rahu and 10th ruler Natal Mercury in the 8th house to execute the unthinkable. When the above 5 conditions are all satisfied, these transits may create a nuclear first strike fallout. Seeds of tensions in the ether have reached fruition. After the fallout, this is the destruction of U government. Centuries of tensions have been released and a new constitution may be formed and thus a new U birth chart. The new U birth chart may bear a karmic footprint of a nuked nation linked to R just like how J birth chart bearing a nuclear footprint of U. When both Transit Jupiter and Saturn are exalted, this is the great manifestation of an U disaster. Run and hide. Cuidate! When is Nuclear War? The nuclear threat is real and it doesn’t happen suddenly. It results from a continuous cumulative stream of attacks. Future generations will remember what the past generations have done and resentments are piling up deeper and deeper. The conflicts vibration remains on the planet and the souls remember life after life. Every single act of aggression is recorded in the ether and nothing is forgotten. Why do we have this great tragedy waiting for us? The only explanation is that this planet or rather this world is not meant to be perfect, otherwise we will delve in this world’s samsara forever. This world is mentioned because even this planet will not bound us forever. We will stay on the Moon and even have a Mars colony in the distant future when technology further advances. Chart-wise, again there is no perfect country just like there is no perfect person in the world. The root cause of the problem might just be U eagle’s head 1st ruler Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12 where it is in cruel Ardra nakshatra, and its ruler Natal Rahu is in the 8th house. The nice and sensible people are not in power and it is the system that is corrupted. If the system is not changed, each fight is going to be worse than the last. When Truman 2 and Ruman finally appear, it will be too late. What are the chances of the tragedy not happening? Change the country, change the constitution, change the birth chart to a less provocative one. 1st ruler in Ardra in the 7th house with Rahu in 8th house, chances are slim to none. Many dangers are awaiting. If it’s about to happen and when it’s about to happen, nature will pull both Truman 2 and Ruman to hold power at the same timeframe. Maybe UFO will come to deactivate the nuclear missiles for us again, if we are that lucky! So will there be a nuclear fallout? Information is power. Now you will be able to know when a nuclear fallout will actually happen. We have just profiled the people that are going to get us all killed. Yes, it affects you. Because YOU ARE the future generation! You will experience it in one of your distant future lives. Recognising the “Bad Boys” means Armageddon is near. Found the “Bad Boys”, found the nuclear answer! The nuclear threat is regrettably real and it is awaiting to happen. The Armageddon releases the pressure built up for decades and centuries. Following the Armageddon, there will be massive reforms after the sufferings. It is the first movement, not the last. It is not the end. It is a new beginning for humanity. A gentle person attracts friends. A gentle person also attracts the lord. Here we extend the philosophy to the context of a nation to another. We are not each other’s enemies. Don’t believe what others are telling you. Wars are fought with peace. You can alleviate the tensions with understanding and compassion, regardless of what temporary identity is being given to you in this life. How the future generations think, feel, and act will affect you too, because you too will be reborn. How can we avoid the disaster? Stop the provocations and stop adding tensions. Stop adding negative karma to the ether so that Truman 2 may never be manifested. If Truman 2 doesn’t get manifested, Ruman will not come into existence. This is cause and effect. Change actions from low vibrating separative ones to high vibrational unifying ones. It starts with changing your thoughts. When you find the answer in the future and it is coming, save some people. Finale Futurist 1: This is all so sad. Finale Futurist 2: Why? Finale Futurist 1: Are we all going to die? Finale Futurist 2: This is just the truth. People need to know the truth. Finale Futurist 1: Still, this is very sad. Finale Futurist 2: I am sorry. What are we doing with our life if we have information and we don’t share? Finale Futurist 1: You’re right! I get it. But still… Finale Futurist 2: Cheer up! I don’t believe it’s happening in our lifetime. Finale Futurist 1: Or maybe it wouldn’t happen? Finale Futurist 2: That’s possible. Nothing is set in stone. Finale Futurist 1: Ok! Maybe it wouldn’t happen. What are we doing next? Finale Futurist 2: Let’s do a World Tour! How about that? Finale Futurist 1: I like the idea. What’s a World Tour? Finale Futurist 2: Well, people need a Finale Future Passport to find out. Finale Futurist 1: A passport? Finale Futurist 2: Yeah, a passport like this. Finale Future Passport Finale Futurist 1: A World Tour sounds great. But I would also like a Love Tour. Finale Futurist 2: A Love Tour? We can do both. Finale Futurist 1: Can we? Finale Futurist 2: Absolutely. And it starts off with a bang! Finale Futurist 1: Hang on a second. I think someone is knocking on the door. Finale Futurist 2: *Opens door* Finale Futurist 1: It’s Christine! Christine: Can you help me sir? There’s a voice in my head. Can you perform a seance for me? Finale Futurist 1: A voice in your head? A Seance?!? Christine: Yes, my Angel is calling me constantly. Can you connect with him? Can you ask him why he left me? Ask him if he is coming back? Finale Futurist 2: I don’t know if we can do that. Christine: Please. There’s no one that can help me. Christine: No one ever sees the Angel; but he is heard by those who are meant to hear him. Finale Futurist 2: *Hesitating* Finale Futurist 1: Wouldn’t you help Christine? Christine: Please sir. Finale Futurist 2: Well, alright. We’ll do a seance for you next month. Next Episode: Seance for Christine Finale Futurist 1: Guys, remember to bring your passport! If you would like to know what your life holds for you ahead, please check out our Astrology Services below. To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below. U Birth Chart 01 U Birth Chart 02 U Destiny Chart 01 U Destiny Chart 01 R Birth Chart 01 R Birth Chart 02 R Destiny Chart 01 R Destiny Chart 02 R Career Chart 01 R Career Chart 02 C Birth Chart 01 C Birth Chart 02 C Destiny Chart 01 C Destiny Chart 02
Nuclear Astrology
The Nature of U
The Threats of U
The Retaliation of C
The Retaliation of R
The Only Nuke Precedent
Apply Nuke Formula
Poignetage: All not in a day’s work
Always Remember: You are the soul!
How it may happen
First Strike
The Retaliation
In the Beginning
In the New Beginning
Nuclear Astrology
Nuclear Fallout Design
Spot Truman 2 and Ruman.
Countries birth charts remain the same.
War planetary period and transits for the countries.
Transit Pluto in cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, or Libra.
Years period near multiple periods of 180 years from last nuclear attack 1945. i.e. Year 2125, 2305, 2485, 2665, 2845, 3025, etc.
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, First Movement.
Finale Future Passport
Unending Love Story Trilogy 1
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