13 Aug 2023 July Predictions
This is the early release of predictions for each individual horoscope sign. 2023 is going to be a great year of manifestation. It will not happen again soon. To find out why, go to below link.
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This is the predictions for 2023 July 17 onwards. For predictions before 2023 July 17, please refer to last month’s predictions.
Here is the new moon in one of the most auspicious nakshatras (lunar mansion) even though it is in the very early degrees of Cancer sign. There is only one requirement to attain success. Refrain from unethical activities and put in consistent efforts. The great Jupiter thrives under moral. Being ruled by Jupiter, this is the nakshatra of “Second Chance” due to the very caring and forgiving nature. It is a rather religious and philosophical nakshatra and there are many positive traits being expanded by this new moon this month. All the Jupiterian noble traits are nurtured here, kind-hearted, religious, beauty, purity, poetic, etc. After multiple attempts and failures, success is ensured in the end.
If you have failed in something previously, keep trying with a different setup and never give up. There is success in the end. Most part of this nakshatra resides in Gemini which means you have to communicate consistently and have clear discernment of the matter at hand. This will ensure victory. However, this new moon falls in the last part of the nakshatra that lies in the Cancer sign. It is also conjunct Mercury as well. You not only need clear communication as well as judgement, you also have to be caring, emotional and sensitive to the matter of concern as well as with related parties. If you nurture your activities with efforts consistently, the final goal will be attained.
Multiple planets are touching the Leo sign now so Leos are feeling extremely energetic this month. It is aspected by many planets with Venus, Mars and even Mercury joining in the fun later. There can be a rise in some leadership in the world. If you have any planets in Leo, you are in for a treat.
On the July 22, Venus will retrograde in Leo right near to Regulus where some leaders in the world will be blessed and recognised for some reasons. For some of you, a past lover or someone from a past life might re-enter your life. If you are a leader in your industry or company, you will be recognised by the company or the public.
Below are the predictions from 2023 July 17 onwards. For predictions before 2023 July 17, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.
Home is where your heart is at the moment. If there has been any cluttering at home, you have to tidy it up. It could be what is causing blocks in your life. You are getting very perk up as your creative juices slooshes out of nowhere. Make a list of notes that you want to do and you enjoying in doing because that will bring out your full expression. A romantic encounter might strike up with someone from the past, and it goes with a blast.
Are you trying to market something? You can get some new ideas on a different approach and work it out now. What is not working is not working. Try different things, different ideas, different approaches. Input different set of parameters each other to test out what works. Communicates constantly on what you are trying to bring out and check the response to adjust your approach. There are some adjustments that you may have to make at home.
There are even more opportunities for you to open up new markets now and explore new areas where there are profits to gain. You can make more efforts to find more ways to increase your income as there are wealth fortune this month. Explore new marketing strategies.
It is a revamp of your overall image in the world. As your professional image is the highest among all now, it is very important to portray a likeable façade to facilitate your work and career. If you have not garner even support so far, you have a chance to alter the image of you in front of others. Start by changing yourself.
You are able to portray your image to an international level if chances are opened up for you. Money can be gained from abroad. Some of you are important leaders of the world and you are able to shine as a leader in your industry this month. Time for showmanship in your workplace.
Due to the some unexpected that may occur anytime this year, you may have to readjust your life resolutions as there is an impact to your ideal life. The obstacles are not going to last but you may have to adapt to a new lifestyle to what unfolds.
Is there something that you want to start in the office? Or is there a new professional image that you want to portray in your career? This is a good month to explore something new. There might be a new project that you may have to take on. There might be a friend who might be able to offer you help should you require some help.
If you didn’t manage to start something last month, you can restart those activities again because there were blocks. Now the blocks have been removed and you have access to carry out those activities again. Luck is with you and you might be able to travel a little. Either your business or your spouse and you are under the spotlight this month. You are extremely magnetic in your career. Put your influence to good use.
General progress on different areas of life is not great as there are quite a few obstacles coming your way. This applies particularly to your career. There are delays in projects and it does not look good to your reputation. Don’t undertake major steps now. You may have to redo some of the steps later on anyway. You may not feel like you fit into your job now.
You are doing that well this month. Beware of scandals. Lie low if you are not receiving a good public image. Your relationship and business may take a hit from a negative image. If so, you may have to adjust your own expectations. Listen to what your business and customers really want.
It is a relationship time for the Aquarians. Make sure you don’t fall off your chair. If you have a business, many customers will really look out for you now. Make sure that your business is on a tiptop position. There are many readjustments in your work and there are many projects that you may have to rework on some of the portions.
Health might be an issue this month. Keep your diet light because it helps to overcome any health issues that might occur. You are much more innovative than normal. You can make use of your ideas to solve some of your problems with out of the box solutions. There could be some prominent flirting in the office.
Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
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