2021 June Predictions

2021 June

2021 June Predictions

The pursuer of dreams is here. A solar eclipse on June 10 will kick it off with Mercury pathing the way, swapping positions with Venus. This solar eclipse lands on the lunar mansion Mrigashira, the searcher. Curiosity shall lead the course. An agitated Mars does aspect both Saturn and Jupiter. Mars will now mutual oppose Saturn on June 30. Cancer, Libra, Capricorn are all greatly affected, especially at the 18 degrees mark. Days surrounding June 30 can be a tug-of-war in certain areas. Stress and rage are not a good mixture. Pay attention to whatever it is that you are seeking. Make a clear intention on what it is you are after. Your emotions will charge you up but don’t let emotions get the better of you. Different people may be chasing after different things, but ultimately the destination is the same.

Below are the predictions from 2021 June 10 onwards. For predictions before 2021 June 10, please refer to last month’s predictions. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.



You may be facing money situations but it will most likely turn in your favor. Some of you may be even starting a new family. The amount of money that you earn is in proportion to your efforts. Your home and career troubles are testing your relationship.



All the nice house rulers of 2-5 are all lined up in your Ascendant. You are being empowered in an all-embracing way. Your persona is going to be expanded more than you can expect. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the luckiest of them all? If you look at the mirror, you are looking at the answer! Traveling can deplete your health.



The clock is ticking to a hiatus mode. You might not enjoy the limelight like you did before. A faraway vacation will whip you up just right. You will find yourself back in the midst of it. There can be pressure with your income, family, and children.



Your relationship isn’t in the best of your interest. You have some goals to fulfill. Put yourself first in what you want to achieve but there are sacrifices to make. There are strains at home caused by you and your relationship partner.



All you know is work and you are getting the results. If there ain’t any results yet, it is coming. When people do take notice of you, take the leap! Businesses are picking up. Don’t overwork yourself.



A series of fortunate events are coming your way one after another, particularly regarding your career. No geezer is standing your way, except for your own children and friends.



Home and career fronts just do not click and you are struggling to balance both of them. There are obstacles in life and many things might not go your way. June 30 might be a tough time for you. However, there will be some silver linings in between.



If you have just gotten married, you will enjoy your newly married life cozily at home. Starting a new business might be a good idea as you will produce the efforts to make it work. Honeymoon or traveling is not recommended yet.



You are being extremely competitive. Don’t let it affect your relationship. There can be some hiccups in your finances. Spend wisely. Work isn’t all there is to life.



A newborn is a hectic life with losses in sleep. Parenthood doesn’t come easy. Sharing the workload means less burden for your spouse. What you will create in the next few months will last for a very long time. June 22 onwards can be a lovey-dovey time until July 16.



Coming out of your nutshell may be what you will experience, but home is still where you belong. Tie up any loose ends at home. The house that you are looking for will turn up soon. Your health is at the lower end.



Activities are slowing down to a more lethargic mode for the better. Cut down the entertainment and leave more time for yourself. Repickup an old hobby or learn a brand new activity that will draw your attention to it. Short getaways are very beneficial.


Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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