Bad Boys 2 – The Truman Show

Bad Boys 2 - The Truman Show

Bad Boys 2 – The Truman Show

Nuclear Astrology


Nuclear Astrology 02

Nuclear Astrology


What would cause a nuclear fallout? Who is responsible for a nuclear fallout?

To find the answer, we have to investigate further. We have to find out how it all happened. What caused the first nuclear detonation and who caused it? Who are the “Bad Boys”?

What are “Big Girls”? “Big Girls” are multiple amplified “Little Boys”. This is correlated as a nuclear fallout. Will there ever be “Big Girls” coming? The planetary positions say it is a matter of time till D-Day.

We have to rewind the clock back to about a century ago. We are about to watch The Truman Nuclear Show. U is Uganda.


Event 1: U join War World 2

Date: December 7, 1941


U Chart

Saturn/Moon/Venus period.

8th ruler Moon as 6th from Saturn in 10th house represents struggles and competitive mode, and unscrupulous actions for war.


Both Transit Jupiter and Saturn were in the 6th house of struggles. From the Moon, both Transit Jupiter and Saturn were opposing the 10th house.

Transit Jupiter was aspecting 10th house. Transit Saturn was aspecting the 10th ruler Natal Mercury.

U joined World War 2 on December 7, 1941.


Man Accountable: Franklin D. Roosevelt

Roosevelt Chart

Mercury/Saturn period on December 7, 1941. Natal Mercury is 1st ruler in 6th house of struggles and aggressions. It disposits to debilitated 5th and 6th ruler Natal Saturn in the 8th house. It can be a period of competition, struggles, and disgrace.

With both Natal Jupiter and Saturn in the 8th house of disgrace, he manifested the war effort and nuclear bombs development. Both planets disposit to the strong Natal Mars in the 10th house. The disgrace is related to his career.


Birth Chart

Stationary Natal Mars at Gemini 4:47 in the 10th house activated U MIC (Natal Mars) to join the war. MIC is the Military Industrial Complex. This Natal Mars is not a friendly planet. It is a malefic Mars ruling 3rd and 8th house. His Natal Mars is also strong in Mrigashira nakshatra just like U Natal Mars.

His Natal Moon at Gemini 14:04 also activated U Natal Jupiter and Venus tightly and other planets in the 7th house. His Natal Saturn at Aries 13:52 in the 8th house also activated those planets in the 7th house of U chart.

His Natal Rahu at Scorpio 14:53 activated U Natal Rahu at Cancer 15:51 in the 8th house tightly.

His Natal Venus at Capricorn 13:50 and Natal Sun at Capricorn 18:55 also oppose U Natal Rahu at Cancer 15:51 tightly.

These Natal planets also activated U Natal Mercury in the 8th house as well.

He not only supported the war effort and initiated the development of the first atomic bomb, he also ordered the incarceration of Japanese Americans in concentration camps. He served the country with underhand means.


Destiny Chart

In his Destiny Chart, Natal Rahu is Vargottama at Scorpio 14:10 together with Natal Jupiter at Scorpio 12:29 both activated U Natal Rahu in the 8th house tightly and strongly. His Natal Mercury and Mars are also in Scorpio.

His already aggressive Natal Mars being in Scorpio is even more powerful than ever being strong in sign and amplified by Natal Rahu and Jupiter. He can be an aggressor. His Natal Mars again aspects and activated U Natal Jupiter and Venus tightly again in the 7th house of competition.

His Natal Sun is 8th ruler here in Gemini 20:19 also activated U Natal Sun as well as other planets in the 7th house.


Career Chart

His extremely powerful Natal Mars is again in Cancer at Cancer 17:54, the same sign as the birth chart. This activated U Natal Rahu in the 8th house strongly. This is further aggravated by his powerful Natal Rahu in Scorpio again.


Reasons Roosevelt initiated war for the country

  1. Very strong planets activating U Natal Mars at Gemini 0:40 as the MIC to draw arms for aggression.
  2. Very strong planets activating U Natal Rahu at Cancer 15:51 as the chaos initiator including wars.
  3. Planets activating Gemini sign especially U Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12 for serving the country and U Natal Sun at Gemini 22:38 as the man of authority for the country.


Most prominent aspect of Roosevelt

Abnormally strong Natal Mars that activated U Natal Mars (MIC) and led the country to take up massive arms for war.



Event 2: U detonated first nuclear bomb

Date: August 6, 1945

Place: Hiroshima


U Chart

Saturn/Rahu/Venus period on detonation of first nuclear bomb on August 6, 1945.

Rahu in 8th house as 11th from Saturn in 10th house represents unscrupulous actions like creation and detonation of nuclear bombs for world domination. The first nuclear detonation “accomplishment”.


Transit Rahu at Gemini 15:38 activated the empire’s Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12, both of which are in Ardra nakshatra.

Transit Saturn was also in Gemini at Gemini 25:09 also activated all the planets of U in the 7th house of competition and war. Transit Moon was also in the 7th house.

Transit Pluto at Cancer 16:52 activated the empire’s Natal Rahu in the 8th house at Cancer 15:51.

Transit Jupiter together with Transit Neptune were conjunct U Natal Saturn and Neptune in the 10th house.

The first nuclear bomb was detonated on the planet.


Man Accountable: Harry S. Truman

Truman Chart

Mercury/Saturn/Rahu period on detonation of first nuclear bomb on August 6, 1945.

His 12th ruler Natal Sun is exalted in the 8th house conjunct Natal Neptune tightly and Natal Ketu. He is infamous for his authority to cause great losses to the world.


Birth Chart

His Natal Venus at Gemini 11:43 in the 10th house activated U Natal Jupiter and Venus tightly as well as other planets in Gemini. This is especially so with his Natal Venus being in cruel Ardra nakshatra too.

His Natal Jupiter at Cancer 5:50 is at the exact degree of exaltation and strongly activated U 10th ruler Natal Mercury as well as Natal Rahu in the 8th house. His Natal Mars is also in Cancer 24:57.

Mostly importantly, his Natal Jupiter also opposes U Natal Pluto at Capricorn 6:49 extremely tightly.

He had the power to open up the nuclear arsenal of the country and he initiated nuclear strikes.

U Natal Pluto in the destiny chart is at Pisces 1:21. He has Natal Uranus in the Ascendant at Virgo 1:59. It opposes U Natal Pluto in the destiny chart exactly. His other charts also have connections to Pisces sign. He was meant to be connected to the detonation of nuclear bombs, and in this case his Natal Uranus plays a part.


Destiny Chart

8th and 9th ruler Natal Saturn in the Ascendant at Gemini 12:20 is conjunct U Natal Venus and Jupiter tightly.

Natal Rahu at Libra 7:20 also activated U MIC Natal Mars by aspect.

Natal Venus in the 8th house at Capricorn 15:31 opposes U Natal Rahu at Cancer 15:51 in the 8th house exactly. Natal Uranus and Moon are also in the 8th house. Natal Uranus at Capricorn 17:51 in the 8th house also has a very strong impact to U Natal Rahu. It gave him the power to do something devastating like dropping nuclear bombs.


Career Chart

His 1st ruler Natal Mars at Scorpio 9:38 in the Ascendant aspects U Natal Mars as the MIC extremely strongly. His career is to arm U for wars.

His Natal Saturn is in Cancer sign goes to U 8th house.

His 10th ruler Natal Sun at Sagittarius 24:08 is conjunct U Natal Sun tightly and gave him the authority to rule U.


Reasons Truman detonated devastating nuclear bombs

  1. Very Strong planets that activated U Natal Pluto at Capricorn 6:49 from 8th house by opposition. It also activated 10th ruler Natal Mercury at Gemini 3:26.
  2. Strong planets activating U Natal Rahu at Cancer 15:51.
  3. Very Strong planets that activated U Natal Mars at Gemini 0:40.
  4. Planets activating Gemini sign especially U Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12 for serving the country and U Natal Sun at Gemini 22:38 as the man of authority for the country.


Most prominent aspect of Truman

Abnormally strong Natal Jupiter that activated U Natal Mercury in the 8th house and Natal Pluto in the 2nd house very tightly. Natal Planet that activated Natal Rahu in the 8th house very tightly. It opened up the nuclear arsenal of the country and detonated nuclear bombs.


When are Big Girls Coming?

When are “Big Girls” Coming?


To be continued …


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Franklin Roosevelt Birth Chart 01

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Franklin Roosevelt Destiny Chart 02

Franklin Roosevelt Destiny Chart 02


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Franklin Roosevelt Career Chart 02

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Harry Truman Birth Chart 01

Harry Truman Birth Chart 01


Harry Truman Birth Chart 02

Harry Truman Birth Chart 02


Harry Truman Destiny Chart 01

Harry Truman Destiny Chart 01


Harry Truman Destiny Chart 02

Harry Truman Destiny Chart 02


Harry Truman Career Chart 01

Harry Truman Career Chart 01


Harry Truman Career Chart 02

Harry Truman Career Chart 02


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