How to Get what you Want

The Power of Creation

How to Get what you Want

What is the greatest desire in your heart? That can be seen from your birth chart. To get what you want, you can rely on the power of creation within you. The stronger your birth chart is, the higher the potential for you to attain your desire. Either you have to learn it, or you have done something similar before. Your spirit is already perfect. Your body is only the vehicle for your achievements. Only your mind can create. However, only a quiet mind can help you to achieve what you desire, for a non-quiet mind lacks the success factor of concentration.

To get what you want, think a thought and act, and then keep doing it. That is all. Every single thought is a unit of god. As you bend your will towards god’s will to fulfill your dharma, the 2 shall become one will. Suddenly a miracle has happened. Whatever it is that you want, will happen. You only have to know what it is. You are the dreamer of your dreams. In the law of cause and effect, the root cause of all the effects that you have ever experienced in your life is that the dreamer is you. Your perceptions are your projections. Whatever you perceive the world to be, shall come to be. You shall find what you seek. Be careful of what you wish for, for it will happen. It has to happen. It will happen no other way because you have been given infinite power.

To catch the best timing to perform the miracle of your desire, please check out our Astrology Services below.




To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


  • Gauri Eleanora Trainor
    Posted at 15:11h, 08 October

    I love your Web site, because it is Sattvick and soothes the eyes. I posted this on my FB adding this comment: Positively Positive. Inspiring!
    This is a keeper, and plan to post it again.
    OM Namo Narayanaya

    • Finale Future
      Posted at 12:00h, 10 October

      Thank You Gauri! We are moving towards another sattvik beginning!

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