Know Your Children Before They Are Born Part 2

Know Your Children Before They Are Born 02

Know Your Children Before They Are Born Part 2

4th Child

Your Fourth Child can be checked from your 11th house, 3 houses away from the 9th house. 11th house is mainly the house of your eldest sibling. The 4th child can show a combined character of your eldest sibling and your spouse’s eldest sibling. If you do not have an elder sibling, you can also judge from your 1st child’s spouse because 11th house is the 7th house of spouse from the 5th house of your 1st child.

5th Child

Welcome to the Fifth Child, if you ever have this many children! As the 5th house is the house of your creative talents, what do you think the 5th child will be like? 3 houses away from the 11th house will be your 1st house! The 5th child will display a combined personality of you and your spouse completely! If you love yourself and your spouse, how do you think you will treat your 5th child?

6th Child

Your Sixth Child is 3 houses away from the 1st house and ends up in the 3rd house, the house of siblings in general or the house of your youngest sibling. The 6th child displays a combined lives of your youngest sibling and your spouse’s youngest sibling. If you do not have a younger sibling, you can guess your 6th child qualities from your own mother to a much lesser extent. 3rd house is the 7th house of spouse from the 9th house of your father, which is your mother! I know 4th house is the house of the mother. But as your 3rd child reflects your father’s qualities, you got to have a child that reflects your mother’s qualities as well! That will be your 6th child.

7th Child Onwards

Not many people have this number of children in this era but I am just going the extra mile to explain more details. The 7th child will have similar qualities as your 1st child. The 8th child will have similar qualities as your 2nd child and the same formula applies down the sequence of children.

What if you are single or you have more than one spouse/partner?

If you have more than 1 spouse/partner or your spouse have more than 1 spouse/partner, just take everything relative to yourself and exclude your spouse. If you are still single, apply the same principle of relating everything relative to yourself only. As the sequence of children can be different with different spouse, your 1st child can be your spouse’s 2nd child or your 2nd child can be your spouse’s 1st child, etc. To make it simple, just take everything relative to yourself only. You can spend time in finding out you and your different spouse’s combination, or you can just take the specific child’s birth chart and read!

Which child is like you?

As explained above, the 2nd child and 5th child will reflect more of your own qualities and your spouse’s qualities. If you want to clone yourself, why not have at least a 2nd child? A combination of both lives together path the life of the 2nd child, and the 5th child. They are your splitting images!

Which child will have a better or tougher life?

Whichever house of yours and your spouse have a high number of malefic planets or afflictions, then that related child will have a general tougher life. And vice versa, the child in those houses with more benefic planets can have a better and more comfortable life. Check your houses and your spouse’s houses of the 5th house, 7th house, 9th house, 11th house, 1st house, and 3rd house. You can put your mind at ease for the child with a comfortable life. For the slightly less fortunate ones, everyone have their malefic influences somewhere in the chart. Give more attention to this child alright? They need it and you have the responsibility! Jupiter as the karaka of children paths the way for all your children. If your Jupiter is afflicted, seek the wisdom of Jupiter or suitable remedies for Jupiter to smoothen the path.

May all your children be blessed with their lives! They are your love and you are their light!

If you like to know when you will have children or how your child will fare in life, please check out our Astrology Services below.



To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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