Save The Children

Save the Children 01

Save The Children

The empire’s effects on children

Looking at the empire for example. Let’s take the 7th house as a form of relationship. The empire has a very strong Natal Mars in Mrigashira lunar mansion not only is strong in aggression actions and military conquests, it also has strong research capability in researching. This Mars represents the country’s MIC. It also represents the rifle association that seeks to sell guns for profit. Natal Sun in the 7th house not only represent the president, but also powerful people in authority. Natal Sun is in Punarvasu lunar mansion. The man in power is always seeking and picking a fight.

Natal Jupiter in the Ardra lunar mansion is in a very weird position as it is strongly linked to the 8th house. Jupiter represents the country itself but it is heavily afflicted. Ardra is a cruel lunar mansion that represents destruction like a howling storm. There are a lot of tornados forming in the country. It wants arms profit that results in frequent shooting incidents since guns are legal and aplenty. Jupiter can also represent the children.

Natal Venus in Ardra lunar mansion represents the desires of the country to be satisfied that can be closely linked to great gains, entertainment, arm sales. It can also represent the perverse sexual obsession of the man in power. Venus and Jupiter closely conjunct together in Ardra can mean excess material pleasures without regards of the consequences, much like a destructive obsession. It can also mean cruelty to children, extract gains, benefits, and satisfaction out of children.

Natal Rahu in the 8th house is just anything but normal. Natal Mercury is also in the 8th house that may represent some youth. When we link up all the planets in the 7th house, there is a weird connection.

[The men in power are constantly seeking for sexual gratification or profit out of the youth and children without any moral grounds.]


In the empire’s destiny chart, the 5th ruler of children as well as 12th ruler Natal Venus is in the 8th house conjunct Natal Neptune and aspected by 6th ruler Natal Mars and Ketu. Natal Mercury and Natal Jupiter are also partially afflicted. Natal Mercury as the youth is conjunct the 8th ruler Natal Saturn, and Natal Jupiter as the children is opposed by the 8th ruler Natal Saturn.

In the empire’s children chart, 5th ruler Natal Mercury as the youth goes to the 12th house. Natal Jupiter as the children goes to the 8th house.

[Some children in the empire are in distress.]


Save the Children - Child Labour

Save the Children – Child Labour


There are multitude layers of problems with children. Lack of labour force also increases child labour in industries like meatpacking plants. Student loans are piling up and keep the youth constantly in debt.


Save the Children 02

Save the Children 02



The empire’s Natal Mars as the Male and Natal Venus as the Female are in the 7th house of relationships. They disposit to the 8th house and are influenced by the unconventional Natal Rahu. This is indeed queer enough by mutating duality into multiplicity. Natal Jupiter as the children being in Rahu-ruled Ardra lunar mansion is also conjunct Natal Mars and Venus. The children are not spared. The empire is undergoing its Rahu planetary period in the 8th house. This causes the mutation of the genders to surface prominently in public. 2 genders are mutated to 8 now. There are only 26 alphabets. Only 18 more to go …


The empire’s trend with children

Gratification and profits come first. And thus, the culture is gradually proliferating in LGBTQIA+. The alphabets keep on adding extending from LGBT, you name it. The name is getting longer and longer. Children are eligible for sex change surgery and medications. Children are being targeted for profit and unethical reasons. This is what the powerful men and corporations want, and parents are powerless. There is nothing wrong in having a different sexual orientation with unexplainable metaphysical reasons, but the children are far too young to have a mature comprehension of the situation. Little boys should not be castrated and little girls should not have their breasts removed. Children should not have sex change operation and hormone medications. They are kids.

Another trend is in the growing of pedophiliac activities, children trafficking and murder. The children are sexually abused and then killed as their age expires. Since the children are trafficked in, there is no record of the children and there are no physical consequences for the perpetrators. The children should not be abused. They are not even supposed to think about sex. They are kids.


Jeffrey Epstein - Sexual Abuse

Jeffrey Epstein – Sexual Abuse


Jeffrey Epstein and the empire’s men of authority

Let’s take Jeffrey Epstein for example. Epstein has Natal Uranus at Gemini 22:42 opposed by it’s ruler Mercury. This is an unusually strong and powerful vargottama Mercury that always aspect it’s own Gemini house. In the empire’s chart, Natal Sun is at Gemini 22:48. He has the potential to have unusual connection with powerful men of authority. It may have something to do with business, or the youth or both. This can also mean sexual perversion and obsession with the youth. If Epstein is a Scorpio Ascendant here, Natal Mercury is not a good planet and it rules the 8th house aspecting his own 8th house as well as the empire’s 8th house. He has some dark connections here with the empire’s men of authority.

From Epstein’s Moon chart, Natal Uranus is in the 4th house of home, opposed by 4th and 7th ruler Natal Mercury in the 10th house. Some of these unusual connections of the business transactions or the sex shenanigans with the youth can take place in his little island of Little St James.

Natal Mercury is not a great planet in both his birth chart and destiny chart, but it is unusually strong. The destiny chart of Epstein has it’s Natal Rahu in Gemini. Natal Mercury is opposing its own Gemini house again, further strengthening it. Epstein’s Natal Rahu in the destiny chart is at Gemini 22:57. In the empire’s chart, Natal Sun is at Gemini 22:48. This confirms the sinister connection that he has with the empire’s men of authority.

When you combine all these connections together, there is a weird interpretation of the effects.

[His sex trafficking and blackmailing are connected to the powerful people of authority of the empire.]


Save The Children

This trend is still on the rise. An average person is normally not affected by such activities. But for those with certain patterns towards such activities in the birth chart will be affected strongly by the country’s birth chart. This applies to both perpetrator men in power as well as the children victims. This happens all over the world, but there is an alarming upward growth in the empire now and in many years ahead due to its current planetary period.

The rise of LGBTRQIA+ trend is also ongoing during this time. The population of LGBTRQIA+ will not only grow and be more prominent, but the current influence will spread to brainwash even more children. Children are highly impressionable and susceptible to adult toxicity. They will copy and imitate. Very soon, you will have a country of drag kings and queens. Many more children will be suffering and abused.

Do you have children? Would you protect your children from sexual abuse? Would you like to castrate your little boy only to find out 10 years later that he made a mistake, and he hates you for the rest of his life? The same goes to the little girls.

We are supposed to nurture and protect the children, not feast on them or mutilate them. May there be mercy on the innocent children of the world.



This is where children should belong.


Protect the Children

Protect the Children


Next Episode:

Police: 911, What’s your emergency?

Police: Do you require police, fire, or ambulance?

Person: *Hangs up*

*Line Dead* Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


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To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


Jeffrey Epstein Birth Chart 01

Jeffrey Epstein Birth Chart 01


Jeffrey Epstein Birth Chart 02

Jeffrey Epstein Birth Chart 02


Jeffrey Epstein Destiny Chart 01

Jeffrey Epstein Destiny Chart 01


Jeffrey Epstein Destiny Chart 02

Jeffrey Epstein Destiny Chart 02


The Empire Birth Chart 01

The Empire Birth Chart 01


The Empire Birth Chart 02

The Empire Birth Chart 02


The Empire Destiny Chart 01

The Empire Destiny Chart 01


The Empire Destiny Chart 02

The Empire Destiny Chart 02


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