Clash of the Titans 2032

Clash of the Titans 2032

Clash of the Titans 2032

History Drama repeats with different scenarios.


History Drama 1:

1970s: Ending Bretton Woods Agreement and going off the gold standard, turning dollar into fiat currency.
You cannot exchange dollar for gold.


In 2023, amount of actual dollar paper currency in circulation is around 0.2% of reported currency in circulation.
There is not enough money for everyone in cash.
Energy crisis, debt crisis, drying up of liquidity, etc. lower the economic welfare of the citizens.


2020s: Launching Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) with potential capital control on everyone.
Crises can be engineered for financial consolidation to facilitate the rollout of CBDC.
All your money are monitored and you cannot spend or retrieve huge sums of money without permission.
No more cashing out of dollar or euro or other currencies in countries that are undergoing currency crisis.
What you can or cannot buy can be limited to a personal level.
In a scenario, each person can be limited to a certain amount of carbon footprint credits each month for spending on food, travel, and expenses.
The government has full control of your money.
There are more than 10 countries that has taken pension funds from citizens to bail themselves in in recent history.
Bail out is to get loan externally but bail in is to take your money directly.
Money can be held ransom for free speech.
Money can expire to stimulate the economy.
Do you trust your politicians?
Rest assured that the governments in debt will ‘look after’ your money.
No more financial freedom for everyone except for the powerful or corrupted.


2023 Trend - Rich Middle Poor

2023 Trend – Rich Middle Poor


What can save people in stagflation that hit the 1970s will be the same things that can save you now.
Anything of value that is not printed on paper.
On top of the hierarchy, Food is King.


Things you cannot print become precious!

Things you cannot print become precious!


History Drama 2:

In 1684, roughly 360 years ago, Kingdom of Tungning (Taiwan) was annexed by Qing dynasty.
Emperor Kangxi ended Ming Dynasty at the battle of Penghu, Taiwan.
History repeats with a decisive victory and One China is complete.


Nightmare on earth

Nightmare on earth


History repeats with the prosperity of Emperors Kangxi and QianLong

History repeats with the prosperity of Emperors Kangxi and QianLong


Clash of the Titans 2032


In a not so distant future,
in a not so faraway land ……


Episode 2032

The Empire Strikes Back


The Clash of the Titans means many sons will die.
Gates of hell will be opened by the evil voice of provocation.
Many sons will be sent to battle and many sons will be gone.


The Empire Strikes Back 2032

The Empire Strikes Back 2032


One travels far to unleash hell, and one has to bear hellfire.
One takes great sacrifices and one takes heavy losses.
Years pass, one rises and one falls and the future is unchanged.


Being a Soldier in 2032

Being a Soldier in 2032


2032, a year of great losses to humanity.
Protect who you have and what you have.
Spread a thought of kindness.


The Return of the Light

The Return of the Light


Light returns after years of tension.
Balance is to be returned as it always does.
Prosperity spreads globally with the return of the silk road and new trade lanes.
Take comfort in peace as humanity prospers with harmony, ……


History Drama 3:

The British Empire was overstretched and world wars squandered its resources away.
Its economy was severely damaged with growing unrest in colonies and led to its decline.


The Great Depression in 1929 that sunk worldwide GDP by 15% has morphed into an unidentified variant.
The new variant is waiting for an outbreak from 2049.
Estimated Current Empire Remaining Maximum Lifespan: 26 Years

Descent of an Empire 2049

The Great Depression 2?


As the age of plunder is in decline, to loan is to buy troubles.
With resources squandered, one’s folly is the fortune of another.
Into the late 2060s, little did the empire know that its real nemesis is a new contender that rises from elsewhere.

The man who has mounted an elephant will not fear the bark of a dog

The man who has mounted an elephant will not fear the bark of a dog


…… until the Aliens come,

both the fake and the real ……


Look Back to See Forward - To 2050 and Beyond

Look Back to See Forward – To 2050 and Beyond




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