Miss Korea going to Hallyuwood

Miss Korea going to Hallyuwood

Miss Korea going to Hallyuwood

Finale Futurist: 안녕하세요 / Hello!

Miss Korea: 안녕하세요 / Oh Hello!

Finale Futurist: We are so honoured to have you here today, Miss South Korea.

Miss Korea: Just Miss Korea, or Ms Kim.

Finale Futurist: Oh. Ok, Miss Korea. Are we talking about South Korea or North Korea today?

Miss Korea: South Korea. I am from South Korea, but I am representing Korea, the whole Korea Peninsula. Because I believe that the 2 nations will be reunited one day.

Finale Futurist: Ok, we’ll get to that. So, Miss Korea, I mean Ms Kim. Congratulations on your pageant crown. Can you explain to us how you get to where you are now? And where are going from here?

Miss Korea: My dream is to reunite the whole Korea Peninsula as a real sovereign country. That sounds like a big dream. Everybody should have dreams right? That gives us hope and the drive to move forward. I want to go into Hallyuwood. I like acting and I would like to be in dramas and movies.


Entering Hallyuwood

Miss Korea:

I have my 1st ruler conjunct my country Natal Neptune at 17:50 exactly. My country Natal Neptune and Natal Mars are in the 5th house of entertainment. From the Natal Moon, my country has 5th ruler of entertainment and 12th ruler of film Natal Mars in the 10th house. There’s a reason that my country is the land of Hallyuwood.

My country Natal Mars at Virgo 24:01 is conjunct the empire Natal Saturn at Virgo 24:04. Both planets are in the 10th house and both are conjunct its Neptune. My country produces quality dramas and movies and some of them even rivals Hollywood productions. I also have my 10th ruler conjunct my country Natal Mars exactly. I believe I will make my mark in Hallyuwood.


Hallyuwood Actors and Actresses

Miss Korea:

There are many famous Hallyuwood actors and actresses that are famous in my country and some of them are even world famous. I can think of some of them at the back of my mind now.


  1. Jung Woo Sung

Jung Woo Sung has Natal Moon in Virgo. Natal Venus at Pisces 0:37 and Natal Sun at Pisces 5:53 opposes Virgo sign. Natal Jupiter at Capricorn 11:24 also aspects Virgo sign.

Natal Venus aspects the empire Natal Neptune exactly.

In destiny chart, Natal Saturn at Cancer 11:11 aspects Virgo.

In career chart, Natal Mars at Virgo 17:18 aspects my country Natal Neptune exactly.

Jung Woo Sung stardom is global and he is a man on a mission. His mission is definitely strong in the film industry.


  1. Song Joong Ki

Natal Sun is at Virgo 2:33 and Natal Jupiter at Capricorn 13:47 aspects Virgo. Natal Sun not only aspects my country Natal Mars, but also aspects the empire Natal Neptune tightly.

In destiny chart, Natal Saturn at Cancer 1:35 aspects the empire Natal Neptune in Virgo exactly. Natal Jupiter at Capricorn 22:57 also aspects my country Natal Mars and the empire Natal Saturn tightly.

In career chart, Natal Saturn at Cancer 1:45 aspects the empire Natal Neptune exactly. Natal Jupiter at Capricorn 17:55 aspects my country Natal Neptune exactly. Natal Rahu is also at Virgo 13:18.

Song Joong Ki has lots of opportunities in both Hallyuwood and Hollywood.


  1. Lee Min Ho

Natal Ketu is in Virgo and Natal Mars in Gemini 26:57 aspects my country Natal Mars at Virgo 24:01 tightly.

In destiny chart, Natal Mars at Gemini 2:39 aspects the empire Natal Neptune at 1:41 tightly and he got into Hollywood productions too.

In career chart, Natal Mars is again in Gemini 6:48 aspecting Virgo sign. It gave him countless chances in Hallyuwood and he even debuted in Hollywood.


  1. Son Ye Jin

Natal Mars is at Virgo 17:20 conjunct my country Natal Mars exactly. Natal Saturn is also at Virgo 28:18 conjunct my country Natal Neptune. She is extremely famous in my country. She has made countless movies and dramas.

In destiny chart, Natal Saturn is at Virgo 14:55 and Natal Mars at Gemini 6:06 aspects Virgo.

In career chart, Natal Ketu is at Virgo 18:21 conjunct my country Natal Neptune exactly.


  1. Jun Ji Hyun

She has Natal Saturn at Virgo 22:08 and Natal Mercury at Virgo 25:20, both aspects my country Natal Mars and the empire Natal Saturn tightly. Natal Ketu at Capricorn 2:11 aspects the empire Natal Neptune very tightly.

In destiny chart, Natal Moon is in Virgo. Natal Venus exalted at Pisces 26:57 opposes countries natal planets tightly. Her Natal Saturn and Natal Ketu also aspects Virgo.

In career chart, Natal Moon is in Virgo and Natal Ketu at Virgo 21:52 conjunct my country Natal Mars tightly. Natal Saturn at Sagittarius 11:21 also aspects Virgo.

Jun Ji Hyun is famous for her numerous stints in Hollywood and she made many film contributions to my country too.


  1. IU, Lee Ji Eun

Natal Venus is exalted at Pisces 18:52 and opposes country Natal Mars in Virgo very tightly. Natal Jupiter is also at Virgo 11:22. Natal Ketu at Taurus 18:32 also aspects country Natal Mars in Virgo very tightly.

In career chart, Natal Rahu at Capricorn 5:26 aspects Virgo.

She is not just an actress, but her music is famous nationwide.


Finale Futurist: You said something about One Korea. Can you elaborate a little on that?


South Korea is Occupied

Miss Korea:

My country is occupied by the empire since the very beginning. Look at my country’s 1st ruler Natal Venus being in 2nd house at Gemini 14:29. While my country is adept in making money, it is exactly conjunct the empire 1st ruler Natal Jupiter at Gemini 15:12. Both Ascendant rulers are in the cruel Ardra nakshatra.

My country is being led around by the nose by the empire up the garden path. Where the empire is leading us is not comforting at all. We are being occupied by thousands of troops from the empire. Japan is another country that is also being occupied by the empire.


One Korea

Miss Korea:

Our country Natal Moon is in Mula nakshatra, a rather difficult nakshatra for the Moon to be because the Natal Moon rules the 8th house from the Moon and it goes to the Ascendant. Being in Mula nakshatra doesn’t help at all. The Natal Moon is at Sagittarius 1:47 and it is opposed by an aggressive 5th ruler Natal Mars of the empire at Gemini 0:40. We are occupied and oppressed by the empire politics and military.

One day when the empire is in deep trouble, I am afraid so shall my country get into troubles since both Ascendant rulers are in the most violent Ardra nakshatra. Our Natal Moon in Mula nakshatra can ruin the whole country when the difficult transits come. We are troubled by the conflicts in the region. We Koreans want peace.

One day, our country will be sovereign again and be reunited with North Korea. One day, my dream will come true. One Korea.


Finale Futurist: Can’t your country make your own decisions? Can it make other friends besides the empire?


Oppressed Relationships

Miss Korea:

As I have said, my country is being occupied by the empire. Our government is being oppressed by the empire. The empire Natal Saturn at Virgo 24:04 is not such a great planet and it rests on my country 7th and 12th ruler Natal Mars at Virgo 24:01 in the 5th house of politics exactly. It also aspects my country Natal Jupiter at Scorpio 25:57 in the 7th house of relationships tightly. My country Natal Jupiter is the 8th ruler and its not such a great planet for us.

We are unable to attract really good partnerships with other countries because the country is being occupied by the empire troops. Our government is being oppressed by the empire. Our relationships with other countries are being dictated by the empire. If we are to make friends of our own accord that happens to be the enemies of the empire, we are being threatened to be sanctioned. But their enemies are not our enemies.

The empire’s 8th ruler Natal Moon at Aquarius 7:14 goes to my country 10th house opposing our 10th ruler of career Natal Saturn at Leo 2:25 and 5th ruler of politics Natal Mercury at Leo 1:30 tightly. The empire’s 10th ruler Natal Mercury at Cancer 3:26 and Natal Rahu at Cancer 15:51 in the 8th house is conjunct our 4th ruler Natal Sun at 28:33.

The empire is infamous for their oppression on our government and is influencing our government and our foreign policies. Our homeland is occupied with foreign troops. Our real threat is internal. Unfortunately, our military highest command is being placed in charged by the empire. We don’t have actual control over our own military. The empire does. I fear that something bad is coming our way.


Finale Futurist: I certainly hope not.

Finale Futurist: That is very insightful coming from a pageant beauty queen. Well, we hope that your dream comes true one day.

Miss Korea: Yes, One Korea! Don’t judge a book by its cover. I enjoyed the interview. Thank you for having me!

Finale Futurist: Congratulations on winning the pageant title again, Miss Korea. It’s our honour to speak with you. Thank You!

Miss Korea: 감사합니다 / Thank You!


KDrama Our Beloved Summer Quote

KDrama Our Beloved Summer Quote


Finale Future Passport

FF Passport 0008 Added South Korea

Finale Future Passport


Next Episode:


Angel Choir Singing 01


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