02 Feb Ghost
Unending Love Story *A corner glitters with a crescendo glowing ray of golden-white light* Molly: Sam! Is that you? Sam: Yes, Molly! You can see me? Molly: No. I can’t see you. Where are you? Finale Futurist: He’s right there. Molly: You can see him? Finale Futurist: He’s walking over. He’s beside you now. Sam: I am beside you Molly. Molly: *Startled* Finale Futurist: I told you. He’s right there. Molly: Can you tell me what he is doing? Finale Futurist: I am not Oda Mae. There’s no Whoopi Goldberg here. Molly: Please, I can only hear him. What is he doing? He’s beside me right now? Finale Futurist: Yeah. He’s right there! He’s… he’s… erm… *Ahem* Kissing … you… right now. *Looking away* *Censored intimacy* Finale Futurist: Would you be able to tell us the story of your unchained love? Molly? Sam? Sam: I’d let Molly do the honour. She’s the main cast here. Molly: Our unchained love goes beyond life, beyond death. I’ll start off my part. Molly: I am the Ascendant ruler Natal Mercury in the 11th house. I have the most mystical experience than what a normal person could ever have. Falling in love with a departed soul. Falling in love twice, with the very same soul, a human turned angel. A love beyond life and death. All these out of the norm experience is directed in my life through the tight aspect of strong 8th ruler Natal Mars in the 8th house to my Natal Mercury. With whom am I falling in love with? Natal Mercury disposits to Natal Moon in the 7th house. The fallen angel that I am in love with is Sam, the most tender loving person in my life. The 7th ruler Natal Jupiter is in the 10th house with 12th ruler Natal Sun. The main theme of the story is my relationship with Sam who has departed physically and entered into the astral dimension. A place where I cannot go. I can neither see or hear him initially. A foreign place where I cannot go. The exact opposition of the 5th ruler of love Natal Saturn to the 7th ruler Natal Jupiter ties our love together so strongly even after his sudden departure. The aspect of Natal Rahu to the strong Natal Venus in the 9th house accentuate the love beyond unimaginable height. Who would have the fortune to see a departed loved one again? Ghost 02 Molly: Sam? Sam: In the destiny chart, I am the fallen angel 7th ruler Natal Venus debilitated in the 6th house with exalted 6th ruler Natal Mercury. My departure was sudden and brutal with the aspects of all the malefics Natal Saturn, Natal Mars, and Natal Rahu. With 10th ruler Natal Saturn in the 9th house, I am in search of the reason why and how I left the physical world. Little did I know that it was my very best friend Carl that caused my death. My best friend Carl 11th ruler Natal Saturn here aspects 7th as well as 2nd ruler Natal Venus here tightly. Carl was after my money. I was betrayed by my very own friend. Debilitated Natal Venus with 6th ruler Natal Mercury and Neptune here shows my sudden and mysterious departure from the world. Molly as 1st ruler Natal Mars here in the 3rd house also rules the 8th house and aspects me Natal Venus. I couldn’t leave the world with such a sudden departure. I delayed my ascension and stayed around in the world with a strong feeling of love as well as grievance. With the 3rd house full of planets here including 8th ruler Natal Mars and 12th ruler Natal Jupiter, we are on a journey beyond the physical limitations and communicating outside of the physical realms. With the 3rd house of hands, our love signature becomes the pottery scene stroking wet clay, soaking in love. Practice makes perfect. The kicking of a can with the astral body, the moving of a coin mid-air takes lots of practice in the 3rd house. Sam: With the 5th ruler Natal Saturn at Virgo 13:36 in the Ascendant close to the Ascendant degrees of Virgo 10:41 shows a story of love. The strong connection to the strong 7th ruler Natal Jupiter at Pisces 14:22 in the 7th house shows the extreme love connection in the film. I am the 7th ruler Natal Jupiter here. This has to pair up with Natal Venus strong in Libra that withholds the love potency of the film. 12th ruler Natal Sun with 7th ruler Natal Jupiter shows that I have departed the place where Molly is. I am always around Molly, but in the physical form no more. The 8th ruler Natal Mars with the strong 1st and 10th ruler Natal Mercury in the 10th house together with Neptune, mutual aspecting 5th ruler Natal Saturn in the Ascendant shows the main theme of the film. Molly is represented by Natal Mercury. A magnetic journey of love beyond life. The everyday life of Molly going through a tragic experience of losing me, discovery of the betrayal of a close friend, and most importantly, a love beyond death. Ghost 03 Finale Futurist: How then, did you Molly and Sam fit into the film? To be exact, how did Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore portray you two in the film? Molly: Ghost Natal Moon at Pisces 5:55 is opposing Patrick Ascendant degrees of Pisces 1:34. Ghost Natal Sun at Gemini 27:23 in the 10th house is opposed by Patrick career chart 8th ruler in 8th house Natal Jupiter at Sagittarius 29:52. Ghost destiny chart Natal Sun at Gemini 6:29 is aspected by Patrick strong 8th ruler Natal Mars at Scorpio 1:27. It is also opposed by Patrick destiny chart 12th ruler in 12th house Natal Jupiter at Sagittarius 2:53. Even Ghost career chart 12th ruler Natal Sun at Pisces 3:52 is shining its light on Patrick Ascendant degrees of Virgo 1:34 and opposes Patrick destiny chart 10th ruler Natal Venus at Virgo 6:30 tightly. The male cast of Ghost is a departed soul. The male cast of Ghost is a benevolent ghost! An angel in the astral dimension protecting me behind the scene, starred by Patrick Swayze. Ghost Natal Neptune at Sagittarius 19:14 opposes Patrick destiny chart Ascendant ruler Natal Saturn at Gemini 17:47. Ghost destiny chart 10th ruler Natal Saturn at Sagittarius 15:15 opposes Patrick destiny chart Ascendant ruler Natal Saturn at Gemini 17:47 again. Ghost destiny chart Natal Neptune at Virgo 23:08 is also on Patrick Ascendant near his Natal Saturn and Neptune. Ghost career chart Natal Neptune at Gemini 12:22 is right on Patrick career chart Natal Moon at Gemini 11:42. Patrick brings up the magic of Ghost that nobody else can. I want Patrick Swayze to play Sam. I don’t want anybody else. This is a ghost learning to be a ghost, an angel protecting his love, a love beyond dimension. Patrick Swayze is my pottery love. Molly: Sam, would you do my part? Sam: Ghost Natal Moon at Pisces 5:55 is tightly close to Demi destiny chart Ascendant ruler Natal Mercury at Pisces 9:17 in the 10th house. Ghost destiny chart Natal Moon at Leo 23:21 opposes Demi Ascendant degrees at Aquarius 29:03. Ghost career chart Natal Moon at Sagittarius 29:17 is right on Demi destiny chart strong 10th ruler Natal Jupiter at Sagittarius 28:06. Demi is destined to play Molly, a human who lost her love, only to rediscover her love again in the most unexpected way through me, a departed soul struggling my way through a new world. Ghost Natal Neptune at Sagittarius 13:18 is right on Demi career chart Natal Moon at Sagittarius 12:06. Ghost destiny chart Natal Neptune at Virgo 23:08 is right on Demi destiny chart Natal Rahu at 23:55. It also opposes Demi career chart Natal Mercury at Pisces 26:59. Ghost career chart Natal Neptune at Gemini 12:22 also opposes Demi career chart Natal Moon at Sagittarius 12:06. Demi is Molly here. Demi Moore completes my ‘Ditto’. Molly: In 1990, Patrick was in Venus/Moon period where his Natal Moon is at Cancer 10:10 in the 11th house with the 10th ruler Natal Mercury. He shall be recognised for one of his greatest breakthroughs in his career, the film Ghost. In 1990, Demi was in Rahu/Rahu period where her Natal Rahu is at Cancer 9:19 where it is conjunct 10th ruler Natal Mars. Patrick Natal Moon and Demi Natal Rahu are both conjunct Ghost 10th ruler Natal Mercury at Cancer 9:47 exactly. They shall be remembered for portraying Sam and Molly in Ghost for the rest of their lives. The film Ghost is their career signature. Finale Futurist: We believe millions of hearts have been touched. Finale Futurist: Thank you, Sam and Molly, for this unchained moment of infinitude. Sam: My brief time here is ending. I am being called upon. I must go now. Sam: I love you Molly. I’ve always loved you. Molly: *Smile* *Soft whisper* Ditto. Sam: *Vanishes in angelic diminuendo light* Finale Futurist 1: *Sob* *Tearing up* Finale Futurist 2: *Handing over tissue* Ghost 04 Who hungered for your touch? Happy Valentine’s Day! If you would like to know what your life holds for you ahead, please check out our Astrology Services below. To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below. Ghost Birth Chart 01 Ghost Birth Chart 02 Ghost Destiny Chart 01 Ghost Destiny Chart 02 Ghost Career Chart 01 Ghost Career Chart 02 Patrick Swayze Birth Chart 01 Patrick Swayze Birth Chart 02 Patrick Swayze Destiny Chart 01 Patrick Swayze Destiny Chart 02 Patrick Swayze Career Chart 01 Patrick Swayze Career Chart 02 Demi Moore Birth Chart 01 Demi Moore Birth Chart 02 Demi Moore Destiny Chart 01 Demi Moore Destiny Chart 02 Demi Moore Career Chart 01 Demi Moore Career Chart 02
Unending Love Story Trilogy 4 – Encore
Ghost – Pottery
Ghost – Unchained Melody
The Love Inside
Ghost Birth Chart
You take it with you
Ghost Destiny Chart
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Ghost Career Chart
Patrick Swayze as Sam Wheat
Ghost – Molly Finally Believes
Demi Moore as Molly Jensen
The Signature of Ghost
Ghost – I Love You Molly
Ghost – Unchained Melody, The Righteous Brothers
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