Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge 01

Moulin Rouge

Unending Love Story Trilogy 3 – Finale

Unending Love Story 02

Unending Love Story


Moulin Rouge


This he said to me:

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn

xx xxxx xx xxxx xxx xx xxxxx xx xxxxxx”


Finale Futurist: What exactly is the Moulin Rouge for, Ms Satine?

Satine: Moulin Rouge is a place of fantasies where men can fulfil their desires at a high price. It is the place where I popularised Can-can dancing and became a star dancer.

Finale Futurist: What about the movie Moulin Rouge?

Satine: I am a beautiful courtesan in Moulin Rouge. I portray the image of Jane Avril, the actual star dancer for Moulin Rouge. You should see Jane the way you see me. We are quite the same person here.

Finale Futurist: So it’s a story about dancing and courtesans?

Satine: No. It’s a story about love.

Finale Futurist: Love?

Satine: It is a film about a poet who goes to Paris on a journey of self-discovery and falls in love with me.

Satine: Love is like oxygen!

Satine: Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong.

Finale Futurist: Would you mind telling us how you come about this story of love?

Satine: And so, the story of love begins.

Satine: It is a story about a time, a story about a place, a story about the people. But above all things, a story about love. A love that will live forever.


Moulin Rouge 02

Moulin Rouge 02


Satine as Jane Avril


I was born as Jeanne Louise Beaudon in Belleville, Paris.

Dancing Queen

I have my 12th ruler of dancing Natal Mercury strong in Gemini in the 9th house. From the Moon, my 12th ruler Natal Jupiter is again strong in the 3rd house of performance. I pursued a career in dancing by performing at local dance halls and cafes-concerts. I was one of the greatest dancers around in Moulin Rouge. I also headlined at the Jardin de Paris on Champs-Elysees.

Both my Natal Moon in my destiny chart and Natal Moon of Moulin Rouge Paris in the destiny chart are exalted in Taurus. My destiny chart Ascendant degrees at Taurus 4:29 is tightly conjunct Moulin Rouge destiny chart 8th ruler Natal Moon at Taurus 5:41. I am the sexy symbol in the Can-can dancing in Moulin Rouge Paris.


Moulin Rouge Legacy

In my destiny chart, my Ascendant ruler Natal Venus at Leo 27:32 is tightly conjunct Moulin Rouge Paris Natal Sun at Virgo 21:28. This is why I was the star performer of Moulin Rouge, Paris.

My Ascendant ruler in the destiny chart Natal Venus at Leo 27:32 is conjunct Moulin Rouge Paris career chart Ascendant degrees at Leo 21:18. My life was tightly knitted to the club Moulin Rouge.

I have my Natal Neptune at Aquarius 13:46 in my destiny chart in the 10th house. It is conjunct Moulin Rouge Paris career chart 10th ruler Natal Venus at Aquarius 14:14. I have a fated destiny not only to popularise Moulin Rouge club, but also to extend its legacy into films and musicals way beyond my lifetime. My life is highly romanticised in the films and musicals.

In my career chart, I have my Natal Moon in the 10th house and I am famous for my career as a can-can dancer. My Natal Moon at Aquarius 13:35 is aspected exactly by my strong 12th ruler Natal Mars at Scorpio 13:12 exactly. 12th ruler rules my dancing skills and I am an excellent dancer throughout my career. I was also the star dancer for Moulin Rouge Paris.

Moulin Rouge Paris has Natal Neptune at Taurus 12:01 in the 12th house opposing my Natal Mars in my career chart tightly. My can-can dancing career is a legacy in Moulin Rouge Paris.


I belong in Moulin Rouge

My 10th ruler Natal Moon at Capricorn 16:21 is opposing tightly Moulin Rouge Children Creativity Chart Ascendant ruler in the Ascendant Natal Moon at 17:45. I was meant to be hired by Moulin Rouge Paris. I popularised French Can-can dancing and travelled with a dance troupe. After the previous famous dancer Louise Weber left Moulin Rouge, I became the main star dancer. My graceful and melancholic dance presentation gave a fresh and original look to the nights in Moulin Rouge. The club’s patrons adored me in Moulin Rouge Paris, and the crowds continue to adore me in the film and in the Musicals.


Moulin Rouge - Soul Sisters

Moulin Rouge – Soul Sisters


A Memoir of Love


Moulin Rouge Natal Jupiter strong in Sagittarius in the 7th house with Natal Ketu shows a strong storyline of relationship that has a historical basis. Natal Venus and Mars in the 3rd house in Purva Phalguni nakshatra shows a romantic performance that is hindered by Natal Saturn conjunction but also blessed by 7th ruler Natal Jupiter aspect of manifestation. The conjunction of 6th ruler Natal Mars, 8th ruler Natal Saturn as well as 12th ruler Natal Venus also presents the obstacles to the love story as well as the cabaret performance to the Duke of Monroth. The single strong aspect of Natal Jupiter smoothens the love journey.

In the destiny chart, both Natal Jupiter and Saturn are in the 7th house, with the 7th ruler Natal Mercury in the Ascendant opposing the 7th house again emphasized the story of the relationship between Christiana and Satine. With Natal Venus being debilitated in the 10th house shows the challenges of love.

In the career chart, 5th ruler Natal Jupiter being with Natal Venus in the 7th house, aspected by Natal Rahu shows the utmost story of love ever told. 7th ruler Natal Saturn being exalted in the 3rd house with Natal Rahu aspected by Natal Jupiter projects the love story to the stage of Moulin Rouge as well as the film itself.

This is how a spectacular memoir of love is written in the history of musical films.


Moulin Rouge – Silly Love Songs


The search for Satine: Nicole Kidman


Nicole has her Ascendant degrees at Libra 12:56 and Natal Ketu at Libra 12:19. They are exactly conjunct France Natal Jupiter at Libra 12:07 and Natal Neptune at Libra 10:22. Her career chart 10th ruler Natal Venus at Capricorn 8:48 is on France career chart Natal Neptune at Capricorn 13:44. She is the perfect actress to portray the beauty of Moulin Rouge within the backdrop of France film industry.

She has her 12th ruler Natal Jupiter at Libra 15:57 in the 10th house in her destiny chart. It is tightly opposing Moulin Rouge Paris Natal Neptune at Aries 18:11 in the 5th house in the destiny chart. She is destined to play a role in the movie Moulin Rouge!

In Nicole career chart, her Ascendant ruler Natal Saturn at Taurus 0:54 is tightly conjunct my Ascendant degrees at Taurus 4:29 in my destiny chart. Her role in the movie is to play out my life in Moulin Rouge with a strong touch of love. Moulin Rouge film in 2001 was waiting for her all the while when I was searching for the perfect person to portray me, and I found Nicole.

I have my Natal Neptune at Aquarius 13:46 in the 10th house in the destiny chart. Nicole career chart has Ascendant degrees at Aquarius 9:24. At some point in time, she is going to play out my life in Moulin Rouge elegantly and she did! She is the extension of my legacy in Moulin Rouge Paris.

My Moulin Rouge Moon

Nicole has her Natal Pluto at Leo 24:42 exactly opposes Moulin Rouge Paris 2nd ruler Natal Moon at Aquarius 23:57. She is in complete control to capture the hearts of millions. She represents the object of Moulin Rouge affection.

She has her Natal Venus at Virgo 29:46 as her yogakaraka planet in her career chart. It is exactly conjunct the Moulin Rouge Paris career chart Natal Moon at Virgo 29:39. She is my Moon for my Moulin Rouge. I designated her for my role as Satine.


Moulin Rouge - Satine

Moulin Rouge – Satine


The search for Christian: Ewan McGregor


Ewan has his 10th ruler Natal Mercury at Aries 5:46 which opposes Moulin Rouge Paris Ascendant ruler Natal Mercury at Libra 8:54. He is acquainted to Moulin Rouge even as he does not know it.

His 10th ruler Natal Mercury at Aries 5:46 is opposing France Natal Neptune at Libra 10:22. His destiny chart Ascendant degrees is Cancer 12:39. It is exactly opposing France career chart Natal Neptune at Capricorn 13:44. Like Nicole, Ewan has the chance to film in France at that point in time.

In his career chart, his Natal Ketu in the Ascendant at Sagittarius 19:55 is exactly conjunct the destiny chart of Moulin Rouge 10th ruler Paris Natal Mercury in the Ascendant at Sagittarius 20:09. He has a past life experience in the dancing performances of Moulin Rouge that he carries over to this lifetime.

His Natal Sun is exalted in the 5th house at Aries 19:38 in the career chart and it is exactly conjunct Moulin Rouge Paris destiny chart Natal Neptune at Aries 18:11 also in the 5th house. Ewan was born to be famed for glorifying the entertainment shows of Moulin Rouge.

My Moulin Rouge Sun

He has his Ascendant degrees at Virgo 21:24 and it is exactly conjunct Moulin Rouge Paris Natal Sun at Virgo 21:28 exactly. In his destiny chart, his Ascendant degrees at Cancer 12:39 is also exactly conjunct Moulin Rouge Paris destiny chart Natal Sun at Cancer 13:13.

He is the Sun for my Moulin Rouge. I got him to be a male companion for Satine.


Moulin Rouge – I Will Always Love You


Story of Love

How to make love out of a story

Satine: This is our story of love. I was telling Christian that I can’t fall in love with anyone.

Christian: Can’t… fall in love? But a life without love… that’s terrible!

Satine: *Giggles* Christian, I’m telling our story now. Let me finish this.

Satine: To make a baby, a father and a mother have to come together to make one. The result of that love produces a baby. Thereafter, the Natal Sun and Moon of the baby birth chart shall be created.

Satine: To tell a love story, the script of the book or film will have to exist. Then the process is reverse-engineered. The ‘baby’ is being created to find its parents. The story will have to find its parents to give it life.

Satine: To make it even more complicated, a purely fictional love movie relies upon its unknown date of its premiere to find its male and female leads of the story. The love movie is looking for its Natal Sun and Moon whereby the movie itself do not yet exist in time.

Satine: To make a movie out of a place or event, one has to tap into its Neptune energy. Many people can make a movie. But not many can make a great love story.

Satine: There is a secret to tell a successful love story or to romanticize a place or an event. Moulin Rouge Natal Sun and Moon were humanized into Christian and Satine. Humanize the Sun and Moon energies of the associated matter into a couple, and you shall transform it into the greatest enchanting love story that ever exists!

Satine: Our love lives on forever.


The Secret of Love

The Secret of Love


Moulin Rouge – Come What May


Moulin Rouge


Finale Futurist: We adore Moulin Rouge story as much as you have performed for us. Thank you for the wonderful story of love!

Christian: The greatest thing you’ll ever learn

Satine: is just to love and be loved in return.


Finale Future Passport

FF Passport 0004 Added France

Finale Future Passport


What is your love story like?

Love and we’ll find your be loved below in return.



To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


Jane Avril Birth Chart 01

Jane Avril Birth Chart 01


Jane Avril Birth Chart 02

Jane Avril Birth Chart 02


Jane Avril Destiny Chart 01

Jane Avril Destiny Chart 01


Jane Avril Destiny Chart 02

Jane Avril Destiny Chart 02


Jane Avril Career Chart 01

Jane Avril Career Chart 01


Jane Avril Career Chart 02

Jane Avril Career Chart 02


Moulin Rouge Paris Birth Chart 01

Moulin Rouge Paris Birth Chart 01


Moulin Rouge Paris Birth Chart 02

Moulin Rouge Paris Birth Chart 02


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France Birth Chart 01

France Birth Chart 01


France Birth Chart 02

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France Destiny Chart 01


France Destiny Chart 02

France Destiny Chart 02


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France Career Chart 01


France Career Chart 02

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Nicole Kidman Birth Chart 02

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Ewan McGregor Birth Chart 01

Ewan McGregor Birth Chart 01


Ewan McGregor Birth Chart 02

Ewan McGregor Birth Chart 02


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Ewan McGregor Destiny Chart 01


Ewan McGregor Destiny Chart 02

Ewan McGregor Destiny Chart 02


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Ewan McGregor Career Chart 01


Ewan McGregor Career Chart 02

Ewan McGregor Career Chart 02


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