
Titanic Soulmates



Unending Love Story Trilogy 2

Unending Love Story 02

Unending Love Story




Titanic First Voyage


Finale Futurist: Ahoy Captain Edward! Nice to meet you finally.

Captain Edward: Ahoy! Haha.

Finale Futurist: Captain Edward. Thank you for agreeing to meet us today. We want it to hear from the man himself. What actually happened to the Titanic? And as you were telling us, what actually happened AFTER the sinking of the Titanic?

Captain Edward: It’s been a while, more than a century ago. Let me recall.


Captain Edward was summoned

Captain Edward:

My Natal Pluto at Aries 5:11 exactly conjunct Titanic 12th ruler Natal Mercury in the 10th house. I was summoned to captain the Titanic. Little did I know that it ends up as the fastest disappearance of the greatest cruise ship of that time.

In my destiny chart, my 10th ruler Natal Venus at Pisces 6:21 is conjunct the Titanic in the destiny chart Natal Sun at Pisces 8:33. I am the destined to be the captain of this ill-fated ocean liner.

On the day of the sinking ship, I was in my Moon/Saturn period. My Natal Saturn is the 8th ruler and it is opposing the 6th ruler Natal Jupiter. It signifies troubles on my voyage. It happened to be my last voyage at sea.

In my destiny chart, Natal Saturn, Moon, Ketu, Mercury signifies a depression in my journey as well as my reputation as a captain commander. 12th ruler Jupiter debilitated in the Ascendant close with Natal Neptune at Capricorn 15:43 close to Ascendant degrees 17:39. I am set on long voyages out in the sea in my life. Little did I know that I will also be drowned.

It was a fated voyage of the century. The boys have done their duty well and I asked no more of them.


Captain Edward Smith

Captain Edward Smith


Sinking of Titanic Maiden Voyage

Captain Edward:

The 10th house of Titanic is the ship reputation to the world. The 10th ruler is Natal Mars in the 12th house. The 12th house is the sinking of the Titanic. The 12th ruler is Natal Mercury in the 10th house. The mutual exchange of Natal Mars and Natal Mercury between the 10th and 12th house made the ship famous for its gigantic build and short sinking journey of that time. The 10th ruler Natal Mars being in Ardra nakshatra gave it its cruel sinking reputation.

Even as Titanic only aged a few days from its maiden voyage, it entered a fresh new Sun/Ketu period on the 2nd last day. Titanic Natal Sun at Pisces 27:37 in the 9th house was opposing Natal Ketu at Virgo 28:55 in the 3rd house tightly. Natal Ketu in Chitra nakshatra disposits to 10th ruler Natal Mars in the 12th house. Titanic was lost in its maiden voyage. In Titanic career chart, Natal Ketu was conjunct 8th ruler Natal Jupiter tightly, aspected by 6th ruler Natal Saturn.

You can still smell the fresh paint of Titanic till the very last day of it cruising on the ocean.


Titanic – Do you love him?


Titanic Movie Assembly

When the time was ripe, I was summoned to tell the story of Titanic. I assembled the team for the Titanic filming to forever sealed the Titanic sinking as a legend. The first member of the team I approached was James Cameron.


James Cameron

My Titanic Leader

Captain Edward:

I rang up James Cameron to arrange the movie set, the production team, the script and the whole movie package.

I forgot James birth time so it’s a little harder for me to recall why I ranged him up for Titanic filming. I remembered that in James destiny chart, he has his Natal Saturn at Capricorn 6:48. It hits the Titanic 1st ruler Natal Moon at Capricorn 6:58 exactly. He is meant to direct one of the greatest box office of all times. It has to be James so I called him up.

His Natal Mercury in his destiny chart at Aquarius 11:42 also opposes Titanic destiny chart Natal Venus at Leo 12:56 in the 10th house tightly. He is meant to articulate and flaunt the beautiful Titanic story to the world.

In his career chart, he has his Natal Neptune at Libra 5:17 opposing Titanic Natal Mercury at Aries 5:44 exactly. Titanic Natal Mercury rules the 3rd house of travel and 12th house of sinking. Titanic was recruiting James to tell its story through his movie. In his career chart, his strong exalted Natal Mars at Capricorn 15:48 as well as Natal Saturn at Capricorn 17:34 exactly opposes Titanic Ascendant degree of Cancer 15:43, especially Natal Mars. James would have full control of the movie through my guidance. James showed me the final script before I finally agreed on the final draft to be used for the set.


Titanic 02

Titanic 02


Titanic – Won’t Let Go


Leonardo DiCaprio

My Sun for Titanic

Captain Edward: James had quite a number of candidates for the main lead actor and actress. He showed me a list including Matthew McConaughey and Gwyneth Paltrow. I specifically told him that I wanted Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet as the main male and female lead. There are no others that can fulfil these roles. It just wouldn’t work! Fortunately, he got them as I wanted it.

Jack: I’ll take over now, Captain.

Finale Futurist: Jack?!

Jack: Jack Dawson from Chippewa Falls.

Finale Futurist: !!


Here is why Leonardo played me. He has a batch of planets in Libra. Leonardo has his strong Natal Venus at Libra 26:22 which opposes the 7th and 8th ruler of Titanic Natal Saturn at Aries 26:35 exactly. He is able to romanticize the Titanic story that I have to tell perfectly. He is able to turn the greatest oceanic tragedy into an enchanting love story.

He also has his 1st and 10th ruler Natal Mercury at Libra 6:14 and Natal Uranus at Libra 5:54 that opposes Titanic 3rd ruler and 12th ruler Natal Mercury at Aries 5:44 in the 10th house exactly. His Natal Saturn in the 10th house at Gemini 25:17 is in the 12th house of Titanic conjunct the 10th ruler Natal Mars at Gemini 10:05 aspecting Natal Sun and Natal Rahu tightly in the 9th house.

His career at its peak is to portray and convey the sudden sinking journey of the Titanic. His career is tailor-made for Titanic. His career is to play my role lead for Titanic.

In his career chart, his 1st ruler Natal Sun Gemini 11:31 is conjunct Titanic 10th ruler Natal Mars 10:05.

The Titanic film was waiting for him all along. This is why Jack Dawson role is his. There can be nobody else. Leonardo is me!

Titanic Premiere

In 1997 the opening of the Titanic, Leonardo was in his Rahu/Sun period. In his career chart, Natal Rahu and Sun are accessing his 10th ruler Natal Venus. His 1st ruler Natal Sun in career chart at Gemini 11:31 as mentioned, was conjunct Titanic 10th ruler Natal Mars in the 12th house at 10:05 exactly.

His Ascendant degrees of birth chart at Virgo 9:36 opposes Titanic destiny chart Natal Sun at Pisces 8:33 tightly. His Ascendant degrees of destiny chart at Pisces 26:32 is conjunct Titanic birth chart Natal Sun at Pisces 27:37 tightly.

Leonardo is the “Sun” for the Titanic. He is the “King of the World”. He is me, Jack Dawson. Nobody else can fit the same title. What is yours is yours in life. Nobody in the world can take it away from you. Make each day count!


Titanic – Sunset


Kate Winslet

My Moon for Titanic

Captain Edward: To add a love line to the Titanic film, I also need a female lead and James gladly agreed.

Rose: I believe that is my line here, Captain.

Finale Futurist: Rose?! *excessive blinking eyes in disbelief*

Finale Futurist: Where do all you people come from?


Kate has her 3rd ruler Natal Saturn at Cancer 7:59 which opposes Titanic 1st ruler Natal Moon at Capricorn 6:58 in the 7th house exactly. Natal Saturn also aspects Titanic 3rd and 12th ruler Natal Mercury at Aries 5:44 tightly.

She is conveying the relationship of Titanic as Rose with her family, the elites and passengers on board, and the whole journey to the world. Kate has shown that I hate people telling me what dreams I should I shouldn’t have.

She also has a bunch of planets in Virgo in the 10th house, especially 10th ruler Natal Mercury at Virgo 26:28 and Natal Jupiter at Pisces 27:12. These planets touches Titanic Natal Rahu and Natal Sun tightly in the 9th house.

She is portraying the whole journey of Titanic of the royalties, elites and people of authority on board. Her performance is superb. She made Titanic film alive!

In her destiny chart, her Natal Jupiter (1st ruler of birth chart) in the 12th house at Pisces 4:56 conjunct Titanic Natal Venus at Pisces 4:46 exactly. In her career chart, her 1st ruler Natal Jupiter at Leo 2:09 goes to Titanic destiny chart Natal Venus at Leo 12:56 in the 10th house.

My role as Rose DeWitt Bukater is waiting for Kate Winslet all along. She is me! She glamourized the Titanic film exactly as I liked it.

Titanic Premiere

In 1997 the opening of the Titanic, she was in a similar period like Leonardo. She was in her Rahu/Sun and Rahu/Moon period where her Natal Rahu is in the 11th house and Natal Sun and Moon are in the 10th house. In her career chart, Natal Moon is in the Ascendant. Her Natal Moon at Sagittarius 28:21 opposes Titanic Natal Neptune in the 12th house at Gemini 28:22 exactly.

Her Natal Saturn at Cancer 7:59 opposes Titanic Natal Moon at Capricorn 6:58 tightly. Her Natal Jupiter in destiny chart at Pisces 4:56 conjuncts Titanic destiny chart Natal Moon at Pisces 2:48 tightly.

Kate is the “Moon” for the Titanic. The Titanic blockbuster boosted her reputation tremendously and revolutionized her career image from there onwards. Titanic became an iconic blockbuster and Kate is forever stereotyped as Rose of Titanic. What is not yours in life cannot be taken. Should it be taken, the person shall lose it fast. In the darkest hour of your life, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless, never let go!


Rose DeWitt Bukater

Rose DeWitt Bukater




Titanic – My heart will go on by Celine Dion


Captain Edward: Hope people get a better understanding of the Titanic. I am off to my next journey now.

Finale Futurist: Thank you Captain Edward for the most elaborate details on Titanic mysterious sinking that shed some light for us! Thank you Jack and Rose!


Finale Futurist:

One day dawn to dusk, one life to the unknown.


Next Episode:

Unending Love Story Trilogy 3 – Finale

Love lifts us up where we belong 01

Love lifts us up where we belong


Where is your ship sailing off to?

Catch your cruise of life below.



To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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