12 Jun Luka Magnotta: When will I be famous?
This is the question that Luka Magnotta asked himself many times. “When will I be famous?” It’s all or nothing. I will be famous no matter what it takes. Fame is his burning obsession and life’s goal.
Luka Rocca Magnotta was born as Eric Clinton Kirk Newman. He is a Canadian murderer who has murdered a Chinese international student Jun Lin in May 2012. Luka was not a born killer. Everything that he did was for one goal and one purpose only: To be famous! He did many things in order to achieve that. He indeed became famous, at the expense of the demise of a human, several cats, impersonations and frauds, fake relationships with famous murderer, fake social accounts with Luka’s fake images and news.
Assuming that Luka is born later than afternoon in Canada, we take Luka’s moon chart for assessment with a Virgo Moon sign as the Ascendant.
Troubled Childhood
Venus rules the 9th house of father and Jupiter rules the 4th house of mother and they are both afflicted by being in the nakshatra (Lunar mansions) of Ardra ruled by Rahu. Jupiter is also conjunct the most malefic planet for a Virgo Ascendant which is Mars and they are located in the 2nd house of childhood. The Moon is conjunct with Saturn in the Ascendant causing Luka to have depression at certain times of this life.
Luka has a very troubled childhood. Her mother was obsessed with cleanliness and would even resort to lock her children out of the house even when its cold outside. Her father was diagnosed with schizophrenia. His parents divorced, resulting Luka leaving them to live with his grandmother Phyllis. He was a sick and unhappy child.
Model and Escort
Luka’s Venus is being afflicted by Rahu in the 10th house of career and the 10th ruler Mercury is combust with the Sun ruling the 12th house of secrets. Luka’s Natal Rahu remains the main culprit for all his actions. Remember that his Jupiter and malefic Mars in the 2nd house all disposit to his afflicted Venus in the 10th house.
Upon reaching adulthood, Luka began to appear in pornographic videos. He also worked as a stripper and an escort. He was one of the competitors for OUTtv’s reality series COVERguy and he also auditioned for the television show “Plastic Makes Perfect”.
Luka Beginning
He had impersonated a woman for a credit card and purchased goods with it. He declared being bankrupted in 2007. Subsequently, he linked himself to be in a relationship with the famous Canadian killer Karla Homolka. He falsified the information through the internet and denied the relationship himself, stating that his life is in peril with the fake news and he had been receiving death threats. He has also setup multiple facebook pages and websites under different names with different identities. Many of the accounts glorified Luka Magnotta’s glamourous and luxurious lifestyle, and all of them affirming that he is very handsome. Many of Luka’s photos were fake. All of his actions were calling for attention.
The Cat Killer
In 2010, he had a Nodal Inversion and a Saturn Return together with many other transits.
1 boy 2 kittens and Python Christmas
To further seek attention through any possible means, he posted a video called “1 boy 2 kittens” in Youtube. In the video, he killed 2 kittens for no reason with his face blurred out. Cat lovers and justice seekers began to hunt him down. He enjoyed the anonymous notorious attention so much that he further posted another video “Python Christmas” which he had filmed down a kitten being deliberately fed alive to a Burmese python. This infuriated the social group hunters of Luka Magnotta.
The Human Killer
During May 2012 during his difficult Rahu period (dasha), Luka displayed his most daring accomplishment. He just had a Nodal Inversion the year with Transit Ketu on his Natal Rahu and Transit Rahu on his Natal Ketu. And he was seemingly to be in his Rahu/Ketu period! What a surprise! Rahu and Ketu are powerful planets of one’s destiny. What mysterious fate holds for him? Saturn was conjunct his most malefic planet Natal Mars exactly in May, which also aspects his Natal Sun that rules the 12th house of imprisonment.
He advertised for casual sex on Craigslist looking for a human victim. He deliberately planned to make a video of a human killing and a Chinese international student Jun Lin responded. Jun Lin is also known as Justin Lin. Luka tied the naked Jun Lin to the bed frame and repeatedly stabbed him with an icepick and a kitchen knife. He may have necrophilia acts on the corpse but later dismembered Jun Lin’s body. The video he recorded was called “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick” and it was posted to Bestgore.com. Luka loves movies like “Basic Instinct” and “Catch me if you can”. He has even written an article on “How to Completely Disappear and Never Be Found” showing his expertise in the act of disappearing based on the movie “Catch me if you can”. This video “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick” is basically a reenactment of a video scene of Sharon Stone killing a man in “Basic Instinct”. He had even promoted the video 10 days before the actual murder. He was alleged to have been a cannibal as well, eating parts of his victim.
To further exalt his killing, the video was not enough to satisfy his pleasure of fame. The left hand and foot were mailed to political parties in Ottawa. Luka also sent body parts to harass Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The movie reenactor then display the act of “Catch me if you can” and fled the country into disappearance. The first degree murderer was later caught in Germany on June 4 2012. Luka loved movies. He placed the blame on a “fictional” character Manny Lopez that has great control over Luka’s actions but the authorities found no evidence of Manny’s existence. Manny is but another character named Manny Vásquez pulled from the movie Basic Instinct. Many of Luka’s fake names are related to movie characters. Luka is a thespian of his own world.
In 2019/2020, Luka is having a Nodal Return with Rahu transiting over his Natal Rahu. In the winter of 2019, Rahu was transiting in between his Natal Rahu and Venus in the 10th house of fame and what happens? A true crime documentary “Don’t F**k With Cats: Hunting An Internet Killer” featuring Luka Magnotta was released. The documentary on the online hunt for the cat/human killer further boosted Luka’s fame/notoriety into the world.
Did Luka Magnotta and Jun Lin meet by chance?
To make this murder even more compliant, Luka could be born late at night and Jun Lin could be born near the afternoon. This completes the murder case in the most possible scenario. During the time of the killing on May 24 2012, Luka would then be in his Rahu/Ketu period (dasha). Jun Lin would then be in his Mars/Moon period. During this fated misfortune, Luka’s Natal Ketu is waiting for a victim for the rise of his Rahu as it is strongly connected to Rahu through the opposition as well as nakshatra (lunar mansion) disposition. This is the rise of his fame, or rather notoriety. If Luka is really born near midnight time, he could have an Aquarius Ascendant which places his malefic Rahu and afflicted Venus into his 5th house. Then his Saturn does not only conjunct his Moon in the 8th house but also aspects his Venus and Rahu in the 5th house. This is even worse and that explains his great mental instability and schizophrenia.
At the same time, Jun Lin’s Natal Mars and Moon are also looking for the release of energy and he found Luka through the Internet. And right away they connected up, for sex. Luka put up an advertisement for kinky sex on Craigslist and Jun Lin responded. Little did he know that it will eventually end up in his own death. Jun Lin’s body was dismembered after the killing. It is weird to notice that Jun Lin’s Mars and Moon are in the Ascendant ruling his life. Luka’s Natal Ketu finishes off Jun Lin’s Natal Mars and Moon energies for all three of the planets are exactly at Sagittarius 19 degrees. It is probably not such a coincidence that they two meet after all?
Ketu, Mars and Moon need not always be malefic. In Luka’s case, not only was his Natal Ketu conjunct with a difficult Neptune in a difficult nakshatra Mula (lunar mansion), it is mostly being under control by a strong and malefic Natal Rahu in Ardra nashatra in the 10th house of fame (or notoriety). Ardra and Mula are 2 difficult nakshatras and can bring forth some tragedy and destruction to one’s life. They are very much involved in multiple worldwide calamities including the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19 in late 2019 and the September 11 2001 Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on USA World Trade Center. Jun Lin’s Natal Mars rules the 12th house of losses and Natal Moon rules the 8th house of sex and death, and they are in an interexchange (parivartana yoga) with an exalted and retrograding Jupiter in the 8th house. This brings a difficult 8th house energies into his Ascendant.
In a way, we can say that Jun Lin’s Natal Mars and Moon energies are the victims of Luka’s Natal Ketu energy. Luka’s Natal Ketu acts as an accomplice to his Natal Rahu and Venus cruel obsession and act of fame. Jun Lin is a victim of the murder. And Luka is a victim of vanity, depression, and mental instability, a stardom of a different branch.
Power of Vanity
Luka is not a born killer. If you look at his photo, he does not seem to be an evil or violent man. But one thing for sure, he is a very ostentatious man. Everything that he did was for attaining his one burning life desire of becoming famous. The things that he did was not initially intended to be evil. But he will do anything in order to get the attention that he is seeking. Blame it on the force of vanity for its hold on humanity is very strong. Luka is a very vain person. He liked to dress up in fanciful clothing and liked to appear in beautiful sceneries, editing photographs replacing people with himself in it. He liked to impersonate as a famous person who is having the fun of his life, indulging in a bountiful luxurious lifestyle. Try to steer clear of such strong obsessions because of its possible damaging effects on yourself. This is the power of vanity in the extremes.
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Luka Magnotta Moon Chart 01

Luka Magnotta Moon Chart 02

Jun Lin Moon Chart 01

Jun Lin Moon Chart 02
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