Yoo Jae Suk: South Korea Nation’s MC

Yoo Jae Suk

Yoo Jae Suk: South Korea Nation’s MC

유재석 Yoo Jae Suk: South Korea Nation’s MC

Yoo Jae-Suk is a South Korean comedian, host and television personality that has hosted several variety television shows including the well-known “Infinite Challenge”. The multi-talented host is known for his quick wit and appeal to the masses and remains as Korea’s top comedians and TV personalities. As his birth time is not known, we can only take his Moon Chart as a secondary assessment.

Yoo Jae Suk’s Talents

Yoo Jae Suk’s Moon is probably in the lunar mansion of Chitra nakshatra where it represents a shining jewel where the star of opportunity shines brightly on him granting him talents and charisma to the public. This is even more so when his Moon is in Virgo which make him an excellent conversationalist. With Mercury ruling both his 1st house and 10th house of career, sitting in the 11th house of great gains, he will also be able to use his talents and conversational skills in his career to get great gains and his dreams fulfilled.

Venus ruling his 2nd house of speech and 9th house of fortune is sitting in the 10th house of career ruled by the master speaker of the zodiac Gemini, this is confluence that he will do very well with the power of his speech, as a comedian, host, and television personality. Even Mars ruling his 3rd house of communications sitting in the 12th house situated near the fixed star Regulus makes him capable of influencing over foreign lands. Other than the moon chart, Mars should also be a prominent planet in his birth chart as well.

Rahu (North node of the Moon) sitting in his 5th house of entertainment where it is disposited to Saturn in the 9th house of fortune, he has great luck and fortune in the entertainment industry.

Marriage with Na Kyung-Eun 나경은 and Children

Jupiter rules his 7th house of marriage sitting in the 4th house of homeland and Venus as the significator of wife sits in the 10th house of career aspecting each other. He can marry someone from his homeland whereby he can even meet and work with his spouse at certain point in time. In 2008 July, Transiting Jupiter and Venus returned back into their natal position which can trigger off a relationship strongly.

Yoo Jae Suk married MBC announcer Na Kyung-Eun 나경은 on the show Infinite Challenge on July 6, 2008.

In 2010 May, Transiting Jupiter as the significator of children is sitting in it’s own house opposing Transiting Saturn which rules the 5th house of children. Transiting Rahu was conjuncted Natal Jupiter in the 4th house of home as well. A new member was added to his family as Yoo Ji-Ho was born on May 1, 2010.

Yoo Jae Suk’s Career

Sharing the same fate as many artist in the entertainment industry, Yoo attended the Seoul Institute of the Arts but he did not graduate due to his busy schedule as an up-coming comedian. Rahu was in the 5th house of entertainment where it’s ruler Saturn sits in the 9th house of fortune. However, Saturn also rules the 6th house of difficulties and Saturn delays in giving it’s rewards.

During sometime in his Rahu period, he debuted on KBS Comedian Festival in 1991 where he danced to the cover of the song “Step by Step” by New Kids on the Block. This dancing became one of his early memorable moments of his career. He lived his 9 hard years as a relatively unknown comedian until he started to host a program called “Live and Enjoy Together” in 2002.

X-Man, Infinite Challenge, Running Man

He has crossed over to his Jupiter period. The program became popular instantly and he began hosting many other variety programs and rose to fame in the cohosting of the program “The Crash of MCs”. He got his nickname of “Nation’s MC” when he went to host the show “X-Man” and several other variety shows followed.

In 2005, Transiting Jupiter was in the 1st house in the moon chart aspecting his 5th house of entertainment. Transiting Saturn was in the 11th house of dreams aspecting it’s own 5th house of entertainment. Transiting Rahu in the 7th house of public also aspects both Transiting Jupiter and Saturn, blessing his efforts in the entertainment industry.

Yoo is a part of the cast of the top-rated comedy variety program “Infinite Challenge”. He is the chief host in the program since 2005. Infinite Challenge was seen as his favourite and best program and he met his wife Na Kyung-Eun in this program as well.

Jupiter is strong in his chart with Saturn ruling the 5th house of entertainment, he is crossing over from Jupiter to Saturn period going into 2010s.

Yoo won a total of 6 Grand Prizes in 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2016 with the program “Infinite Challenge”. He also co-hosts “Come to Play”, and hosts “Family Outing”. Since 2010 July, he has also hosted urban variety “Running Man” together with several other cast members including Haha, Ji Suk-Jin, Kim Jong-Kook, Kang Gary, Song Ji-Hyo, and Lee Kwang-Soo.

Yoo Jae Suk, The Nation’s MC

Jupiter rules his 4th house of home and 7th house of public, sitting strongly in it’s own sign of Sagittarius in the 4th house of homeland, he is famous in the public and the masses especially in his homeland of South Korea. He is South Korea’s Nation MC after all.

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To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


Yoo Jae Suk Moon Chart 01

Yoo Jae Suk Moon Chart 01

Yoo Jae Suk Moon Chart 02

Yoo Jae Suk Moon Chart 02

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