23 Feb Song Ji Hyo: The Lady Luck
송지효 Song Ji Hyo: The Lady Luck
Song Ji-Hyo as her stage name, is a South Korean actress and model. She contributed to a number of films including Wishing Stairs (2003), Princess Hours (2006), Jumong (2007), A Frozen Flower (2008), New World (2013), Emergency Couple (2014), and My Wife’s Having an Affair this Week (2016).
Song Ji Hyo was born with the birth name of 천성임 Cheon Seong-Im which she later changed into Cheon Soo-Yeon as too many people can recognize her real name. She chose Song Ji-Hyo as her stage name as she got inspired by the two famous actors Song Seung-Heon and Song Hye-Kyo. As her birth time is not available, the Moon Chart is taken as a secondary assessment.
Debut: Wishing Stairs
In 2003, Transiting Rahu (North Node of Moon) and Saturn were in the good 5th house with Rahu aspecting the planet of fame Moon in the 1st house. Transiting in the 7th house of public was conjunct Natal Rahu and aspecting the famous Moon in the 1st house as well.
She debuted in Korean horror film “Wishing Stairs” in 2003, playing a young ballet student. She was nominated for “Best New Actress” in the film at the 24th Blue Dragon Film Awards.
Rise of Fame: Princess Hours, Jumong
In 2006 around Rahu/Sun or Rahu/Moon period, Rahu is conjunct the majestic Sun in the 7th house of the public. Moon is also aspecting it’s own 7th house giving it’s potent strength. Transiting Jupiter was in the 10th house of fame. Transiting Saturn rules the 1st house of herself sitting in the 7th house of public and was being aspected by Jupiter and Rahu consecutively. Transiting Rahu was aspecting all the planets in the 7th house.
This is a very good year for Song Ji Hyo as she received further recognition to fame for her female lead in a romantic comedy drama, Princess Hours. She played as a ballet dancer who dreams to be a ballerina. Within the same year, she played as Lady Ye So-Ya in the historical drama Jumong. The series was a commercial hit receiving the highest viewership ratings of all Korean dramas aired in 2006. Song Ji-Hyo was nominated as “Best New Actress” at the 43th Baesang Arts Awards for her acting.
The Sacrifice: A Frozen Flower, Sex is Zero 2
In 2007, Transiting Jupiter subsequently went into the 11th house of hopes and dreams and it was aspecting Transiting Saturn in the 7th house. Transiting Rahu was aspecting the 10th house of fame. In 2008, Rahu was still aspecting the 10th house while Jupiter went into it’s powerful own 12th house of film. All this was happening while Saturn and Ketu were in the 8th house of shame.
In 2007, Song appeared in the comedy “Sex is Zero 2”, the sequel to the film “Sex is Zero” in 2002. She acted as a good swimmer and was nominated for the “Most Popular Actress” in 44th Baesang Arts Awards. Sex is Zero 2 is just a comedy despite its name. In 2008, Song played the Queen in “A Frozen Flower” which became one of the high-grossing films in 2008. She was nominated for the “Most Popular Actress” in 45th Baesang Arts Awards. While Saturn represents herself conjunct with Ketu in the 8th house of shame, she sacrificed herself to do nudity in the film so as to portray the subtle changes in emotion that the director wanted her to convey.
Song Ji Hyo’s Love Life & Marriage
With both Jupiter as significator of husband and Venus as significator or relationship sitting in the 9th house of fortune, Song definitely has some luck in the area of relationship. Even though SaturnIn marriage chart, all Saturn, Jupiter, strong Moon, and Rahu are all aspecting her strong Venus which does give her relationships.
However, she has challenges in the same area as well. All of the planets in the 9th house of fortune disposit through Mercury to the 8th house of obstacles. The ruler of the 8th house of obstacles is the Sun sitting in the 7th house of marriage conjunct the troublesome Rahu. She can get a very overpowering partner which can give problems as well.
Without considering her birth time and birth chart, confirmations cannot be given. However in year 2021, Transiting Jupiter and Transiting Saturn will be on her Natal Moon in her Ascendant, mutual aspecting Transiting Rahu in her 5th house of romance, and all her Natal relationship planets in the 9th house of fortune. Both Transiting Jupiter and Transiting Saturn will be opposing her 7th house of marriage. Her Natal Ketu is conjunct the Natal Moon and both of them are important relationship planets to her as well as the Moon rules her 7th house of marriage. Even Transiting Ketu is aspecting her 7th house of marriage in 2021. It looks like the wedding bells will be calling for her. Who do you think the bridegroom will be?
Song Ji Hyo: The Lady Luck
Song has Saturn ruling her moon chart and it sits in the 9th house of fortune, probably the most fortunate house in the whole zodiac. In addition, Saturn ruling her chart is hemmed in by the best benefics Jupiter on one side and Venus on the other side. She is running around Jupiter period and her luck is still ongoing even though Jupiter’s energy is begin starved by Saturn begin so close together.
It is obvious why Song is always so lucky in her life and throughout her life and this is even recognized in her variety shows. In her variety shows including Running Man, she always exhibits a high chance of winning small little games and has won multiple times in the shows. She is the Lady Luck holding a four-leaf clover.
Do you have Lady Luck with you?
Life is a challenge itself, but having a lady luck besides you certainly removes many obstacles for you to facilitate a smooth sailing. Are you always lucky like Song Ji Hyo?
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Song Ji Hyo Moon Chart 01

Song Ji Hyo Moon Chart 02
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