20 Jun J K Rowling Birth Chart Analysis
Rowling has a Capricorn Ascendant in the 1st House with a ‘ASC’. Her Chart Ruler is Saturn in the 2nd house of earnings. This mean that she will always be inclined to earn an income to sustain her family. The 2nd house is the sign of Aquarius and Saturn rules it. The 2nd house ruler is in its own house of Aquarius and it is very strong. She has great capacity to earn money but money isn’t going to fall on her head because Saturn requires hard work.
5th house of Writing Books
In her 5th house is her powerful house of intelligence. She has Rahu (North Node of the Moon) here conjunct Jupiter. Wherever Jupiter is, it expands the qualities of the house that it sits in. Rahu just made it even more exaggerating. Rahu expands the qualities of the house in an explosion rate. She has 2 main planets of expansion in her 5th house of creativity and speculation. 5th house is also the house of writing books.
Note: 5th house is the house with a 5th on the left side, and a number 2 at the side. 5th stands for 5th house and 2 stands for Taurus sign. The yellow highlighted portion in the birth chart is the 5th house, highlighting planets Rahu and Jupiter in the 5th house. You can find out how to read a birth chart here.
Her 5th house is Taurus ruled by Venus and Venus sits in the 8th house of other people’s money, money that comes in large amounts.
She will always have luck in speculation, investment and most importantly in writing books that will allow her to earn lots of money from other people.
8th house of Other Peoples’ money
Mercury that rules her 9th house of fortune also sits in her 8th house conjunct Venus. She definitely has luck in 8th house matters of gaining large sums of money. She has her chart ruler Saturn in the 2nd house and it opposes her 5th ruler Venus and 9th ruler Mercury in the 8th house. 2nd house is the house of self-earned income and 8th house is the house of other peoples’ money and she has all her lucky planets Saturn, Venus, and Mercury in these 2 money houses. This means that she will have extreme luck with money in her life. It is all due to her 5th house of wiring books and speculation. With Pluto and Uranus together in the 8th house as well just empowers her money matters even more.
She has her Venus which rules both powerful 5th house of writing books and 10th house career and sits in the 8th house of other peoples’ money. She has a destiny to writing and investing and hence getting money from others.
10th house of Career
She has Neptune in her career house. That is why she can apply her great imagination in all her literary works of Harry Potter. Neptune is imagination.
11th house of Hopes, Dreams, Great Gains
She has Ketu (South Node of the Moon) in the 11th house of great gains. Her 11th house is the sign of Scorpio and the 11th house ruler Mars is sitting in her 9th house of fortune with the Moon. Mars conjuncts the Moon gives her a sharp mind and a business sense and gives her fortune in such area. Both Saturn and Jupiter aspects her 11th house of great gains manifests her 11th house of great gains tremendously. It is only a matter of time that she will have great sums of money coming to her.
7th house of Marriage and Relationship
Her area of relationship did suffer a little. Sun rules the 8th house of obstacles and sits in her 7th house of marriage. This gives her fluctuations in marriage matters and can give an overpowering spouse at times.
Her 7th house ruler is Moon and it is conjunct Mars which can give an aggressive spouse. Moreover, the significator of husband Jupiter is afflicted by being in conjunction with Rahu (the poisonous north node of the moon that gives trouble).
The dispositor of Jupiter is Venus and also sits in the problematic 8th house of obstacles.
The relief in her relationship matters is that all these relationship planets sit in strong and good houses, even though the planet disposits into the 8th house of obstacles which will give her a lot of challenges in her marriage. In addition, her Moon is in the Uttara Phalguni nakshatra (lunar mansion) that will bless her in terms of marriage matters. Her Moon rules the 7th house of marriage at the same time. Her Moon sits in the 9th house of fortune and it is being aspected and blessed by Jupiter. Despite the difficulties, her marriage will still work out.
Her short marriage period from 1992 lasted only 2-3 years with Jorge Arantes. But ever since 2001, she has remained married to Neil Murray to this day.
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J K Rowling Birth Chart
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