09 Feb Theodore Roosevelt: Be a Man!
Theodore Roosevelt Jr., also known as Teddy Roosevelt, was an American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer. He served as the 26th President of the United States of America for almost 2 terms from 1901 to 1909. He was also the 25th Vice President of the United States and the 33rd Governor of New York. After the assassination of the 25th President William McKinley, Roosevelt became the youngest President of the nation of all time at the age of 42. At the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota stands a sculpture carved of granite on the heads of 4 great Presidents of the United States. Alongside George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln stands at the 3rd face is Theodore Roosevelt.
In 1901 Mercury/Jupiter period, Mercury rules his 1st house as well as his 4th house of homeland while being in the nakshatra of Rahu. Jupiter rules the 7th house of public and 10th house of career and fame, sitting in the 12th house of foreign affairs. Mercury and Jupiter rules the all 4 powerful kendra houses of the whole chart, while both planets are in Libra-ruled signs and Venus rules the 5th house of politics. Transiting Rahu was in the 5th house of politics aspecting the Natal Rahu in the 9th house. Transiting Jupiter and Saturn were in Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius in the 7th house of public aspecting the Moon in the 1st house. Jupiter rules the 10th house of career and Saturn rules the 9th house of fortune.
On September 6, President McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz when he was attending the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Roosevelt traveled to Buffalo to visit McKinley in the hospital. McKinley died on September 14. There was no formally designated order of succession for the post of president in the event that a president resigned or died. Roosevelt served his first term without a vice president. Roosevelt adhered to McKinley’s policies and retained McKinley’s Cabinet.
Chart of a President
With the both the birth chart and the career chart being in the same sign of Gemini indicates that he is very in sync with his career destiny. With the moon in the Ascendant in the birth chart makes his chart doubly powerful with strengths of this chart occurring in both Ascendant and moon chart (chandra lagna) together. With Rahu in the 1st house of his career chart brings him an extremely strong destiny to his career.
In the career chart (Dashamsha) of Roosevelt, Jupiter is the all powerful career planet and Roosevelt became the President in Mercury sub-Jupiter period. In the career chart, Mercury rules the career chart but the Ascendant and Rahu in the 1st house are in the nakshatra of Punarvasu ruled by Jupiter. Rahu is aspecting Jupiter in the 5th house and the luminaries Sun and Moon in the fortunate 9th house. Jupiter itself is also mutual aspecting Rahu and the luminaries in the 9th house.
Jupiter rules the 10th house of career and sits in the 5th house of politics in it’s own nakshatra of Vishakha. Ketu sits in Jupiter’s ruled sign of Sagittarius in the 7th house of public in the invincible nakshatra Uttara Ashadha. Venus is exalted in the 10th house of career in Jupiter’s sign of Pisces while being in Mercury’s nakshatra of Revati, and opposed by Saturn ruling the 9th house of fortune. Venus itself rules the 12th house of foreign affairs and 5th house of politics and is in a parivartana yoga with Jupiter in the 5th house. Even Mars and Saturn are aspecting Jupiter-ruled 10th house of career.
Jupiter, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn are all connected to Jupiter tightly while Mercury is indirectly connected to Jupiter. His Jupiter in Vishakha channeled him into the field of politics in the 5th house and granted him success with relentless efforts.
Marriage to Alice Hathaway Lee and Edith Kermit Carow
Venus as significator of wife sits in the difficult 6th house of disease while Jupiter ruling 7th house of marriage sits in the 12th house loss conjunct accidental Uranus, but they are both aspecting and benefiting each other. Malefic Mars sits in the 7th house of marriage aspected by Ketu as significator of losses. In the destiny chart (Navamsha), while Mars ruling 7th house of spouse sits strongly in Scorpio in 2nd house ensured that he will get married, Venus as significator of wife is conjunct malefic Rahu, opposed by transformative Pluto and aspected by Saturn and Mars gave problems to his marriage.
In 1880 Saturn/Moon period where Moon is opposed by Mars ruling the 7th house of wife in the marriage chart while being blessed by an aspect from Jupiter. Transiting Rahu was in the 7th house of marriage while Transiting Jupiter ruling the 7th house was strong in it’s own sign in the 10th house while aspecting Natal Venus as the significator of wife. Roosevelt marriage socialite Alice Hathaway Lee. They went for a European tour for their honeymoon.
In 1884 Saturn/Rahu period, Rahu is conjunct Venus in the 5th house in the marriage chart and aspected by Saturn where Saturn ruled the house. Transiting Saturn was in the 1st house aspecting the 7th house of marriage. Transiting Saturn was also conjunct Natal Moon representing the mother. Even though Transiting Jupiter ruling the 7th house was aspecting the 7th house but it was conjunct Natal Ketu as significator of losses, and it was being aspected by Transiting Saturn as well. Transiting Ketu was aspecting Natal Venus as significator of wife in the 6th house of disease.
Their daughter Alice Lee Roosevelt was born in February but Roosevelt’s wife died due to an undiagnosed case of kidney failure which was masked by her pregnancy. His mother, Mittie died of typhoid fever in the same house earlier in the day. Roosevelt wrote “The light has gone out of my life”. He left baby Alice Lee Roosevelt to his sister Bamie for care. He grieved deeply and he rarely spoke about and never mentioned Alice Hathaway Lee in his autobiography.
In 1886 Saturn/Jupiter period where Jupiter rules 7th house of marriage and is aspected by Venus. Natal Mars even though it’s malefic has strong 7th house energy being in the 7th house. Transiting Mars was back into its nodal position of 7th house. Transiting Rahu was aspecting the 7th house. Transiting Jupiter was aspecting Transiting Saturn and Natal Moon in the 1st house uplifting the emotions while Transiting Saturn ruling the 9th house of fortune aspects the 7th house and materialize the marriage. Transiting Venus was in the 6th house conjunct Natal Venus and opposed Natal Jupiter. Roosevelt was lucky that he married his childhood and family friend Edith Kermit Carow. However he was deeply troubled that his second marriage took place so soon after his first wife’s death. He faced resistance from his sisters.
Nobel Peace Prize
In 1906 Ketu/Sun period, Ketu dispositor is Sun in the 5th house of politics. Even though Sun is debilitated, it is conjunct tightly with Mercury both in the nakshatra of Rahu where Rahu is in the 9th house aspecting Sun and Mercury in the 5th house. In addition, Rahu is in it’s own nakshatra that propelled his luck way further than normal. Transiting Saturn as the ruler of 9th house of fortune was in the 9th house strengthening the 9th house and Natal Rahu, while being aspected by Transiting Jupiter in the 1st house that exploded his luck even further. Transiting Jupiter was also aspecting his Natal Sun and let him be recognized. Transiting Rahu was in the 2nd house conjunct Natal Saturn as ruler of 9th house while aspecting Natal Venus in the 6th house as the dispositor of the debilitated Sun, strengthening his fame and recognition.
In 1905, Roosevelt offered to mediate a treaty to end the Russo-Japanese War. The parties agreed to meet to resolve the conflicts on the island of Sakhalin, with Russia taking the northern half and Japan the southern portion. In 1906, Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in ending the war and balancing the forces of the Russian and Japanese power in the orient.
Roosevelt pushed forward domestic policies of promising the average citizen fairness, established a myriad of new national parks, forests, and monuments. He began the construction of the Panama Canal, expanded the Navy which became one of the world’s global navy power just behind Britain at that time. He mediated the Russo-Japanese War successfully. Roosevelt was multi-talented and a prolific author. This is the 26th President of the United States of America. His message is clear. Be a Man!
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Theodore Roosevelt Birth Chart 1

Theodore Roosevelt Birth Chart 2

Theodore Roosevelt Career Chart 1

Theodore Roosevelt Career Chart 2
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