17 Aug Michael Jordan: The Air Jordan
Michael Jeffrey Jordan is a retired American basketball player, businessman, and the principle owner of the Charlotte Hornets, the basketball team in North Carolina. Jordan players for 15 seasons in the NBA (National Basketball Association) for the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards. His leaping ability combining with slam dunks from the free throw line in slam dunk contests earned him the nickname of “Air Jordan”.
Saturn rules the 9th house of father and sits strongly in the 8th house of death conjunct Ketu as the significator of losses and Saturn also rules the 8th house well. Sun as significator of father also sits in the 9th house disposited to 8th house of death. Jordan’s father was murdered in 1993 July in North Carolina by 2 teenagers Daniel Green and Larry Martin Demery, who carjacked the luxury vehicle. They were convicted and was sentenced to life in prison. Jordan was close to his father and founded a Chicago area Boys & Girls Club and dedicated it to his father.
Jordan has Mars ruling the competitive 6th and 11th houses located in the 2nd house of earnings conjunct Rahu (North Node of the Moon). Even Mars is debilitated, it is located in it’s own sign of Scorpio in the 9th house in the destiny chart (Navamsha). In the career chart, Mars is also in the same fortune 9th house. Sun rules the 3rd house of athlete and sits in the 9th house of fortune, aspecting it’s own 3rd house amplifying the 3rd house. 3rd house also rules the hands where his skills in basketball is unparalleled. Sun is also blessed by in conjunction with Jupiter where Jupiter rules the 10th house of career. The prominent Sun is also exactly directly opposes the fixed star Regulus, the royal star of leadership and fame.
Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time by acclamation. He was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was an important instrument in popularizing NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.
In the destiny chart (Navamsha), Jordan has Moon in the 10th house of fame. Saturn rules his 11th house of achievements and great gains and it sits in the 5th house of entertainment sports opposing the 11th house as well as aspecting the 2nd house of earnings. In the career chart, Jupiter and Ketu are in the 11th house aspecting Venus ruling the 11th house. Venus is also aspected by Saturn, Moon, Mercury. More than half of the planets are linked to the 11th house of achievements and great gains.
Jordan’s awards include 5 MVP (Most Valuable Player), 10 All-NBA First Team designations, 14 NBA All-Star Game appearances, and many more. On the list of Associated Press’ list of athletes of the century, he was second to Babe Ruth. He is also known for his product endorsements like Nike’s Air Jordan sneakers introduced in 1985 which remains a success till this day. Jordan was the first billionaire NBA player in history. As an African-American, his fortune is only behind that of Oprah Winfrey and Robert F. Smith.
In 1984 Ketu period where Ketu sit in the 11th house of achievements in the career chart conjunct Jupiter. This the early years of Jordan’s rookie season in NBA. Within Chicago Bulls, he quickly became a fan favourite even in opposing arena.
In 1987 in the beginning of Venus period where Venus is in the 7th house in his birth chart, destiny chart, and career chart. The 7th house is 10 houses away from the 10th house of career. Venus is however aspected and hindered by Saturn. This is his rise. Jordan won his first league MVP award and was named the Defensive Player of the Year. The Bulls was on the rise with talented players like Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant under the guidance of the coach Phil Jackson. The Bulls was repeatedly defeated by the Pistons.
Chicago Bulls 3-times Championships & Final MVPs
In 1991 onwards in Venus/Sun and Venus/Moon periods where Sun is exactly opposed the fixed star Regulus and Moon in the career chart sits in the 1st house, Transiting Rahu was in the 3rd house mutual aspecting Transiting Jupiter in the 7th house where Natal Venus is.
Jordan won his second MVP and first NBA Finals MVP while playing against the LA Lakers. Jordan also won his second and third NBA Finals MVP in subsequent consecutive years with Chicago Bulls winning the championships. The Bulls defeated the LA Lakers, Portland Trail Blazers, and Phoenix Suns in the Finals respectively from 1990/1991 to 1992/1993 seasons. In 1993, Jordan announced his retirement.
Chicago Bulls 3-times Championships Again & Final MVPs Again
In 1995 onwards almost reaching Venus/Jupiter period until 1998, Jupiter rules the 10th house of career situated in the 9th house of fortune. In the career chart, Jupiter is in the 11th house of achievements which is disposited to the strong and period planet Venus. Transiting Jupiter was in the 6th house aspecting the 10th house of career and Natal Rahu in the 2nd house of earnings. While Transiting Rahu was aspecting the 9th house where Transiting Saturn was in it’s own 9th house and Natal Jupiter is also in the fortunate 9th house.
Jordan made a comeback. The Bulls begin to win championships again with Jordan clinching Finals MVP awards again. The Bulls won again against Seattle Supersonics, Utah Jazz, and Utah Jazz again in 3 consecutive years in the finals from 1996/1997 to 1998/1999 seasons. Jordan retired the second time in early 1999.
In 2001, Jordan returned to play for Washington Wizards and intended to donate his salary for the victims of September 11, 2001 attacks. Jordan also played on 2 Olympic gold medal-winning American basketball teams. Upon his retirement, he stayed in shape, played golf in celebrity charity tournaments and spent time with his family in Chicago. He also promoted his Jordan brand clothing line.
Jordan has Venus in both the birth chart and the marriage chart (Navamsha). He has definitely get into some relationships. In the birth chart, Jupiter rules the 7th house of marriage and sits in the fortunate 9th house. However, Jupiter is conjunct malefic Sun and aspected by Mars. Jupiter is also disposited to Saturn in the 8th house of obstacles which is conjunct Ketu as significator of losses. In the marriage chart, Venus as significator of wife is debilitated and the 7th house of marriage ruler Mercury is also debilitated. Even though Mercury is aspecting it’s own house of marriage and Jupiter and Saturn are also aspecting and manifesting the marriage, the strength of the marriage is pretty weak.
Marriage with Juanita Vanoy
In 1989 Venus/Venus period with Venus as wife in the 7th house of marriage in both charts, Jordan married Juanita Vanoy in 1989 with 3 children later as Jeffrey Michael, Marcus James, and Jasmine. They later divorced in 2002 but reconciled shortly, but led to another divorce again in 2006. Juanita received a $168 million settlement for the divorce. Subsequently, Jordan paid his lover Karla Knafel in order to keep the relationship a secret.
Marriage with Yvette Prieto
In 2013 Moon/Moon period, Moon’s dispositor Mars is aspecting Jupiter, the ruler of the 7th house of marriage. In the marriage chart, Moon’s dispositor Jupiter is also aspecting the 7th house where Venus is. Transiting Saturn as ruler of 9th house of fortune was exalted in the 5th house aspecting the 7th house. Transiting Rahu was aspecting the 7th ruler Natal Jupiter in the 9th house. In the moon chart, Jupiter was in the 7th house of marriage. In 2013, Jordan married his longtime girlfriend Cuban-American model Yvette Prieto.
In 2014, Transiting Saturn was in the 5th house conjunct Transiting Rahu, both aspected by Transiting Jupiter in the 1st house. In 2014, they gave birth to 2 twin daughters Victoria and Ysabel.
The Unwanted Jordan
During high school days in Wilmington standing at 1.80m, Jordan was deemed too short to play basketball and was rejected in the varsity basketball team. In order to prove his worth, he played in the junior varsity squad and became a star. He even grew 4 inches (10 cm) later on.
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Michael Jordan Birth Chart 1

Michael Jordan Birth Chart 2
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