20 Jun How did Rowling become Rich?
As a young child, Rowling frequently wrote fantasy stories to read to her sister. She is fond of reading and as a teenager she has read all of Jessica Mitford’s books. She didn’t have a happy childhood and she has a strained relationship with her father. Her life was also affected by her mother’s illness. She wrote the character Hermione Granger based on her childhood.
Mother’s illness
Mars rules her 4th house of mother. Both Mars as ruler of the 4th house of mother and the significator of the mother Moon are in the 9th house of Virgo, which is the sign of health. The ruler of the 9th house is Mercury which disposits into the 8th house of chronic disease.
Her mother has Multiple Sclerosis for years before she died.
Relationship with Father
In her 9th house of father sits the malefic Mars. Mars is the most malefic planet for Capricorn Ascendant and it is in the 9th house of father. The 9th house is also aspected by the problematic Rahu and Jupiter. Jupiter may bless the 9th house but its grace is not strong enough. Moreover, Jupiter is not a good planet for Capricorn sign. The ruler of the 9th house of father Mercury is in the 8th house of obstacles.
Her relationship with her father was estranged.
Success Period
Rahu Period (Dasha), 1986 – 2004
This is the period of her life where she either make it or break it. But she has to be broken first before she can make it to the top. She was running the Rahu time period of her life. Her Rahu (North Node of the Moon) sits strongly in the 5th house of speculation, investment and writing books. Rahu is a destiny marker and pulls one strongly to its destiny by hook or by crook. It is a shadowy planet and its impact is extreme. The power of her 5th house of intelligence is exploded by the conjunction of her Jupiter and Rahu, the 2 powerful planets of expansion.
Her 10th house of career is ruled by Venus and it sits in the 8th house of other peoples’ money. 10th house ruler sits in the 8th house of death also means the death of her career. Her 5th house planets Rahu as destiny marker and Jupiter disposit through Venus in the 8th house of other peoples’ money.
She is meant to write books as a career to get money from others. Had she been an employee of any sort, her life would have been a complete failure. Rahu as her destiny caller does not allow that. We will soon find out why. Her Rahu period runs from 1986 to 2004.
The Idea of Harry Potter
Rahu/Jupiter Period, 1988 Nov – 1991 Apr
Both Rahu and Jupiter aspects her 9th house where Moon and Mars are. Moon is the significator of the mother and Mars rules her 4th house of mother. Rahu is a problem planet and Jupiter is not a friendly planet to her Capricorn Ascendant. Moreover, Jupiter is afflicted by being together with Rahu. In 1990, her mother died and she channeled her great sense of loss into the writing of Harry Potter. This forms up part of her inspiration to write Harry Potter.
Both Rahu and Jupiter are in her 5th house of the mind and writing books. Both Rahu and Jupiter disposit into the 8th house of depth. It was during this period when she had a 4 hours train delay from Manchester to London and the idea came up. Her mind was in deep thinking and probing into her own problems and at the same time her idea of Harry Potter popped up at the train station.
Chapters of Harry Potter
Rahu/Saturn Period, 1991 Apr – 1994 Feb
In her marriage chart not shown here, her Saturn was aspecting it’s own house of marriage which is a strong indicator of marriage. However, Saturn is debilitated there and does not have enough strength and the marriage may not stay. Saturn was also aspecting her Moon, making her depressed. Jupiter as significator of husband also disposits into the 12th house of losses.
During her time in Portugal, she met a Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes. They got married in 1992. Before things get further, they got separated in 1993. It was during this time that she wrote 3 chapters of Harry Potter.
Her Rahu and Jupiter are in the 5th house of the mind and disposit to the 8th house of obstacles and her Saturn aspects the 5th house ruler Venus ruling her mind which sits in the 8th house as well.
She was very depressed. She graduated from Exeter in 1986. In 1993, 7 years after her graduation, she deemed herself as a complete failure. Her marriage failed, she was jobless with a dependent child. But this only fuels her passion to concentrate on her writing. She was diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide. Her illness gave birth to the idea of Dementors, the soul-sucking creatures in her 3rd book. She was in despair and she signed up for welfare benefits.
The Completion of Harry Potter
Rahu/Mercury Period, 1994 Feb – 1996 Sep
In her marriage chart, both Rahu and Mercury sit in the 12th house of losses and Mercury is strong in its own sign. This indicates a big period of losses. This is a period where she retreat into seclusion to the workings of Harry Potter. She finalized the divorce from Jorge Arantes.
Mercury rules the 9th house of fortune and sits in the 8th house of other peoples’ money. Her fortune is just starting and people began to know her from the local community. Her very first book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is completed and Bloomsbury agreed to publish her book after much happenings, but advised her to take up a day job since there is little chance of making money in children’s books.
The Birth of Harry Potter
Rahu/Ketu Period, 1996 Sep – 1997 Sep
Ketu (South Node of the Moon) sits in her 11th house of great gains and the dispositor of it is Mars which sits in her 9th house of fortune. She was to be fortunate in the areas of money coming in great amounts. Bloomsbury published the book in 1000 copies. Today a copy of this print is worth as least £16,000. The book won Nestle Smarties Book Prize, British Book Award for Children’s Book of the Year, and subsequent awards.
Harry Potter, Harry Potter, and more Harry Potters
Rahu/Venus Period, 1997 Sep – 2000 Sep
Venus rules 2 good houses in her chart, the 5th house of writing books and 10th house of career and sits in the 8th house of money from others. Her Venus is what is called a yogakaraka, a planet of great power and luck for a person. Venus may not be strong in Leo, but it is located in it’s own nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Purva Phalguni which hugely boosted its strength. Venus is one of her best planets which gives her huge amounts of money. This is her prime period.
In 1998, US company Scholastic Inc. won the bid for the rights to publish her 1st Harry Potter book for only US$105,000. She felt unjust for this. In 1998 July, the subsequent book “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” got published and won the Smarties Prize again. In 1999 December, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” won yet the Smarties Prize again. She became the first person who won the Smarties prize for 3 times. Prisoner of Azkaban also won the Whitbread Children’s Book of the Year award. The gracious Rowling actually had to withdraw her oncoming 4th book Goblet of Fire from contention with other books to give those books a fair chance.
In 2000 July, her fourth book came up “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” and broke sales record in US and UK. More than 300,000 books were sold on the first day of launch in the UK. In US, 3 million copies were sold within 48 hours of launch. This is the power of her Rahu/Venus period, her turnover in life. Subsequently, she didn’t do much in Rahu/Sun and Rahu/Moon periods. She managed to get her 5th book up in Rahu/Mars period, which is “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”.
The 6th Harry Potter
Jupiter/Jupiter Period, 2004 Mar – 2006 Apr
Jupiter all by itself is in the 5th house of luck in speculation and it is greatly enhanced by Rahu. In 2005 July, she got her 6th book published, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Prince”. It broke all sales records again, reaching 9 million copies sold within 24 hours of release. Half-blooded prince received the Book of the Year award at the British Book Awards.
The Harry Potter Finale
Jupiter/Saturn Period, 2006 Apr – 2008 Nov
Jupiter is very powerful in her 5th house of speculation and it is aspecting her 11th house of great gains. Saturn in its own house of 2nd house of earnings is also aspecting her 11th house of great gains. This is the manifestation of the 11th house of great gains, hopes, and dreams.
She completed the 7th final book “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. At that time, it was the fastest selling book of all time and sold 11 million copies within the first day of release in US and UK. She already had the ending in mind way before she started the series of Harry Potter. This is the manifestation of her dream.
Today Harry Potter brand is worth US$15 billion.
Success & Achievements
The Best is yet to Come
This is the power of Rahu and Jupiter in the 5th house of speculations and writing, Venus as a yogakaraka planet in the 8th house of others’ money, as well as 11th house of great gains, hopes, and dreams being aspected by Rahu, Jupiter, and Saturn. Great amounts of money was due to go into her possession in her lifetime. It was a matter of timing.
Nobody is born a writer. Anything that you want to do, you have to develop the capabilities first. It will have to take time and effort. If you want to be a writer, start writing! Rahu period gave her the biggest challenges in her life where she repeatedly failed in all areas of life. Her failures were there for a single purpose, to give rise to the creation of Harry Potter for the world.
The same Rahu period gave her the greatest success of her life. 5 of her books were published in this period. Don’t worry about your failures in your life for they are only here to pass. Whatever failure that you have encountered was there for a reason. The best is yet to come!
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J K Rowling Birth Chart 01

J K Rowling Birth Chart 02
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