17 May John Lennon: Singer Peace Activist
John Winston Ono Lennon, the English guitarist, singer, and songwriter from the band Beatles, the most successful and influential band of all times. He was born in Liverpool and was always involved in music bands until it finally evolved into Beatles in 1960. For solo albums after Beatles disbanded, it includes songs like Imagine, Give Peace a Chance, Working Class Hero etc. After his marriage with Yoko Ono, he actually added “Ono” into his middle name.
He has his moon in the lunar mansion of Shravana, the star of learning that gives knowledge, musical talents, and speech eloquence. His music and writings clearly show his talents.
Peace Activist
He is a Pisces Ascendant and he remain as a Pisces throughout his entire life and he has a very strong Piscean imprint. Pisces personality is very different from Aries. Pisces is about letting go with the flow and dissolves the individuality to merge with the universe as a form of transcendence. They can attempt to dissolve one’s ego for the sake of peace.
He has Ketu (South node of the Moon) in his Ascendant that gives him his unusual personality and eccentricity and makes him spiritually one foot in the other world. With the chart ruler Jupiter with Saturn in the 2nd house closely conjunct, he was able to speak his mind about his unusual ways of thinking and his compassion towards humanity. He had a rebellious nature and was known for his sharp wits in his music and writings. With 2nd house ruler of speech in the 7th house of public conjunct the spiritual Neptune, he was able to project his spiritual connections in an extraordinary way to the public in an aggressive approach.
He was recognized as a troublemaker just because he did not conform to the society but he just couldn’t be what he was not.
Mars that rules the 9th house of father sits in the 7th house conjunct Sun where Sun is the significator of father. Mars is also conjunct Rahu and the oceanic Neptune. His father Alfred Lennon was a merchant seaman of Irish descent and was away a lot. When his parents split, it was 20 years before he had contact with his father again.
Mercury that rules the 4th house of mother sits in the 8th house of obstacles and in the 12th house of losses in the chart of second half of life. Mercury also disposits through Venus into the 6th house of difficulties. When his father went absent, his mother Julia Lennon got pregnant with another man’s child when his father returned. Throughout his childhood, he mostly stayed with his aunt and uncle Mimi and George Smith who had no children of their own.

Beatles (Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, John Lennon)
The Beatles Formation
Rahu/Rahu Period (1957 May – 1960 Feb)
Rahu sits in the 7th house of public conjunct the success planets of Sun and Mars. Lennon formed the skiffle group, the Quarrymen which played a spirited set of songs made up of half skiffle and half rock and roll. He met Paul McCartney at the Quarrymen’s second performance and he asked McCartney to join the band. McCartney’s father was disapproving of the friendship declaring that Lennon was a troublemaker and would get his son into trouble. At the age of 18 years old, he wrote his first song “Hello Little Girl” and it went up as a UK top 10 hit for nearly 5 years later with the band The Fourmost.
Later on McCartney recommended his friend George Harrison to join the band as the lead guitarist and Lennon’s friend from art school Stuart Sutcliffe joined in the band as well as a bassist. Together the 4 of them form the Beatles in the early 1960.
Rahu is also in the 7th house of relationship and he met Cynthia Powell in 1957 as fellow students at the Liverpool College of Art.
Marriage with Cynthia Powell, Birth of Julian Lennon
Rahu/Saturn Period (1962 Jun – 1965 May)
Rahu is in the 7th house of marriage and Saturn in the 2nd house of family aspects the 8th house of spouse’s family where Mercury ruling the 7th house of marriage is in. Transiting Jupiter in the 12th house and Transiting Saturn in the 11th house are also aspecting the 7th house ruler of marriage Mercury in the 8th house.
After knowing that Cynthia was pregnant, the couple got married on 1962 August.
Saturn is aspecting the Moon ruling the 5th house of children. Saturn in the marriage chart is also aspecting the Moon ruling the 5th house sitting in the 2nd house of family as well as aspecting the 5th house of children.
In 1963 April, baby Julian Lennon was born.
The Beatles Final Concert, Meeting Yoko Ono
Rahu/Mercury Period (1965 May – 1967 Nov)
Rahu sits in the 7th house of business partnerships and its dispositor is Mercury which sits in the 8th house of death and obstacles. During this period, it is running the Rahu/Mercury sequence. Mercury as the logical part of the mind is disposited through Venus into the 6th house of disease.
In 1966 August, the Beatles had their final commercial concert. After deprivation of live performances, Lennon felt lost and got introduced into LSD drug involuntary. He was under the control of the drug for most of 1967.
Mercury rules the 7th house of relationship and sits in the 8th house of death. In the marriage chart, Mercury rules the 7th house of marriage and sits in the 12th house of foreign land aspected by the foreigner planet Rahu.
Lennon met Yoko Ono sometime in 1965 to 1966. It was the beginning of a new relationship and the ending of the current marriage. While his wife was on holiday in Greece, he invited Ono to visit. When Lennon’s wife returned home, she saw Ono wearing her bathrobe and drinking tea with Lennon. Lennon and Ono also protested against the Vietnam War.

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Lennon Leaving Beatles, Marriage with Yoko Ono
Rahu/Venus Period (1968 Dec – 1971 Dec)
Venus is in the 6th house and it is 12 houses of endings away from the 7th house of business partnership. Venus’s dispositor is the Sun sitting in the 7th house of business partnership.
In 1969 September, Lennon left the Beatles.
Venus is the significator of wife and its dispositor Sun is sitting in the 7th house of marriage. Transiting Jupiter was in the 7th house of marriage. Transiting Saturn was in the 2nd house opposing Mercury, the ruler of the 7th house of marriage. Mercury as ruler of the 7th house was in the 12th house of foreigner aspecting Venus, the significator of wife in the 6th house. From the Moon Chart, both Jupiter and Saturn was also aspecting the Moon, ruling the 7th house of marriage from the Moon. This is the manifestation of a marriage.
In 1969 March, Lennon married Yoko Ono in Gibraltar and spent their honeymoon at the Hilton Amsterdam. He subsequently recorded “Give Peace a Chance” in Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal.
Birth of Sean Ono
Jupiter/Jupiter Period (1975 May – 1977 Jul)
In the children chart, Jupiter is conjunct malefic Sun and Saturn in the 6th house of difficulties and Ono previously had suffered 3 miscarriages in her attempt to have a child with Lennon.
Jupiter is the significator of children. In 1975, Transiting Jupiter was in the 1st house aspecting the 5th house of children and Transiting Saturn was in the 5th house of children. In 1975 October, Sean Lennon was born on Lennon’s 35th birthday, delivered through Caesarean section.
Death of John Lennon
Jupiter/Mercury Period (1980 Jan – 1982 Apr)
Jupiter is in the 2nd maraka house, a house of death. Mercury rules the 7th maraka house of death and sits in the 8th house of death. In the destiny second part of life chart, Jupiter sits in the 8th house of death. Mercury rules the 7th maraka house of death and sits in the 12th house of endings.
In 1980 December, crazed gunman Mark David Chapman shot Lennon in the back 4 times in Dakota archway when Lennon and Ono returned to their New York apartment from Record Plant.

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John Lennon Message
There was no funeral for John. Ono stated that “John loved and prayed for the human race. Please do the same for him”. John Lennon’s message to the world is “Give Peace a Chance”.
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John Lennon Birth Chart 01

John Lennon Birth Chart 02
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