Jeffrey Epstein: Sensuously over-steined

Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein: Sensuously over-steined

Jeffrey Epstein, born as Jeffrey Edward Epstein, was an American financier who was also a convicted sex offender. He was convicted at first in 2008 but his sentence was pretty light compared to the charges against him. He was not so lucky on the second time that the charges was brought against him. Once again, he was arrested on July 6, 2019. He was found dead in jail on August 10, 2019 before he was even formally charged in court.

$500 millions of assets

Overpowering influential friends

Without a proper birth time, we take a look at his Moon Chart for assessment. Jeffrey Epstein was a teacher but he didn’t continue on that road for long as he was dismissed by Dalton School. He had faked on his education background as he left New York University without receiving a degree. Jeffrey was a very bright person though as he skipped 2 grades during his education at Lafayette High School. While he was teaching in school, he got the chance to get to know Alan Greenberg who was the CEO of Bear Stearns at that time. There were many affluent parents at Dalton school which Jeffrey got acquainted to. From there, the link is established for Jeffrey to work in Bear Stearns. Within Dalton school itself, Jeffrey was seen to be very charismatic and was always surrounded by teenage girls.

In Bear Stearns at 1976, Jeffrey worked as a low-level junior assistant all the way to a limited partner within a few years but subsequently left the bank abruptly due to a regulation violation. He maintained his strong connections with his powerful and wealthy clients and connections. In, 1981, Jeffrey Epstein founded his own consulting company Intercontinental Assets Group Inc. (IAG). His company helped his clients to recover stolen money from fraudulent brokers and lawyers. Along the way, he founded and acquired other companies and got involved in hedge funds and investments.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Natal Mercury must have been a very good planet for him for his unknown Ascendant and it sits in his 10th house of career from the Moon. His Mercury is vargottama (remaining in same sign as destiny chart), and it is exalted in his career chart (Dashamsha chart). His Natal Mercury and Sun are also located in a powerful success nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Uttara Ashada. His 10th ruler Jupiter also sits quite strongly in the 2nd house of wealth. His Natal Sun as a symbol of authority is conjunct the powerful Natal Rahu in the 11th house of gains and desires. They brought him great connections of powerful friends, extreme financial gains as well as attainment of great goals and desires. Jeffrey Epstein had connections with many more powerful people in the society.

Charisma and Sexual Obsession

Jeffrey Epstein was seen as a very charismatic person even during his younger days. He held great control over others and when he was not in control, he felt insecure. His controlling behaviour was seen by his sex victims who were verbally, mentally, financially and physically abused by him. He was great in financial investments with hedge funds and other type of investments. He owned a private jet 727 and frequently traveled on it to his Little Saint James island which is also owned by him.

His Natal Ketu is with Pluto in the 5th house of investment and it is disposited to the Moon in the Ascendant. That brings investment gains to him. His most powerful planets lie in the 8th house as well as the 12th and 2nd house. His Jupiter and Venus lunar disposition through the 2nd house and 12th house brought him great income from foreign companies and trading. His exalted Saturn in the 8th house made him preoccupied with power and manipulation.

Jeffrey Epstein attracted teenage girls to himself since his school days as a teacher. This strong attraction to sex possibly follows him into his habitual life for a very long time. His private jet that carried many female guests which include many underage girls. The locals in Virgin Islands all knew about it and nicknamed the jet Lolita Express. His hedonistic lifestyle was illegal because it included underage girls and all of girls that he had coaxed into pleasuring himself was all coerced. He exerted his social status, financial power and strong powerful connections in front of his victims.

This comes mainly from his exalted Natal Saturn in the 8th house of sex and secrets. His Saturn rules 12th house of bad pleasures as well as 11th house gains and desires. Saturn is also in an exchange of sign (Parivartana yoga) with the corrupted Venus in the 12th house. Venus is the most malefic planet for his chart and it is in conjunction with Mars and in an exchange with Saturn. Venus rules the 8th house of sex for him and it is tightly in conjunction with the passionate Mars. His strong Saturn and Venus made his 8th house of sex and 12th house of bed pleasures far too powerful. His lucky Mars is being corrupted by both Venus and Saturn. Moreover, these planets are not friendly planets to his Pisces Moon chart. They rule the most difficult houses. This is where he laid victim to his own seek of pleasures.

Conviction and Soft sentence, 2008

Starting from 2005, a woman reported to the police that his 14 year old stepdaughter had been paid and taken by another girl to Epstein’s mansion. He was paid $300 to strip and massage Epstein. The FBI subsequently got involved into the investigation. Many other girls that were minors were also found to be having the same deal. Victims after victims were being forced into sexual abuse. All this investigations were going on and finally Epstein was arrested in June 2008. He pleaded guilty of procuring for prostitution of minors below 18. However, he had a secret lenient plea deal with the former Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta. According to Acosta, he had been ordered by higher government officials to do so as Jeffrey was an important individual to the government. At that time, Bear Sterns fund had failed and it was acquired by JP Morgan.

Jeffrey was sentenced to 13 months with work release. The jail conditions were far from terrible as he was housed in a private wing of the jail. He was allowed to leave jail on ‘work release’ for 12 hours a days, 6 days a week. While under house arrest on probation after serving the sentence, he was allowed numerous trips to his residences in Manhattan and US Virgin Islands. In 2019 July, Alexander Acosta resigned his position of labor secretary after being criticized for his role in handling Jeffrey’s case.

Jeffrey was somewhere in his moon period in 2008 and before. Saturn was transiting over his 6th house aspecting both his powerful 8th and 12th house. Rahu and Ketu was also transiting over his 12th and 6th house respectively before 2008. His moon is not badly placed and is connected strongly to his material houses. The transits did hurt him but not as strongly in his moon period.

Sex Trafficking Charges, 2019

In 2014, another law suit was filed against Jeffrey and alleged that he ran a ‘sexual abuse ring’ and lent underage girls to important and powerful leaders and officials. Victims have pointed out that Ghislaine Maxwell had been helping Jeffrey in his immoral conducts. With the help of his assistant Ghislaine Maxwell and other abused helpers, Jeffrey continued his sexual abuse and he even ran a sex trafficking ring. Eventually, Jeffrey Epstein was arrested again in 2019 July and he died in jail in August before he was formally sentenced. He was found dead hanging. Autopsy showed that he had a broken bone in his neck which is very rare in hanging suicide cases.

By this time Jeffrey should be crossing over to somewhere in his Rahu period now. His Natal Rahu is being disposited to the exalted Saturn in the 8th house and his Natal Saturn rules the 12th house of prison and endings. Should he be born later in the day, and he went into his Rahu/Saturn period, it would have been a horrible time for him. On August 10 in 2019 when he died, both Saturn and Ketu were transiting over his 10th house defaming him. Saturn and Rahu were also aspecting his 12th house of prison. Mysterious Neptune was exactly on his Natal Venus and Mars in the 12th house of endings. His cause of death was disputed even though it was ruled as a suicide by hanging. A homicide could have happened and his death became a mystery.

Drunk in steins of sex

It was sex Jeffrey Epstein was addicted to, and he had a drop too much of it. His worse move is to force and sexually abuse minors to his gratification. It propelled into a bigger deal when he can actually lay honey baits to instigate people to act in his hedonistic ways. Many minors were abused, some of his friends got hooked into his deals, while other innocent ones risked their reputation just to be associated with him in the past. There will be another Jeffrey Epstein or Harvey Weinstein again. Just turn and walk away.

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Jeffrey Epstein Moon Chart 01

Jeffrey Epstein Moon Chart 01


Jeffrey Epstein Moon Chart 02

Jeffrey Epstein Moon Chart 02


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