Michael Phelps: Most Decorated Olympian

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps: Most Decorated Olympian

Michael Fred Phelps II is an American competitive swimmer and the most decorated Olympian of all time with 28 medals under his belt, with 23 of them being gold medals. Phelps leads the list of most gold medals won at any single Olympic Games with 8 gold medals that he won in 2008 Beijing Games. Subsequently, he won 4 gold and 2 silver medals in 2012 Summer Olympics in London, and 5 gold and 1 silver in 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Phelps is the most successful athlete of the Olympics 4 times in a row in year 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps


With Rahu in 11th house of elder siblings, he can have elder siblings and he is the youngest of 3 children. Extremely Malefic Mars for his Gemini Ascendant is aspecting his 4th house of mother and 9th house of father. Moon as significator of mother sits in 6th house of difficulty debilitated. Saturn ruling the 9th house of father is exalted but conjunct Ketu as significator of losses in the 5th house. Sun as significator of father is also conjunct malefic Mars.

His parents divorced in 1994, when he was nine years old. Phelps began swimming at the age of seven, partly because of the influence of his sisters. He stated that “The only reason I ever got in the water was my mom wanted me to just learn how to swim. My sisters and myself fell in love with the sport, and we decided to swim.”


Phelps has Sun and Mars in the Ascendant plays a part in his athletic skills. Sun rules the 3rd house of competition, and Mars rules another 6th house of competition as well as 11th house gains. All 3 houses are the upachaya houses which signifies a great ability to overcome all odds in his efforts with the power of the growing houses. With Sun and Ascendant in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Ardra, his struggles and determination push him in his endeavours. Ardra nakshatra is related to Rudra the lord of storms, which can give rise to his competitive swimming. With Moon in Jyestha nakshtra signifying the eldest one with leadership, he makes a legend in arena of swimming and the Olympics.

Olympics 01

Olympics 01


Athens 2004, Greece

In Summer Olympics 2004 and 2008, Phelps was in Ketu period where Ketu is conjunct an exalted Saturn ruling the 9th house of fortune sitting in the 5th house of entertainment sports. Ketu’s dispositor is Venus located strongly in the 12th house of foreign lands in Taurus.

In 2004, Phelps won a series of butterfly, medley, and freestyle medals with 6 gold and 2 bronze medals.

Beijing 2008, China

In 2008 Ketu/Mercury period, Transiting Jupiter as ruler of 10th house of career was strongly situated in the 7th house of Sagittarius, 10 houses away from 10th house of career. It was aspecting Transiting Saturn ruling 9th house of fortune in the 3rd house of competition, and Natal Rahu in the 11th house of achievements. Transiting Rahu was conjunct Natal Jupiter ruling the 10th house in the 8th house of the unexpected.

From the moon chart, Transiting Mercury was exalted in the 11th house of achievements with Transiting Sun ruling the 10th house of career, and Transiting Mars ruling the Ascendant. Transiting Rahu in the 3rd house of competition was aspecting all the planets in the 11th house of achievements. And Transiting Jupiter was in the 2nd house aspecting the 10th house of career.

2008 was the legendary time for Phelps to achieve the impossible, a total record of 8 gold medals in a single Olympics that remains unbroken till this day.

Olympics 02

Olympics 02

London 2012, United Kingdom

Phelps was beginning his Venus period where Venus is located strongly in the 12th house of foreign lands and Venus rules the fortunate 5th house of entertainment sports. He was meant to carry awards home from foreign competition. Transiting Jupiter was also conjunct the strong Natal Venus and also aspecting Natal Jupiter which also rules the 10th house of career. Phelps won 4 gold and 2 silver medals in 2012 Summer Olympics.

Rio 2016 (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil

In 2016 Venus/Rahu period, Transiting Rahu was in the 3rd house of competition aspecting the 11th house of achievements and Transiting Jupiter was aspecting it’s own 10th house of career.

Phelps stated his retirement in 2012 and announced his comeback in 2014. Despite his newborn baby and marriage occurring in the same year, he still made a comeback and won 5 gold and 1 silver medals. He persevered to the very end in the midst of his stressful circumstances.

Marriage and Relationship


Phelps has malefics Sun and Mars aspecting the 7th house of marriage. He also has Venus as significator of spouse in the 12th house of losses but it is strong in it’s own sign of Taurus. He also has malefics Rahu and Saturn also aspecting the 7th house of marriage. Jupiter ruling the 7th house of marriage sits in the 8th house of obstacles, debilitated. In the marriage chart, even though 7th ruler Sun is in the 1st house aspecting it’s own 7th house, Venus is again in the 12th house of losses aspected by Ketu as significator of losses as well as an exalted Jupiter but located in the 6th house of difficulties.

Phelps has significant challenges in the area of relationship and marriage.

Marriage with Miss California USA Nicole Johnson

In 2006 June in Venus/Rahu period, Transiting Rahu and Jupiter were in his 3rd house both aspecting Natal Rahu in the 11th house and all aspecting the 7th house of marriage. Transiting Venus was in the 1st house aspecting the 7th house of marriage. Even Transiting Saturn that rules the 9th house of fortune was in the 6th house aspecting it’s own 8th house of secrets where Natal Jupiter is, ruling the 7th house of spouse. Transiting Saturn was also aspecting the 12th house of privacy where Natal Venus as significator of wife is. Transiting Saturn was also aspecting Transiting Rahu and Jupiter.

This brought a manifestation of marriage for Phelps and Phelps married former Miss California USA Nicole Johnson secretly on June 13, 2016 only to announce it 4 months later. They met in 2007 at the ESPYs, temporarily broke up in 2012 and got engaged in 2015 February. Their son, Boomer Robert Phelps, was born on May 5, 2016.

The Marriage, The Baby, and the Olympics

With Moon debilitated in the 6th house of difficulties and Transiting Saturn was right on top of it during the marriage. Phelps was in his sade sati, a period of great stress. Phelps was probably stressed over the marriage and the baby, and got married only after the baby was born. To protect his privacy, he only announced it 4 months later. He was also making a comeback in Rio 2016 taking part in the Olympics in the same year.

With Venus ruling the 5th house of the mind and children is located strongly in the 12th house of seclusion. Phelps is a solitary man and he likes his privacy. He is noted to be an extremely kind-hearted man with his interaction with children after practices.

Michael Phelps: The Flying Fish

Phelps idolized Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe as a teenager and modelled himself after Ian. With Thrope’s remarks that it was highly unlikely for Phelps to win 8 gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, the remarks was used as a motivation instead and Phelps pasted it to his locker during the Games. Eventually, he got his 8 gold medals. For a very good reason, he was nicknamed the Flying Fish.

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Michael Phelps Birth Chart 1

Michael Phelps Birth Chart 1

Michael Phelps Birth Chart 2

Michael Phelps Birth Chart 2

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