03 Sep King Charles: Why does King Charles love Camilla?
Sun and Moon Connection
The main common and traditional connection between 2 person’s relationship is the Sun and the Moon. Other connections are also available but this is the most common in most couples. The Sun of a person either opposes or conjuncts the other person’s Moon. This is the natural companion combination whereby the Sun has access to the other Moon’s rays at 100% aspect and vice versa. Eg. Sun is in Aries, the other person’s Moon is in either Libra or Aries. The tighter the degrees, the stronger the connection.
You can compare person A’s Sun and person B’s Moon in the 2 birth charts, one’s marriage to the other’s birth chart, the other’s marriage chart to one’s birth chart, and the 2 marriage charts. So there is a possibility of 4 connections. On the other side comparing one’s Moon to the other’s Sun, again there is a possibility of 4 connections. So altogether there is a possibility of 8 connections. It is extremely rare to have 8 Sun-Moon connections. Just even 1 Sun-Moon connection is possible to stick the 2 people together. The Sun just loves the Moon’s all-embracing care, protection, feeling and emotional support while the Moon just likes the Sun’s energetic, lively, open-hearted and motivated approach. This is the mind-soul connection between 2 people.
The more sun-moon connections there are, the more super-glue there is. There can be flaws in the connection if the sun or moon ends up in the other’s 6th, 8th, or 12th house. An example would be an exalted sun that ends up in the other person’s 7th or 8th house can bring an overbearing, oppressive and violent partner. There can be physical abuses. There are also other planet connections to review like Natal Venus, Ascendant, 7th ruler, etc.
7th house connections
Basically, the marriage or relationship goes extremely well when the 7th ruler of one’s chart goes over to the other’s chart Ascendant, 5th house, or 9th house. And life is very good when the same applies to the 1st ruler. Other houses are also generally good like 11th, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 3rd where 2nd and 11th houses are also particularly good. 7th house itself is controversial and depends on circumstances as the ideal situation is to leave the 7th house empty and alone. Generally, there can be obstacles when the 7th ruler ends up in the other person’s 6th, 8th, or 12th house though not always. These are just general guidelines and there are many other connections and considerations. A single difficult connection is not the end of the world and difficulties can be averted if you are aware of the circumstances. You are looking at the wrong direction if you are looking for perfection. There is no perfection.
King Charles III
Natal Sun: Libra 29:16
Natal Moon: Aries 7:17
D9 Marriage Natal Sun: Gemini 23:32
D9 Marriage Natal Moon: Gemini 5:37
Princess Diana
Natal Sun: Gemini 16:20
Natal Moon: Aquarius 1:43
D9 Marriage Natal Sun: Aquarius 27:06
D9 Marriage Natal Moon: Libra 15:29
Duchess Camilla
Natal Sun: Cancer 00:40
Natal Moon: Gemini 16:55
D9 Marriage Natal Sun: Cancer 6:02
D9 Marriage Natal Moon: Pisces 2:16
Diana Frances Spencer and Prince Charles
Princess of Wales
What matches Princes Charles to Princess Diana are Prince Charles’s Natal Sun and Princess Diana D9 Natal Moon as well as Prince Charles’s D9 Natal Moon and Princess Diana’s Natal Sun. There are 2 sun-moon connections here. There are also other planet connections undiscussed.
So Prince Charles and Princess Diana are meant to be married. The windsors stated that Princess Diana had to be a virgin in order to be the queen someday. The fact that Camilla lost her virginity prevented her from marrying Prince Charles. And quite fairly, there is a single sun-moon connection between Prince Charles and Camilla whereby Princess Diana has 2 connections with Prince Charles.
Princess Diana brought some fortune to Prince Charles’s life. Princess Diana’s 7th ruler Venus goes to Prince Charles’s 11th house of fame, recognition, gains. Princess Diana’s 1st ruler Mars goes to Prince Charles’s 2nd ruler of wealth, and family. With Princess Diana’s magnetic personality, it brought Prince Charles fame and recognition as well. And Princess Diana gave them a family too by giving birth to Prince William and Prince Harry.
What hinders Princess Diana’s marriage later on is mainly the marriage chart 7th ruler Sun and 1st ruler Saturn in Aquarius in the Ascendant which seems good for marriage in her chart. However, when you match Princess Diana’s marriage chart to Prince Charles’s chart, it ends up in Prince Charles’s 8th house where it brought her misery and Prince Charles shame. Diana’s Saturn also aspect the 1st ruler Moon in 10th house, 7th ruler Saturn in 2nd house, and 5th ruler Mars in 5th house which brought disruptions to Charles’s career, family, marriage and children.
Camilla Parker Bowles and Prince Charles
Duchess of Cornwall
What matches Princes Charles to Camilla so strongly is Prince Charles’s D9 Natal Sun and Camilla’s Natal Moon. Subsequently when you look at Camilla’s chart, her 7th ruler Saturn ends up in Prince’s Charles’s Ascendant which explains why they get along so well over the years. Her 7th ruler in the marriage chart is Mars and it ends up in Prince Charles’s 12th house whereby their affair doesn’t end up in the public officially. But they got married in the end too in 2005.
One’s Natal Jupiter or Natal Venus ending up in the other’s Ascendant is a very fortunate connection especially to the latter person. In Camilla’s case, it is an exception as Saturn rules the 7th house and it is also a very fortunate connection. There are some other types of exceptions.
Lot/Part of Fortune
Lot/Part of Fortune (LoF) is a sensitive point in a person’s chart that can hold some fortune for an individual if there are positive transits to that point. This is material fortune for the person, career success, assets, marriage success, etc. When it lands near to a natal planet of the marriage partner, the marriage partner’s natal planet is the activation point of fortune for the person. This applies to the natal planet of the partner’s marriage chart as well. The natal planet of one person either conjuncts or opposes the LoF of another person. Jupiter 5th, 7th, 9th aspects, Saturn 3rd, 7th, 10th aspects and, Mars 4th, 7th, 8th special aspects can work too.
Lot/Part of Spirit (LoS) is the spiritual or soul fulfilment of a person. A partner’s natal planet in contact with the LoS of a person will activate soul fulfilment of a person that may not be materially related. This is the soul fulfilment of the person that no material fortune can give. Use it flexibly. For some people, material things like marriage can be a soul fulfilment.
The same applies to Lot/Part of Eros which is actually Lot of Love (LoL). This is a relationship/marriage activation point. When it lands near to a natal planet of the marriage partner, the marriage partner’s natal planet is the activation point of love/marriage for the person.
King Charles III
Lot of Fortune (LoF): Aquarius 3:14
Lot of Spirit (LoS): Sagittarius 19:15
Lot of Love (LoL): Libra 8:17
Camilla Parker Bowles
Lot of Fortune (LoF): Gemini 27
Lot of Spirit (LoS): Cancer 24:30
Lot of Love (LoL): Gemini 2:39
Princess Diana
Lot of Fortune (LoF): Cancer 9:36
Lot of Spirit (LoS): Aries 8:51
Lot of Love (LoL): Sagittarius 15:36
Who loves who more?
We can also do a comparison of who is being loved? Actually, all of them have been loved deeply. But let’s see how much they love each other. We see the close contact of their individual LoL (Lot of Love) with the other’s natal planets.
Who does Prince Charles feel being in love with?
Prince Charles LoL at Libra 8:17 is activated by Camilla’s Jupiter (Libra 24:34) in the 4th house. Charles’s LoL is also trined by Uranus (Gemini 0:43). It is also activated by Camilla’s Uranus (Libra 6:28) in the marriage Ascendant tightly and Ascendant degree (Libra 16:17). This Uranus has a double love-struck effect.
Prince Charles LoL at Libra 8:17 was also activated by Princess Diana Neptune (Libra 15:19), aspected by Ketu (Aquarius 4:51) in 4th house, and by Saturn (Capricorn 4:29). It is also activated by Diana’s Moon (Libra 15:29), Uranus, Jupiter (Aries 16:01), in the marriage chart.
So Prince Charles was loved by both women in different ways and in varying degrees.
Does Camilla feel loved by Prince Charles?
Camilla’s LoL at Gemini 2:39 is activated by Prince Charles’s Uranus (Gemini 6:47), Jupiter (Sagittarius 6:44) both by about 4 degrees, by Ketu aspect (Libra 11:49) by 9 degrees, and by Mars 8th aspect (Scorpio 27:48). It is also activated by many planets and very close to Charles’s Jupiter (Gemini 0:42), Moon (Gemini 5:37), Sun (Gemini 23:32), and Uranus (Sagittarius 1:06), and Mars 4th aspects (Pisces 10:16) in the marriage chart.
Camilla’s LoL is touched by Charles’s planets, many within a 4 degrees range.
Does Princess Diana feel loved by Prince Charles?
Diana’s LoL at Sagittarius 15:36 was activated by Prince Charles’s Jupiter (Sagittarius 6:44) and Uranus (Gemini 6:47) both by 9 degrees and Rahu (Aries 11:49) in 10th house by 4 degrees. It was also activated by Charles’s Jupiter (Gemini 0:42), Moon (Gemini 5:37), Sun (Gemini 23:32), Uranus (Sagittarius 1:06) in the marriage chart by wider degrees.
Diana’s LoL is touched by Charles’s planets at wider degrees.
The closer the degrees, the stronger the connection. Normally an orb of within 3 degrees is extremely strong. All you need is just 1 planet close and it can be very potent. Degrees count here as Camilla’s LoL was much more strongly activated by Prince Charles’s natal planets as compared to Princess Diana’s LoL. Here we can see that Princess Diana was loved by Prince Charles, but then Prince Charles does love Camilla a lot more than Princess Diana.
You can do the same for the other Parts/Lots.
Material Fortune (Lot of Fortune)
Prince Charles’s LoF (Aquarius 3:14) is activated by Camilla’s Jupiter (Libra 24:34) at a wide degree. But it is very activated by Camilla’s 5th ruler Saturn in 3rd house (Sagittarius 1:27) with a tight aspect. So Camilla’s communicative, romance, and intellectual exchange aspects are a fortune to Prince Charles. He felt loved and understood.
Prince Charles’s LoF (Aquarius 3:14) was activated by Princess Diana’s 9th ruler Moon (Aquarius 1:43) and Ketu (Aquarius 4:51) in 4th house extremely tightly, as well as 1st ruler Mars (Leo 8:19) in 10th house. It was also activated by Diana’s 1st ruler Saturn (Aquarius 10:28) and 7th ruler Sun (Leo 27:06) at a wider degree. So Diana’s home, career, marriage are blessings to Charles’s fortune. She gave him luck and fortune, a home and family, a more noticeable career image, as well as a marriage.
Camilla’s LoF (Gemini 27) is activated by Prince Charles’s 9th ruler Jupiter and Uranus at wider degrees. But it is strongly activated by Charles’s Sun 11th ruler (Gemini 23:32) as well as Moon, Jupiter, Uranus in the 9th house at wider degrees in the marriage chart. Being married to Prince Charles finally gave Camilla luck and fortune, dignity, and a final reputation and financial gains to her life.
Princess Diana’s LoF (Cancer 9:36) was activated by Prince Charles’s Ascendant (Cancer 12:16), and Pluto. It was also activated by 1st ruler Venus (Cancer 29:11), 5th ruler (Cancer 19:08), and Rahu (Cancer 16:22), and Neptune (Cancer 8:54) in the 10th house in the marriage chart. Diana’s fortune comes from being the wife of Prince Charles just by being in very tight contact with Charles’s life (Ascendant). His career as the future king is the fortune for Princess Diana.
Soul Fulfilment (Lot of Spirit)
You also cannot ignore the LoS (Lot of Spirit) which simply could just be the most important factor because it is the unseen spiritual fortune of a person. When a powerful natal planet like the 9th ruler, Jupiter, Sun, or Moon conjuncts, opposes, or aspects a person’s LoS, it has the ability to spiritualize the person, or even convert the person’s religion and pull the person’s path to a religious one. It can prevent the planting of bad karmic seeds of the future. Jupiter’s trine or Mars and Saturn special aspects also work. It is extremely psychological and powerful.
Prince Charles’s LoS (Sagittarius 19:15) is highly activated by Camilla’s 1st ruler Moon tightly, 4th ruler Venus tightly, and 12th ruler Mercury. It is also highly activated by Camilla’s 7th ruler Mars (Gemini 13:27) in the 9th house as well as Saturn, and Mercury in the marriage chart.
Prince Charles feels a very fortunate and beneficial impact to his soul fulfilment by Camilla’s beneficial impact especially the moon that represents the mind, and the marriage and fortune going to him is a blessing.
Prince Charles’s LoS (Sagittarius 19:15) is highly activated by Princess Diana’s 10th ruler Sun (Gemini 16:20) tightly, as well as Mercury, and Ketu. It is also activated by Diana’s 5th ruler Mercury in 11th house, and 10th ruler Mars (Gemini 14:57) in the marriage chart.
Prince Charles’s career is getting a great boost in his own reputation from Princess Diana’s magnetic touch on the public image.
Camilla’s LoS (Cancer 24:30) is highly activated by Prince Charles’s Pluto (Cancer 23:25) in the Ascendant. It is also activated by 5th ruler Saturn (Cancer 19:08), 1st ruler Venus (Cancer 29:11), Rahu and Neptune in the 10th house in the marriage chart.
Camilla’s constant contact with Prince Charles and his love for him never falter despite the many ups and downs of the challenges of life. This highly transformed Camilla’s life and how she views life to be over the years. She feels the love of Prince Charles.
Princess Diana’s LoS (Aries 8:51) is highly activated by Prince Charles’s 1st ruler Moon (Aries 7:17), Rahu (Aries 11:49) in the 10th house as well as Sun and Mercury in the 4th house in the marriage chart.
Princess Diana feels spiritually charged when she is able to connect to the public as a royal trendsetter in philanthropic work and tackling humanitarian issues through the fame of Prince Charles.
The conclusion is same as real-life. They were both loved by Prince Charles, but Prince Charles loves Camilla a lot more than Princess Diana.
This is only a portion of relationship synastry destiny. There is no perfection.
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Princes Charles Birth Chart 01

Princes Charles Birth Chart 02

Princes Charles Marriage Chart 01

Princes Charles Marriage Chart 02

Princess Diana Birth Chart 01

Princess Diana Birth Chart 02

Princess Diana Marriage Chart 01

Princess Diana Marriage Chart 02

Camilla Parker Bowles Birth Chart 01

Camilla Parker Bowles Birth Chart 02

Camilla Parker Bowles Marriage Chart 01

Camilla Parker Bowles Marriage Chart 02
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