2019 July Predictions

2019 July Horoscope Predictions

2019 July Predictions

This July new moon falls on July 2 in the sign of Gemini, in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) Ardra at Gemini 16:30. This is a huge solar eclipse. The solar eclipse will conjunct Rahu (North Node of the Moon) and Venus in Gemini, and opposing Ketu (South Node of the Moon) will conjunct Saturn exactly with Pluto as well in Sagittarius. Weakness of the economy is showing up now. It has been there for a long time but snowballing until some proper actions are taken. Preventive measures are a little too late. Some action measures have to be taken before it further worsen but the worst is not yet over.

Saturn is retrograding and exactly conjunct Ketu in nakshatra Purva Ashadha and quite closely conjunct a retrograding Pluto. Its dispositor Jupiter is also retrograding in Scorpio. The foundations of many are built on weak grounds and everyone has to suffer under these consequences. Companies’ expansion are brought to a halt. Some companies will wind down.

The nakshatra Ardra symbolizes a human head where it is linked to the Gemini sign of the mental capability. Companies are foreseeing the impact of the global trend. No companies can survive without incoming profits. In order to survive this ordeal, headcounts are slowly being cutoff. There are abuse of power in the companies. Unemployment will rise and for some, it has already started.

Venus conjunct Rahu in Gemini but its dispositor Mercury is conjunct Mars in Cancer where Mars is debilitated. Moreover, Mercury is going to retrograde on July 7. The fat earning salaryman on higher levels are being sought after to reduce overheads first. If you are affected, take a break for this is not yet over. You are not the only one, so cheer up!

Below are the predictions from July 2 onwards. You can read below predictions from your Ascendant or your Moon sign.


You run the risk of being retrenched and this puts a strain on your family. You need to rebuild your life slowly again. If you are unharmed, don’t let the global trend affect your mood. This brings fear to everyone around you. Do not gloat over others’ misfortunes for it too can happen to you just by your behaviour alone.


Your luck in career is undergoing a big change and you need to relay the message to your spouse that everything will turn out fine. Your business partners are weak themselves and cannot offer any help to you. You may try to find work or other sources of income but this month will not produce much results under the eclipse and a retrograding Mercury. Efforts are futile and timing is not right.


Your spouse is deeply impacted by whatever is going on in the world and around him/her. He/She is having some troubles and you yourself are going to be weakened and affected by him/her and people around you. Although you feel sad and angry, do not speak pessimistic words as it brings down your luck and people around you.


Your body will present to you the final truth of your body condition this month. If you have been fooling around and indulging in all that life has to offer you, you will feel the stress now. Enemies are out in the open and lurking behind enclosures. Stay out of the way of others as you can be their targets easily. You are too weak to take on anyone right now.


As you spend all your time building on your dreams, too much time have been spent and you have been neglecting your children. You have been taking on too many social invitations too. Slow down and see what is lacking your attention. Any creative expeditions are going to stop for a while.


You have been showing off your much needed existence in the company but are you overdoing it? You are losing friends and organizational support by doing so. You have been neglecting your home for too long because of the fear that you have. Your home and children are directly affected by your behaviour and activities.


Although you are tasked to make a busy trip, you are unable to do so as you home and children needs your attention this month. You wanted to take a break from everything that is going on but work in the office is pulling you back. Business trips are not very fruitful and flight schedules get cancelled.


Too many things are happening in your life right now trying to deal with the fluctuations in your life. You seem to have lose your ability to earn money and you are totally in a loss. As you deal with one issue, another issue comes up. You start to lose faith. You retract back and take a look at the outlook of your life. You are trying your best to stay positive.


There are some troubles with your spouse and you are losing yourself over it. You are having emotional storms because of this and you are starting to lose your life foundation over it as you retreat back into your cozy sanctuary to reinvent yourself.


Events happened in this month caught you off guard. You are losing yourself just to earn a living for the family back home and you are losing time to spend time with them. You could also be living in foreign land away from your family that you feel very distant from them. You receive no help or support in foreign land.


Friends are not helpful this month as they carry sad or fearful news to you. Avoid social meetings as they disheartened you with their stories. You might want to support them but you are feeling too weak now. You are in the mood for some entertainment but things are holding you back. Go for it to uplift your mind from all those stress. You can deal with them later.


There is a major transformation for your career but it will turn out well many months later. If you lose your job, it is good to take a journey out to see the world and know that there are opportunities everywhere. Spend some time at home which you are meant to do anyway in the coming months. If you take up the work of others who are leaving the company, the more time you need to spend at home and rest as there is simply too much work.

Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.

To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.


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