Ayumi Hamasaki: M(A)DE IN JAPAN

Ayumi Hamasaki: M(A)DE IN JAPAN

Ayumi Hamasaki: M(A)DE IN JAPAN

浜崎あゆみ Ayumi Hamasaki: M(A)DE IN JAPAN

Hamasaki Ayumi, a Japanese recording artist, lyricist, model, and actress achieved great popularity in Japan and Asia. As much as she resisted, her name has slowly become a product, which her latest album is amusingly called Made in Japan. Being the Empress of J-Pop, she is known as Ayu あゆ by her fans.

Love Life

Hamasaki has Mars, Venus, Uranus in the 7th house of marriage. She is always going to marry someone that is able to spark her love life and make her feel love. Her marriage partner will never be the common man and will always be someone unusual and eccentric. She has so far married an Austrian and an American.

Marriage with Austrian Manuel Schwarz

In Jupiter/Saturn Period from 2010 to 2013, Jupiter is exalted and is the significator of husband. Saturn is in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Purva Phalguni which is ruled by Venus, the significator of relationship. Saturn is in Venus lunar mansion and Saturn is aspecting Venus in the 7th house of marriage as well whereby Venus also rules the 7th house of marriage.

In 2011, Hamasaki announced her marriage to Austrian actor and model Manuel Schwarz where she met him in 2010.

In her marriage chart, Saturn is both aspecting Jupiter the significator of husband as well as Venus, the significator of relationship. In 2012, she announced that she would divorce Schwarz.

Marriage with American Student

In 2013 Jupiter/Mercury Period, Transiting Jupiter was in the 3rd house aspecting Transiting Saturn and Rahu in the 7th house marriage, finalizing the marriage to an American medical student.

In 2016 Jupiter/Venus Period, Transiting Jupiter and Venus were in the 6th house of difficulties. Transiting malefic Saturn was retrograding together with retrograding Mars which rules her 1st house were in the 8th house of death. This brought great obstacles to her life and marriage and her divorce was finalized.

Future Relationship and Marriage

Hamasaki is currently running Jupiter/Venus Period until early 2019. Both Jupiter and Venus will strongly indicate a relationship for her. As Jupiter and Venus will soon transit over her 7th house of relationship, you can be expecting her to strike up a relationship in the year 2018.

Note: Due to the vast area of Fukuoka prefecture that she was born in, her marriage chart and other aspects of life cannot be fully analyzed in details without the specific location of her birth place.

Hamasaki’s Success

Leaving Home

Hamasaki success comes in the period of Rahu (North node of the Moon) with struggles as Rahu is in the 6th house of difficulties. It all started from year 1993 in Rahu/Jupiter Period. In 1993, Transiting Rahu was in the 8th house of huge changes aspecting her 4th house of home where Natal Jupiter is. Transiting Jupiter was in the 6th house of work conjunct Moon ruling her 4th house of home and Mercury ruling her 6th house of work. It is also aspected by Transiting Ketu from the 2nd house of family separating her from her family and home. Hamasaki moved to Tokyo to pursue a career in singing and acting.

Struggles and Bumps

Her initial career in modeling, acting in B-movies and cohosting in SoundLink magazine didn’t amount much. She got dissatisfied with her job, quit acting and moved in with her mother who also moved to Tokyo later on. While she was living in Tokyo she continued her studies in Horikoshi Gakuen, a high school for the arts but dropped out in the first year. She spent much of her time shopping in Shibuya boutiques and dancing at Velfarre, a disco club owned by Avex. This is where her life all changes when she met Max Matsuura who offered her a recording deal.

The Light of Success

In 1998 to 2001 Jupiter/Mercury Period, Mercury was all powerful exalted in her 6th house of work where both her luminaries of Sun and Moon are. This is the new beginning of her career and she made her debut in 1998 April with the single “Poker Face” following 4 more singles after that, each one more successful than the last. Her debut album of “A Song for XX” released in 1999 concentrating on loneliness and individualism resonated with the Japanese public. In 1999 March, Ayu-mi-x album was also launched being the first of a series of remix albums. In 1999 November, album “Loveappears” was released and topped the Oricon charts. From her music success, she began her Ayumi Hamasaki Concert Tour 2000.

From her Sun and Moon Charts, both planets ruling the 10th house of career being Mercury is exalted, further powered up by Rahu planet. Her career took flight in 1998 with continued successes later on. In 2000, Hamasaki released a series of singles of “Vogue”, “Far Away”, “Seasons” which focused on her reflection of her disappointments in life. She also wrote for her album “Duty” which resonated with her fans. In 2001, she released her compilation album “A Best” in competition with Hikaru Utada’s album.

In 2003 to 2006, there was a decline in sales and Hamasaki was dissatisfied that Avex was treating her like a product. There was a change in her singing directions. She began to work on “My Story” album which she wrote freely and honestly which many of its singles topped the weekly Oricon charts. In 2006, her 7th studio album showed new musical directions. In 2007, she also released the compilation album “A Best 2”. 2 versions of the album debuted top 2 positions on any Oricon album chart.

Further Success

Hamasaki is in her Jupiter/Venus Period where both planets are strongly placed in her birth chart. Today, Hamasaki continued her musical success with her most recent 17th studio album entitled M(a)de in Japan. It was released through music streaming website AWA and it reached 1 million legal streams after only 5 days of release. The physical formats is released on June 29, 2016.

Hearing Loss

She has a stellium of planets in the 6th house of work and disease. No doubt she is a workaholic in her music but there is too much energy in her house of health. In 1998 to 2001 in Rahu/Mercury Period, both Rahu and Mercury are in the 6th house of disease and with Mercury exalted and Rahu amplifying her health condition. In 2000, Hamasaki had an ear infection that later on developed into complete deafness in her left ear. She wrote in 2017 May that she is also losing hearing in her right ear and experienced dizziness and nausea. Virgonian has strong career traits and they are all about career. With both the luminaries of Sun and Moon in the sign of Virgo, she has vowed that she will continue to perform as the stage is where she truly belong and exist, and she doesn’t know anything else.

Ayumi Hamasaki and Dreams

Hamasaki said that she does not have dreams and she herself is a dream. She understands that her role is to realize people’s dreams. How much more can she sacrifice for the dreams of others?

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Ayumi Hamasaki Birth Chart 01

Ayumi Hamasaki Birth Chart 01

Ayumi Hamasaki Birth Chart 02

Ayumi Hamasaki Birth Chart 02

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