Tucker Cancelled Tonight

Tucker Cancelled Tonight

Tucker Cancelled Tonight

Cancel culture continues… except that it is cancelled by the authority from the public, not by the public. Even the number 1 news anchor, Tucker Carlson from Fox News cannot escape the onslaught of the oppression. Looks like the Great Reset has gotten to Tucker’s path as well and off he goes.

Just when the solar eclipse happened on April 20, 2023, it dropped a bomb on the career house of Tucker with his Natal Saturn in the 10th house. He was right into his new long weary Saturn period since early 2022 and now he is on his way to the new path awaiting for him. The start of a new period can often trigger huge changes that may be highly uncomfortable. The eclipse landed right on his Destiny point reminded Tucker of what he is here to do, and new opportunity will open up a pathway for him.


Rise of Independent Journalists

Future of Tucker Carlson

We already knew the trend of the rise of individual journalists and the fall of the main stream media. We have mentioned this before in

Fly to the Future Part 3

However, we do not know the events of how things will unfold by itself. It is a little clearer now. The Cancel Culture carried out by the authority on those who do not fall in line will oust out many stars who have different paths to walk. TalkRadio that sacked George Galloway in 2019 has opened up a new pathway for him on the Mother of All Talk Shows (MOATS). This is the global cancel culture operating behind the scene and the violation of the First Amendment. The inflation of fake news and propaganda on the main stream media shove many people away to look for alternate platform for the truth. People don’t like to be lied to. This will result in the acceleration of the future trend for the next 2 decades.


Time Tells Truth

Time Tells Truth


Just imagine that Tucker has a 4-6 million views on TV, and another few million views on the Internet. Ousting him out doesn’t just drop those fans out of Fox News. Many of these viewers do not watch all of Fox News. They only watched “Tucker Carlson Tonight”. It has just pushed many of those fans out of the main stream media.

The rise of individual journalists, entertainers, reporters, show hosts will continue to be on the rise based on popularism while main stream corporate engagements will continue to decline. Kids do not switch on the cable to watch news and entertainments anymore. Who does that now? People used to do that only in the hotels. Now, they just switch on the internet!

With Tucker as an alternate voice of the main stream, he is a huge risk to the 2024 elections. We can’t have that. Who might this “We” be? Sacking Tucker is to silence him so that he is bounded legally not to speak until 2025. However, it is also argued that the legal binding does not hold as Fox News has violated the contract agreement. We will see how all this unfolds for Tucker.

Tucker will tread a new path in the coming year and he will do pretty well near the end of 2023. With his Natal Saturn being debilitated, the initiative startup will be tough. But his career will pick up speed nonetheless. He is also going to do well in 2028, 2030, and 2035. How will he make his mark in the future? Where is he going to shine from? Wherever he is, he is very sought after by many. Tucker has announced that he is going to relaunch his show on a less restricted platform, Twitter. Elon Musk has removed many free speech restrictions on Twitter platform. Bonne Chance Tucker! And Au Revoir Fox News!

Welcome to the rise of independent journalists!


Rise of Independent Journalists

Rise of Independent Journalists



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