06 Jul Mariah Carey: Life of a Diva
Mariah Carey is not just one of the popular singer icon of the century, her voice and her looks separates her from the common singer arena. The American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress was awarded the world’s best-selling recording artist at the 1990s World Music Awards as well as the millennium in 2000. She is the 3rd best-selling female music artists of all time.
Diva at work
Her success depends very much on one planet among all of her gifts, her Venus. Her Venus is at the highest degree of all planets and behaves very maturely and energetically. Her Venus is her atmakaraka, her soul planet that leads her to her true desire of her soul. Her Venus is in the most powerful sign of Pisces in her birth chart, marriage chart, and children chart. Her Venus though not in strong houses, is always going to be extremely strong throughout her life.
Venus rules her 2nd house of singing and earnings as well as her 7th house of spouse, sitting in the 12th house of foreign countries exalted. Venus is also conjunct Sun and Mercury whereby the Sun rules the 5th house of entertainment and Mercury is in it’s own lunar mansion of Revati together with Venus in the 12th house. Even though Mercury is debilitated, it is super-charged with an exalted Venus and it is in it’s own lunar mansion. This empowers her Venus and Mercury even more, enabling her to bring her singing capabilities to world class entertainment level popular worldwide.
Venus exalted in 12th house of losses means that she will have quite a few relationships in her life but Jupiter as significator of husband is debilitated in her marriage chart, so her marriages may not stay long. She was married to Tommy Mottola in 1993, partnered with Luis Miguel in 1998, married to Nick Cannon in 2008, and currently she is engaged with Australian billionaire James Packer. Her expertise in singing is undeniably unparalleled and will always make money for her.
Sun as the significator of father sits in the 12th house of losses. Moon ruling the 4th house of mother as well as the significator of mother sits in the 8th house of obstacles.
Mariah’s father Alfred Roy Carey, was of African American and Afro-Venezuelan descent while her mother Patricia is of Irish descent. The couple eloped and wed in New York. Patricia’s family disowned her due to her marrying a black man. Mariah grew up feeling neglected by her maternal family. When Mariah was three, her parents divorced.
Moon’s dispositor Mars sits strongly in the 1st house of Aries. Mariah went to live with her mother together with her brother Morgan.
Birth of a Singer-songwriter
Mercury ruling the 3rd house of writing is conjuncted Venus ruling the 2nd house of singing strongly. Mercury is located in it’s own lunar mansion in the birth chart. Mercury sits in the 2nd house of singing in her career chart and it’s 2nd house ruler is sitting in the 1st house strongly. This is the height of her career.
Her mother being an occasional opera singer and vocal coach, introduced Mariah to classical opera but never pressured her to pursue a career in it. Mariah soon begun to write poems and added melodies to them thus starting as a singer-songwriter while attending Harborfields High School in Greenlawn, New York. Mariah excelled in music and demonstrated usage of the whistle register.
Vision of Love Album
Mercury/Venus Period (1989 May – 1992 Mar)
Mercury is sitting in the 12th house in the same lunar mansion together with Venus and Venus is exalted. This is her period where she rose to fame with the release of the album “Vision of Love”. The album top the chart singles in the US and started a strong string of commercially successful albums afterwards. She became the first artist since The Jackson 5 to have its first 4 singles reach number one.
Marriage to Mottola, Music Box Album
Mercury/Moon Period (1993 Jan – 1994 Jun)
In the marriage chart, Moon is conjunct Saturn which rules the 5th house of love and they are disposited to the Sun and Mars in the 1st house where Mars rules the 7th house of marriage. In 1993 June, Transiting Venus ruling the 7th house of marriage was in the 1st house opposing the house of marriage. Transiting Jupiter and Rahu were both aspecting her Natal Venus, materializing the marriage. As the Moon is debilitated in the 8th house of death and Jupiter as significator of husband in marriage chart is debilitated, the marriage didn’t last.
Carey married Sony Music Head Tommy Mottola while she was recording Music Box, and married him in 1993 June. The success that followed her as well as her own focus on her personal life became a constant struggle for Carey to balance between the two. Eventually, Carey’s relationship with Mottola began to deteriorate and they got divorced in 2000 Dec.
Moon in the 8th house of charisma together with glamourous Neptune are dispositing to the strong 1st house Mars where Mars is conjunct the career ruler Saturn. In the destiny chart, Moon rules the 10th house of career conjunct Saturn, the yogakaraka planet of power and luck.
Carey worked on her third album Music Box and it debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 when it was released in 1993 August. The album’s second single “Hero” eventually become one of Carey’s most popular and inspirational songs of her career. Music Box spent extended periods at number one in album charts of several countries, becoming one of the best-selling albums of all time, with worldwide sales of over 28 million copies.
Merry Christmas Album
Mercury/Mars Period (1994 Jun – 1995 Jun)
Mercury and Venus dispositor is Jupiter in the 7th house of public aspecting the 1st house. Mars sits strongly in the 1st house conjunct career house ruler Saturn attracting everyone to her.
After a few Music Box Tour, Carey released a holiday album later in 1994 November titled Merry Christmas which became the best-selling Christmas album of all time reaching 15 million copies sales.
Daydream Album
Mercury/Rahu Period (1995 Jun – 1997 Dec)
Rahu is situated in the 11th house of hopes and dreams and its dispositor and career ruler Saturn sits in 1st house conjunct strong Mars. Jupiter aspects and empowers Rahu in the 11th house of gains as well as Saturn the career house ruler.
Daydream album’s second single “One Sweet Day” performed with Boyz II Men remained Hot 100 for 16 weeks and became the longest-running number-one song in history. It reached global sales of 20 million copies and Carey embarked on a short world tour titled Daydream World Tour.
Butterfly and Rainbow Albums
Mercury/Jupiter Period (1997 Dec – 2000 Apr)
Jupiter is aspected by expanding Rahu from the 11th house of hopes and dreams and its dispositor is the exalted Venus.
Carey began to take more control and initiative with her music and worked on Butterfly album. It was a commercial success but not to the degrees of the older albums of Mariah Carey, Music Box, and Daydream. In 1998, the featured duet with Whitney Houston “When You Believe” included in the soundtrack of “The Prince of Egypt” became a phenomenon in Japan and holds the record as the best-selling album by a non-Asian artist in Japan. Rainbow album was also a commercial success even though it was Carey’s lowest selling album.
Professional and Personal Struggles
Ending of Mercury Period (2000 onwards)
When Mercury period was ending, her Ketu period was beginning. Ketu signifies losses and sits in her 5th house where the dispositor Sun is in the 12th house of losses. Ketu is in the 12th house of losses in the destiny chart and the dispositor of Ketu is Saturn debilitated in the 6th house of difficulties in the career chart.
Carey parted from Columbia and signed contract with Virgin Records America (EMI records) in 2001 April. Given full conceptual and creative control over the project, she had overworked herself.
During Mercury/Saturn period, Saturn in the destiny chart is disposited into the Sun which is debilitated in the 1st house. After the relationship ended with Mottola, she had a 3-years relationship with singer Luis Miguel which ended eventually as well.
Marriage to Nick Cannon, Children Moroccan and Monroe
Ketu/Saturn Period (2007 Nov – 2008 Dec)
Both Ketu and Saturn are located in the lunar mansion ruled by Venus, which in turns rules her 7th house of marriage. From the Ketu period chart, Saturn rules the 7th house of marriage as well. In 2008, Transiting Saturn was conjunct Transiting Ketu and Natal Ketu, which were all disposited into the Natal Sun in the 12th house when Sun is conjunct ruler of the 7th house of marriage as well as significator of marriage, Venus.
Carey married Nick Cannon on April 30, 2008 in the Bahamas. They subsequently have twin kids Moroccan and Monroe in 2011 April in Venus/Venus period where Venus is conjunct the Sun, ruler of the 5th house of children. In the children chart, Venus all by itself is in the lunar mansion ruled by Saturn, the ruler of the 5th house of children.
Mariah Carey, The Real Venusian
The symbol of a top-notch multi-talented Venusian of the century goes to Mariah Carey.
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Mariah Carey Birth Chart 01

Mariah Carey Birth Chart 02
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