25 Jun 2018 Mars Retrograde: What if you are annoyed by someone?
2018 Mars Retrograde: What if you are annoyed by someone?
Fire Fire!
What if you are annoyed by someone?
What if you are shown the Angry Red Card?
People are getting frustrated and flash the angry card everywhere.
You will see the fastest red card in history right in front of you!
This is it! Mars retrograde conjunct Ketu (South Node of the Moon) in Capricorn is finally coming on June 26-27. Mars being exalted in Capricorn and going retrograde is extremely abnormal. Can you feel the heat?
Actions of all kinds will be hindered so don’t execute any big moves until it’s over. Mars will be retrograding with Ketu from June 26-27 to August 26-27. Look at how governments are reshaping themselves globally these months. Fear and anger will surface from groups of people.
You will still be burnt by the scorching heat after Mars goes direct on August 26 as it will remain in Capricorn all the way till November 6. From November, you will have to deal with the aftermath.
For Sagittarius, it’s best not to vent your rage on others. In these 2 months, if you don’t have anything nice to say to someone, don’t say anything. Sometimes, verbal mistakes may not be correctable even with apologies.
For Scorpio and Taurus, as well as for Leo and Aquarius, take extra care than normal and be alert when you are travelling. Things are even more intense when Mercury also goes retrograde from July 26 onwards, and opposing retrograding Mars ad Ketu. Letting that car cut into your lane will not make you late.
For Leo, you need to take in more water and more greens. You need to alkalize that body of yours.
When people are angry, you don’t have to jump into that defensive conversation. You are secured and you know who you are. Letting that anger out right to someone’s face is not a good idea.
It’s ok if you are wrong. You don’t have to retaliate. If you are being angered by someone, Smile and Silence will reduce 90% of the problems.
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Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
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