28 Nov Virgo in 2018
What will happen to Virgo in the year of 2018?
Satisfaction comes with perfection.
– Finale Future
Virgo have no lack of resources this year for money walks the talk now. You have been recuperating well behind the scene for a while now. Now you are ready to take on the world again. You are ready to face the world again on a big scale. Rahu (North Node of the Moon) is going over your 11th house of organization and dreams now. Whatever it is destined for you to achieve is waiting for your command to execute the plan now. Any hopes and dreams that you have previously or always hold in your mind have to be released into actions now. There are more social gatherings and events now and your links from your circles can contribute to your aspirations. Pick up friends with similar interest along the way. You will be able to achieve something great.
After the Solar Eclipse on February 15 in your 6th house of health, there can be some sudden and mysterious health issues coming up but they are here to pass. Any influenza that catches you in the flu season will be sudden but the recovery is also quick and sudden. You might be undergoing some difficulties in your life that you have to deal with as it comes up. Take it as an opportunity to learn and things will improve gradually.
Ketu (South Node of the Moon) has moved into your 5th house of creativity and children. You might feel a little disconnected with your children now. As you have just shifted your life focus to fulfilling your dreams, you will need more time executing your plans and socializing. Time will have to be sacrificed for that but tend to your children so that they understand you are always there for them from time to time. Your creativity has an unusual pinch of originality that you can put on the plate of your aspirations.
After the Solar Eclipse on August 11 in your 11th house of dreams and aspirations, this is when your dreams will get manifested. If you have prepared and planned well for it, this signifies the execution start point. You will not regret for whatever you have done so far as the passion burns within you to achieve something great in your life. You will be recognized for your achievements. There can also be great gains in terms of financial benefits as well.
Saturn does rule your difficult 6th house after all and it is aspecting your Ascendant. Do take care of your health this year. Any warnings that the body is giving you, there is no harm in going for a checkup. Stay in shape and you should be fine.
Jupiter transits into your 2nd house of earnings. With Rahu in the 11th house of great gains and Jupiter in the 2nd house of earnings, monetary gains are waiting to enter your life. Don’t try to block it by being negative. Think and act, the money is yours to grab. Your great plans and ideas will not yield anything if you procrastinate and do not take any actions. Venus will conjoin Jupiter in the same house with retrograding motion from September onwards till in the end of the year. 2nd house is also the house of speech. You have the gift of the gab now. Clients, friends, bosses, and practically anybody that you come into contact with will get smitten by you easily. With a bigger monetary power, you have an excess that you can spend luxuriously on the family. Plan something for the family. Joyous time is here for you to celebrate.
As Jupiter changes sign in mid-October from October 11 onwards into your 3rd house of communications, this is exploding your aspirations and achievements further. Everyone will look for you in your specific field. Stand and be recognized for you are the go to man. Jupiter and Rahu are mutual aspecting each other empowering your 11th house of achievements. There will be social gatherings that people are waiting to get to talk to you. This is your moment. Any sales and marketing efforts is going to get you more business and clients. Launch your promotion campaigns strategically and wait for your rewards. Be ready for a serious relationship coming into your life. Both Jupiter and Rahu are aspecting your 7th house of relationship. Forget the rest of the flirting encounters for this is your Mr or Mrs Right. The feeling will be just Right and you will know it. For those in relationship, get ready for an upcoming proposal. For marriage couples, joyous loving time is awaiting for you.
Mars will be exalted and retrograding in your 5th house of creativity. Mars will transits over this area between May 4 and November 6. Do take note of your children for this does not bode well for their well-being during this time. Mars being a malefic planet is going to create problems with your kids. Any health issues should be sought out fast. If they are being rebellious, know that this period will pass quickly in a few months. Argument will create more anger that will have unpleasant aftereffects. Traveling is not advisable for the children during this time. Your creative pursuits get a major boost from your ingenious ideas and grant more credibility to your aspirations and achievements.
Both Jupiter and Saturn are aspecting your 6th house of work and 10th house of career. This is definitely a career and finance year for you. You do know that you have to sacrifice some family time to earn those extra bucks right. Mercury retrograding in the career and financial houses will help you along the way in pathing your career. Make the best of your career now before Jupiter jumps into the 3rd house in mid-October. Any plans that you have for your job is taking shape slowly. By the time Jupiter shifts sign in October, your harvest can be seen and there will be reward awaiting.
This is just a snippet of the possible life events that will happen to you in general in the year of 2018. To find out what exactly will happen in your personal life, please check out our Astrology Services below.
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Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.
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